"tern. pair sees es is asst sis sess sese sen _ Summer Wash Belts 25c. NE Eyelet and Shadow Embroidery Wash Belts with pearl and gilt 'buckles. Just the thing for the white waist. Eachieiiieiieeiaieieearees 25C CF pA b jc) % 'High Class Curtains ah much reduced Come early. ~ DD lqts-- That's the price reason. Such curtains as Swiss, Arabian and Brussels. One to two pair of each pat- Clear-out price per THE PORT PERRY STAR T ER aturday Victoria Day UR milliners have been preparing fort Hat Opening for the past ten days. 4.95 - Come and sce the hats'that are right up to each hat distinctive with individual touche and workmanship the best, ribbons, flowers and See the window Each......... these in windows Friday. Lach Geese scree Summer Neckwear for Fach evsieeeiveenonan. 20 Ibs of Granu'ated Sugar for «ve... 3 packages of Dutch Cleanser «.oveveen.vonnn Heinz's Sweet Pickles per quart «.v.oeevensanns 2 Ibs. Black Ceylon Tea. oeeeeervneineen.n. Toilet Paper per rollivvieeeeeaann.. the Grocery Specials holiday. I 1 TA FLOPS---For Trimm See these Misses and Children. Leghorn and chip. chiffon, Vallenciennes lace and ribbon. dow Saturday. Each.... Men, Come Here for Holday Togs SY MMER Shirts the kind you will wear and feel proud of. Fabrics with style, made "right. W. G & R. high standard coat shirts, a big selec- tion, all sizes, from 12 to 18. Price from T5¢. to 2.00 Hot Weather Collars Muskoka ceeenesas $1.00 25¢. 25¢. 25C. 4c. Pincapples each. vuuevraesss covonnenantonanns Lemons pewdOzen. cveescesseisssaosssannensn. Bananas pr dozen. svesssssssssscooessaassosns Fruit Specials THE high grade, style right shown in cut is the Real New One for comfort and up- to-the-minute fashion, four ply linen. Each............ 20c. Single Fare to Port Perry Saturday on railroads. 15C. 15c. 19C. JONES DUNK £ 'Summer Millinery for L Now they're ready with the hats for hot weather--Ilots of them. DRESS 1IATS--New shapes trimmed with net, Thursday ceeveee.. $3.89 STREET HATS--Smartly trimmed with ribbons, wings and velvet. AND STANDARD, WEDNESDAY, MAY 20, 1908 E were ready long before the 'sun said * ready." Ready with great stocks of summer goods for the V. 'whole family and every home. Ready to give you dollar reasors for buying here! the quality reasons to give you sure satisfaction, ec SE \ 3 ; ; 5 Thursday, Friday, S : Keady wi h all All ready--quick march! = Get ready for the 24th. This Week he Summer INE Panama plain pleated pieats, others trin Colors are blacl brown, all sizes, r the minute, s. Material A Clearing of Better Skirts Ready -to-wesr Department 2nd Floor and Voile Skirts, some in two or three Cluster med with silk bands. navy, cardinal and kgular $7.50. Each 4.98 <, foliage. rush See .. $3.29 ings of in win- 2.50 os material trimmed with lac ing. Rare choice for .. White Lawn Waists to out at $1.29 IRE unloading at about cost of All that remain go, e, insertion and tuck- ieee. 1.29 The Money You Spend For the Jou protected by a guarantee. guarantee Seasons Ww pett Taff ws Dunk Petticoat is That full new premises you a car or you get a coat free. $5 buys our eta Silk petticoat made of pure silk without adulter- ants with ful Tana of any kind, and sold a signe l guarantee for I season's wear, Blak colors. Ezch $5.00 3 1 Well Dr essed 1 aie FOR LESS THAN $20 This is how we do it: 1 Summer Suit... $10.00 1 pair Tan Oxfords 1 Straw Hat ..... 1 Neglige Shirt... 1 Collar «evvennns "1 Tie 1 pair Socks: sveee 1 Belt... iviianenns vs Light Underwear... 1.00 Total PROSPECT Bp it could have been a trifle longer without danger-of being tires me. The first number was a selection by the visitine choir - "raise Ye the Lord" This was followed by a song entitled "The Little Dog Under the Wagon' readered by Herman Sanders Te was acco: panied by two ladics. one playing A leap year social will be held in Prospect church under the auspices i will be rendered, only ladies taking "part. Refreshments will be se ved 'at the cloe of the programme, There is a good treat in store for the gentlemen, Admission 20¢ the mouth organ and the other the schildren under 12 years 10¢. Mrs. organ. Edward Prescott (Rev.) L. Buell, president. 'gave a recitation entitled - 'Puzzled Boy." These numbers were well re- 'ceived and when the chairman The Anniversary services at the announced that Mis. Graham and Zion Methodist church wiil be Mr McDougall would sing a duet held on Sunday, May 24th, and there was a loud applause. ivi Monday, May 25th., 1998. | dently these tw Oo singers are favor Ow Sunday at 11 am. an illus: tes io Shirley. trated sermon will be given by the! Mr. Lambe gave two violin pastor, and at 7 pm. the Rey. solos during the evening and it is C. IH. Hainer of Little Britain will creditable to him that he has speak. learned something of the difficult On Morday afternoon there will art. His sclections were well re- be a Baseball match between ceived and Mr. Lambe should be Salem and Little Britain and also a encouraged to go on and inaster Football match between the single [his instrument until playing be- and married men Also a short comes second nature to him programme will be given by the children. On Monday evening tea will be served from 4.30 to. 8 o,clock and a fine concert will commence at 8 1o'clock. 