r! Pelore. I married | a avin the best of as mals may be Killed. 'Cleansé the the Sy sem. ~--Parme- getable Pills re the result' of 5 fle study of fhe effects of extracts] of certain roots and herbs upon the di- | gestive organs. Their use has demon- slrated in many instances that they re- ulate" the action of the liver and the idneys, purify the blood, and carry oft | all 'morbid accumulations. from the sys- Jlem, They are easy to-lake, and their detion: iS mild and beneficial. NOT CURIOUS, © certain employer of labor had re- ceived many 'complaints {rom his Tore- nign- as to ope of the hands, who, though' an excellent workman, and one whom it 'were undesirable fo -dismiss al- togehter, could never be induced to ar five at he proper time, in the morn- ng. So. oo employer, determining to ex- postulate with the offender personally, arrived early one morning and laid in ait for him. In due time the dilatory one strolled in and was accos'ed wralthfully: | "Do. you. know. what time we: begin} worl here in the marning?" "No, sir," was the calm reply, - ge 13 'brave ship was; wallow know they're always at it when 1 "here. AEE NE [LL3 OF BARYHOOD ; AND OF CHILDHOOD "The ills of babyhood and childhood are many and may prove serious if<not profpily cured. In homes where Baby's Own. Tablets arc kept there is a prompt cure al hand for such troubles as indi. gestion, sour stomach, colic, - constipa- titn, diarrhoea, worms, leething troubles and other minor ailments and the Tab ets can be administered as safely to a niew born 'baby as to the well grown child. Mrs, Octave Paulin, Caraquet, N. B., says: "I have used Baby's Own _Tab- Jols. for roth my little boy and girl for the 'various ailments of childhood and have: found them always a Splendid me- dicine. No niother should be without 'the Tablets in the home." Sold by medi cine dealers or by. mall at 25 he a box from The Dr. Williams" Medicine Co., 'Brockville, Ont. ; mtr i ONE ADVANTAGE. "Im glad I'm nob like man," remarks The oyster with a snicker, . "( simply can't get ina broil As long as 1 am in- liquor," Nat a Nausealing Pill,--The excipient = THOUGHT IT FLIPPANT, in the ] hat "thireatencd. lo -engu Ber-al Hastily the captain or 5 rackets and faves: 10° be igi . pumber of Ri in ne (hat they would-be seen and sengers and crew rescued. "the Toekeis' red glare a tall; "austere individual found his way pully to the rail and spoke wo said he, "1 protest. against ilishriess: We are: 8 nw fac- tho ingredients and makes up the pill mass. That. of Parmelee's Vegetable Pills 'is so compounded as to preserve their 'moisture, and they can be carried. "into any latitude without impairing their -f strength, Many pills, im order to keep |? "| them from adhering, are rolled in pow- ; gers: which' 'prove . nauseating to ine \ 'Parmelee's Vegetable Pills are so boi 'that they are agree to the *o! > most delicate. at 0 Lt ge n, ge " the scl e De er rive. German band. "If vas! ee "me thoughtful reply of the loving foreigner.' of a pill is {he substance which enfolds | "| are paleness of the lips, cheeks, shortness of breath and | tation 'of the: heart after the slightes exertion, 'dull eyes and loss of appetite. and may gradually pass into consump- tion, Jt can only be cured by 'treating ils cause--which is. the poor condition lo: every ig Williams' Pink Pills are (he great os new, rich blood and (hey hive been curing anaemia and 'other blood dseases for nearly a generation, and are now re- - | cognized the world over as-an invalu- able household remedy. Mrs. D.. Estabrook, Brooklyn Road; N B., seys:--"My daughter Gertrude, who is now in her sixteenth year; wis sickly from early childhood, we were constantly Joctoring for her, but it a not seem to help her in the least. fact as she grew older she semed 1 grow weaker. She was always le and listless, suffered from headac dizziness and - tation of the heart, She did nol rest al night, and would often toss and moan the whale nigat. Finally she had to _disogntinue goin, school, and as she" was Mine Jong ing doctors' medicine 'without benefit 1 grew discouraged, and feared we would lose her. Friénds urged us to give her Dr Williams: Pink Pills, and