1 The talent consists of Miss Flor- ence Lapp, M.-C. Thompson, | Mrs, L. Smith, Miss I. Downer, | Mrs. A: Snider of Seagrave choir, Zion choir, and Revs. Delve of | Blackstock, Moore and Hainer of Little Britain, and Brown of Oak- - Come early to the afternoon pro- + gramme, : |= Concert, only 25 cents. . meinen, "The ZION, 4.00 2.00 1,00 157 .50 .25 .50 The visiting choir gave a sclec- tion cntitled 'Spring Gladness" after which Mr. Farmer of Port Perry was called upon to address the meeting. Among other things he said that the Epworth League was a training school in which young Christians fitted themselves to work for their Master. He pointed « out. that. Christianity should develop the very best that is in a man. The next number wasa reading by. Miss Nesbitt~*'The Chariot Race" from Ben Hur. Theselec- tion was long. and the reciter evi: dently. feit this and. hurried the matter too much to bring out all the beauty and 'power 'that is in the dramatic scene. A little judic ious' cutting would be a good ing when such anumber is given. Just while we are speaking of this matter it might not be amiss ! to say that progiammes are gener: ally 'too' long. Fewer numbers with time for the performers to do ie | well would be better. - It is much '| better for the audiercs to go away | wanting more than fo: them 38 row tired of too much of a good $1940 and Tea 35 ceats, Tea naxt' amaphane gave two sels | . . . . . . {ong speech on the audience in fact | lections during the evening both of which were appreciated. | Miss Mrs. Bray and "\What Old Coates Iimbrey Said' gave some idea how casily some wen people get off the track to tell a story. | Mr Downey of Port Perry sang STH Wipe the tear from Every! recitation --* A Eve," and he sang it well © Miss Lamb's Biz Mistake" lthe troubles that come to the now 'preaciner. This recitation followed by a duet by Miss welyn Tener and Miss Ida Hare thy. These sihgers have sweet, clear voice | Scleetions by the choir and a recitation by Miss Nixon made up the programme except for number, and that was a star one the drill by eight litte girfs under "the direction of Miss Nixon. "Both teacher and girls deserve credit tor the way in which they carried out the drill. Those tak- ing part were Edna Vauce, Flossic Thomas, Pearl Graham, Evelyn Bedford, Annie Swain, Mamic McGinnis. Irene Byers, Jessie Byers. At the conclusion of the pro- gramme berry pie and other dainties were served in abundance. The proceeds were something over $17,00 plus a good time. one Sudden Death. Last Friday morning Mrs. Fred Reynolds, of Cadmus, died 'sud- denly of heart failure. For some time past she had been suffering with weak and fainting' turns and has lately been under the strain of "nursing Her boy through sickness. The boy is recovering but his motberdied.. Mrs. Reynolds, who was 38years of age, was quite popular\ in the ' neighborhood. Before her marriage her name was Annie Galbraith. Of late years she has been living with her bro: ther, Edward, and keep'ng house . for him. [A humorous dialogue by Miss entitled gave some idea of was | A cornet solo hy Mr. Idring was onc of the best numbers given |! RAGLAN. Dr. Tanner was a hearty cater , in comparison"to a pig owned by | Mr. Nottingham of Raglan. It is said that this pig was lost on Dec. 123. 1997 and was not seen until 19°86. Oa this date Nottingham was removing his straw stack when Mr. Pig'came to lirht, having fasted for go days. We have not been able as yet to fverity this story but it was given Fto us as it stands by oa reliable We should like to hear [more of this matter I | March 30, | Mr. | Peorson FINGIRDOARD, oo » Mrooand Meso Richard called on friends 1a Seagrave on I'Sundav. Mase Miss Mary Kine of Cadmus is (visiting her brother Marmaduke (King at Pleasant Point. Mis. Wm. Rodman who has been seriously ill for the last few days is slowly reecevering. Mrs. C. Rodman, of Markham, (is visiting her son Mr. Wm. Rod- man. Quite a numver of pcople from this vicinity spent Saturday in Port Perry. Mr. Bert Cloake called on his relatives here on Sunday. PRINCE ALBERT Mr. Emmerson, who has been ill for a few days has returned 'home. The Misses Hiscox have returned to their home to spend the Summer, Mr. E. Briggs has purchased the valuable property of Leason Barker. Mrs. H. Jeffrey has been improv- ing her property with a new. fence. Prince Albert division No 13 met last. Tuesday , and the following officers were 1nstalled:--W. P., Bro. James Holman; W. A, Sister J. , Pile, T., Sister B, Raymer ; F. 8., Sister Luella Turner ; Chap., Sister M. Barker; Con., Sister Edith Bond; 'Asst. Con., Bro John H: *