I finally decided lo. da so, By the lime she.bad taken three boxes there was an improye- ment, and a Hitle later she was able to return to. schobl. From that on she grew stronger, had an excellent appe- tite, slept well at night, and is now as healthy a girl as you will see. I. be. lieve that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills saved 'her life, and as a mother I would re- commend these pills lo every family in which there are young girls. All medicine dealers sell these pills, 8 box or six boxes for-$2.50 from The nt. --_------ THOUGHTFUL MAN. A lady who is subject to heart dis ease look lea last Sunday with a neigh- bor, and while silting al table her hus- band rushed in without a hat and in his shirt-sleeves, "Be calm!" he exclaimed hurriedly to his wife; "don't - excite yourself--you know you can't stand excitement, and it might be worse!" "Good gracious!" cried the wife; "lhe children-- "- "They're all right. Now, Mary, don't get exciled; keep calm and cool. can't be helped now; we must bear these-visitations of Providence with plfil- osophy." "Then it's mother!" gasped the wife. "Your mother's safe. Get on your things, but don't hurry or worry. U's loo Jale to be of any use, but I'll fly back and see what [can do. I only came te tell you not to get excited." "For mercy saks," implored the al- most fainting woman, "tell me the worst!" "Well, if you will have it, the con- sequences be on you own-_head, Mary. I've (ried to prepare you, and il you will know--don't excite yourself; try and keép - calm--but our kitchen chimneys on fire, and all the neighbors are in our front garden!" She survived. Cucumbers 'and melons are "forbidden fruit" to many persons so constituted that the least indulgence is [oJlowed by aflacks of cholera, dysentery, griping, ele. These persons .areé mot aware that they can indulge to their heart's content Jif they have. an hand a bottle of Dr. J. D.. Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial, a medi- cine that will give, immediate relief, and is a sure 'cure for all summer com- ner complaints, « That lady," 'said the ncw assistant, ished fo. know. if- {hese eggs were fresh?' ou, don't," Yeplied the grocer. Baie. Ith a bright yerybody | fave. You 3 no fam- Oh, 3 uf the blood. The blood musk be made, od Fen end red, thereby mehr Nia nourjshmen man | part of The body. it to _car- cine in the world for making or you can gel them by mail at 50 cents ok Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Fives How: do 1 {ell when eggs are not Bid Falher Become Saturated W With Various Dis. ense Germs. "The Paris municipal council has just 'made (ho alarm'ng discovery that some of housé; in {he working-class istricts 'of the cily are smitten with . This means that they ave ngs of death, since any- | body: in hubitating one eof them for any br of lime is practically certain to h the complaint. "Thal. buildings. can become satudated A long teen known to medical men. fe houses," for instance, were discov. 'ered by Mr. Semmes Smith in the Lins which were literally eaten up with this most terrib'e of maladies. | Another, jn. stanced by Mr, D'Arcy Pow.r, claimed test lau victims (hree tenants, who inhabited At one aller another, Ib wus hen set Anaemia itself is a dangerous discase | light 10 by the landlord, and burnt all standing together wilh everything that it contained. Plague, to, has been proved to in- fect cerlain dwellings afler a like fash- ion. In one case, mentioned in a re- cent report of the ers, a lurge tenement house in Bombay was so radly diseased that it meant death lo anyone rash enough to enler if It was, therefore, boarded up, and remained emply for over a year. Then lwo families of vagrant beggars, num- bering eleven persons in all, broke in, Land took up their abade there wilhout the knowledge of lhe authorities, With. il a week not one of them was left alive. Perhaps, however, the most extraor- dinary instance in po'nl is afforded by ibe case of Amber, the ancient capital of Jeypore, which contracted leprosy 80 badly that no one would dwell with- mm its walls who could help it, for fear of infection. So, eventually, Jey Sing, the then rajah, ordered a general exodus of all the inhabitanls that were left alive, The edict was duly carried out, and from that day to this the city has re- imained unpeopled, a prey to the loathe- some disorder that recent experience has shown to still linger in ils silent streets and deserted squares, FC , SLIGHT MISTAKE, Jim was fhe village ne er-do-well; al. ways in some scrape or other, nothing daunted by repeated thrashings admin- istered to him by his father, At the age of fourteen he ran away to seca, but was glad enough lo return home again al the end of six months, hav. ing had a very rough time of it, On he second day afler his relurn, he was walking, or, rather, limping, through the village When he met the parson, who Stopped him. "Well, Jim," said the minister, "glad Ww sec you've come back home. Did your father kill the 'fatted calf?'" "No, sir," replied Jim, "but he very nearly killed" the prodigal son." Fo % YEARS BAD LEG HEALED BY ZAM-BUK. Mr, C. Johnson, of Poplar Hill Creek, Athabasca Landing, Alta. says: "About nine years ago a running sore com- menced on my right leg caused by a ruptured blood vessel. As lime went on it gol worse and my sufferings were intense. 1 had a very sore leg indeed, and had very small hopes of ever see- ing it healed, in fact I was told by sev- eral who had known such sores that I would suffer with it for life. When 1 was almost ir? despair I heard of Zam- Buk and 'commenced using it. Other salves 1 had used caused me much sul- fering, but Zam-Buk soothed the pain, and as soon as the wound bécame clean it was only a matler of three or four days before -it was healed." Zam-Buk cures culs, burns, pimples, ulcers, ringwarm, and all skin dis- eases. All stores and druggists, 50c bux, or from Zam-Buk Co., Toronto. BN a_i] ee SHE SQUINTED. A schoolmistress asked a child what S-c-e-spell. The child hesitated. "What tl; F do when I look at you? said the teacher. "Thquint," replied the pupil. ther Graves' Worm Exlerminator. Worms dre one of the principal causes of suffering in children and should be expelled from the system. Few men have their faces on bank- notes, but most of us are satisfied f permitted 0 pdt our hands on theg. SER I 1a BLOOD causes much trouble, AE or Ty By Moor' "To 1a the 'Booking up from his magazine, an Essex. ol sajd vehemently to his wife bn night: "Do, you know what I'd have done if I 'had been Ndpoleon?" the woman. answered, "You'd tied: down in Corsica, and spent umbling about bad luck and surgeon morning recently by young - patient for He bu er, a hts n't you ge gir," she explained, heart is coming. to aT wane my Bais to : with discase germs after th's fashion has | "Can- | ¢cinshire Fens, England, and elsewhere, | dian Commission- | - =X Special Sale -- OF -- HIGH-CLASS ORGANS AT BARGAIN PRICES --=2=3 Did Jou ever decide that if you purchased an organ, you Would like any cer- tain make of instrument? If so, you will probably find it on this list. Every organ is an exceptionally good one and is priced away below. usual sell- ing values. An early order is advisable to seoure the organ of your choice. Better send your second and third choices in case the first should be sold before your order is received TERMS OF PAVYMENT---Organe under $50--8$5 cash, and $3 per month without in- terest, Organs over §50--810 cash and #4 per month without interest. . A discount of 10%, for cash. TERMS OF SALE Every organ fully Juaranteed.| Every organ shipped subject to approval. Ve, pay the return freight if not fully satisfactory. stool nies each organ. BELL--b-octave organ, by W. Bell & Co. Guelph, in attractive walnut case with music rack and lamp stands; has 10 stops, 2 sets of reeds in the treble and one in the bass, coupler and knee swell. Bpecial Sale Price DOMINION--S-octave organ, by the Dominion Co, Bowmanville, in solid wal. nut case with extended top; hae 8 stops, 2 sote of reeds in the treble and one in the bass, lamp stands, 2 knee swells, eto. Bpecial Bale Price.. KARN--6-octave organ, by D. W. Karn & Co., Wood k, in very hand wal- nut case attractively carved and panelled ; has lamp stands, music rack, 9 stops, 2 sets of reeds in thedreble and one in the buss, couplers, 2 knee $45 swells. Special Sale Price.. [PT DOHERTY--A very handsome 5 octave walnut organ, "by w. Co., Clinton; has 12 stops, 2 sets of reeds throughout, lamp stands, asic hla $41 2 couplers and 2 knee swells. Bpecial Bale Price ... J DOMINION--A very handsome organ, by The Dominion Co. Exhibition model design of odse, mirror, brackets and cupboard for music under the music desk; has 10 stops, 2 sets of reeds throug! out, Special Sale Price ........ SHERLOCK-MANNING--A very "beautiful "boctave organ, by the. Sherlock- Man ning Co., London, with high back, attractively carved, with mirror; has 13 stops, 2 sets of reeds throughout, 2 couplers, § knee swells, mouse-proof $58 pedals. Used less than six months. Special Bale Price .... THOMAS --6octave walnut piano-case organ, by The Thomas Organ Co stock, with mirror, rail top and fret-carved panels: has 11 stops, 2 ane ood. $83 reeds throughout, 2 couplers, 2 knee swells. Bpecial Bale Price ....... DOHERTY--6octave piano-case organ, by The Doherty Co., Olinton, in ebon- ised case, with mirror top and lamp stands; has 11 stops, 2 sets of reeds $79 throughout, couplers, 2 knee swells. Special Bale Price ..................... BELL--6-octave piano-case organ, by W. Bell & Co., Guelph, in attractive wal- nut case with mirror, rail top and fret-carved panels; has 11 stops, 2 sets $89 - of reeds throughout, 2 couplers, 2 knee swells. Bpecial Bale Price .......... DOMINION--6-octave piano-case organ, by The Dominion Organ Co., Bowman- ville, in solid walnut case, with carved panels and mirror rail top; has full length music desk, lamp stands, mouse-proof pedals, eto.; has 11 stops, 2 sets of reeds throughout, 2 couplers, 2 knoe swells. Cannot be told 88 from new. Bpecial Bale Price.. THOMAS --6-octave piano-case organ, by The "Thoms. Organ Con, 'Woodstock, in handsome mahogany case with mirror, rail top and attractive marque- try design in the panels: has 12 stops including couplers, vox humana, etc., 2 complete sets of reeds, knee swells, mouse-, proof pedals, etc. A 88 1 slightly used instrument. Special Bale Price SHERLOCK-MANNINGC--A very beautiful Sherlock- Manning organ in mahogany case, double veneered and piano finished throughout, with full length plain panels and music desk; has 13 stope, 2 sets of reeds throughout, 2 couplers, 2 knee swells, Amouse- proof pedals, ete. 8pecial Bale Price ..... DOMINION--Six octave piano casc organ, by The Dominion Organ Co., in hand- some solid walnut case with mirror, rail top and full swing carved panel; has 11 stops, including couplers, vox humana, etc., 2 complete sets of i reeds, Tonsepraor pedals, special folding pedal cover, etc. Special Bale © $04 _ Price ....... . 4 ESTEY--S8ix octave piano case organ, "by the Estey Organ Co. Brattleboro, vt. This superb make of instrument. "the standard of the warld in organ bulld- ing," is in solid walnut case with carved panels, 11 stops, 2 sets of reeds throughout, 2 couplers, 2 knee swells. Used less than a year. Special Bale 105 Price GOURLAY, WINTER & LEEMING 188 YONGE STREET, TORONTO, ONT. #30 #38 coupler and 2 knee swells. - $52 Pale, sickly children should use Mo-| A. J. PATTISON & C0. BANKERS, 33 Scott St,, Toronto, Phone, Main 1311 Bonds yielding 4 to 6 1-27, always on hand in amounts to suit investors requirements, Stocks bought and sold for cash or margin on New York, Boston, Montreal and Toronto stock exchanges. Orders for Nipissing, Silver Queen, Foster and all other Cobalt stocks executed for cash in New York and Toronto. Correspondents--Chas. Head & Co., Members of New York and Boston stock exchanges: WANTED Our readers to note that the celebraled 'French remedy, PANGO, Which has been and is sold upder a guarantce--that in cases where the outward applicatioh, as directed, fails to relieve pain, moneys paid will be relunded--still 'stands, withstanding the large ana increasing sale, has a réfund been In no case, not asked for, Recommended for neuralgia; headache, rheumalism, < gout, eatarrhal colds, sUifl joints, eto: Ask your druggist lof a sample and do nob accept a Substiate, You wil be. Bleusod with i Price 25 and 50 cents. ' ; : The Pango Company. Toronto