Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 15 Jul 1908, p. 6

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---- * BANK CLERK SANK TO DEATH Was Steering Yacht He Was Swept Overboard. Near Ottawa When A despatch from Ottawa says: W. A. Green, aged 21, of Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, who has been a teller in the Union Bank here for the past year, was the victim of a pathetic yachting acci- cent on Lake Deschenes, 9 miles from Ottawa, on Wednesday afternoon. Green and Mr. and Mrs. Laidlaw, their two sons, and Miss Brewder made up a merry party whch left Ayl- mer in a yacht in the morning and sulled across the lake to Shirley Bay. On the return trip in the afterncon the yacht was running free bef re a heavy breeze, and Green was slanding cn the Ceck handling the tiller. Suddenly the Taainsail jibed and Green was swept in- lo the lake by the boom. A life preserver was thrown to him, but he failed to get it and before the yacht could be brought about, he had sunk. Miss Brewder, who was Green's flan- cce, became hysterical and subsequently unconscious, and was revived with dif- ficulty after the arrival of the yacht at Aylmer. Green's body has not been recovered, FAMILY DESERTION. Children's Aid. The following ts taken from the ex- cellent report of Mr. J. J. Kelso, Super- intendent of Neglected Children of the Province, and is something which should stir every community to try and have the law bear more heavily on wile de- scrlers and non-supporlersi-- "The desertion of wile and children by the responsible head of the family cntnues to be one of the most prolific causes of dependency. Public institu- tions in all parts of the country are overcrowded woth this class, and in ad- dition to the nusery caused by these cruel desertions, the burden of expense thrown unfairly upen the charitable public is simply appalling. No effort is made to bring these men back and com- rel them to do their duly, and even when they remain in town they are al- lowed an order of separation in the pclee court that frees them {rom ro spansib lity, "Many children go astray because their mothers are widows or deserted wives compeleld to go out work ng and thus leave the young people to their own devices, This fact is emphasized almost hourly in every oflice where the problems connected wilh neglecled or dependent children are beng studied. Recently a young man called to ask ny advice about one of his Sunday School scholars, a bright, interesting lad of eleven. The boys mother and father separated some years ago, with the re- | sull thal the poor woman has to go out hcusecleaning Wo earn her living. The boy, although so young, hes leen en- gaced as a messenger and has been thrown into daily temptations beyond his years of moral strength. Twice al- ready he has been In the hands of the pelee and is regarded as having a crim- inal rceord. Just think of it, a litle fellow barely out of the kindergarten class who 1s known to the police and detective force as a dangerous youth, and this I was assured was the fact! What is ncedcd for this litle fellow 's not a reformatory, bul a god home in sime quiet coun'ry district where he will be under firm but kindly infln- elces," Ol UMBRELLA SCARED TIIE HORSE. . The Anbnal Ran Away and a Girl Was Killed. A despatch from St Catharines says: A falal runaway accident occurred here cn Salurday utoul ncon. As Wm. Ro- land, of Loulh Township, and his 22- year-old daughter, Alvinia, were driv- ing down the St. Paul Street hill lead- ing to the Grand Trunk Stauton, it ¢ m- menced to rain, and Miss Roland raised her umbrella, This fr.ghtened the harse, which ran away. Al a turn in the hill the buggy was upset. and bolh occupants were thrown out. Mr. Roland rceeived severe injuries, bul Miss Ro- land alighted on her head, rendering ker unconscious. She was removed to the hospital, where it was found her shull was [fractured al the base, {rom ear lo ear. She never regained consci- ousness, and died about 8 ¢'clock in the evening. --_-- A FATHER'S AGONY. Captain Louis Allan's Little Daughter Drowned Beneath Him. A despatch from Port Dalhousie says: A regreltable drowning occurred near Muir's dry dock in the old Welland Canal, Port Dalhousie, on Saturday evening. Captain Louis Allan, who sails a liner on the upper lakes, had teken Collette, hs nine-year-old daugh- fer, out bathing. He was teaching her 10 swim when she slipped off his back, disappearing. The water is rather dirty al the spot and the efforts of the father to locate her body were unavailing. Aid was summoned and in forty minutes the body was recovered. Dr. Thompson, Port Dalhousie, and Dr. Sheahan of St, Catharines were on the Spot when the child was found, and worked on the bedy for a couple of hours, but failed fc resuscitate life. en FOURTZEN YEARS FOR CRUELTY. "A Man Who Maltrexted Horses at Galt ' "A despalch from Gall says: John Bun charged 'with wanton and - Alen maltreatment of Iwo horses in Jocal hotel stable two weeks ago, as result of which 'both' animals tried on . Saturday * before Judge e. The evidence; though circum tial, was complete, and the judge! ed he Dr saner, sentence: alty provided b; penitent ary. died, | C. P. R. STATION ROBBED. Dynamite Used on Safe and Building Damaged at East Selkirk. A despalch from East Selkirk, Man., says: The C. P. R. slation here was rob- ted on Wednesday night, and the safe wis blown with dynamite, which com- pletely wrecked it, and also damaged the building considerably. The burglars secured about $60, most of which be- lcnged to the agent. The latter does rol live in the station house, his dwel- being about half a mile away; con- sequently the sale-crackers had no one te disturb their operatons. Th's is the second time within a month that the station was broken inlo, although the previous attempt was fruitless. The burglars, however, dril'ed a hole in the safe at that time, showing their inten- tions. fe A PITCHED BATTLE. Eighty Men Reported Killed in Fight at Tabriz. A despatch from St. Pelersburg sevs: The fighting which took place at Tu)» riz. Persia, on Tuesday, according to re- p<ris that have just come to hand via Boku, approach:d the dimensions of a real baltle, Eighty men are reported llied and many more were wounded. The exact casualties, however, are not gven. Hors men under Rachim Khan tok part in the fighting, They entered the town to support the Shah. A de- I'trchment of 350 revolutionary volun- teers, which slarted for Teheran lo de- throne the Shah, returned to Tabriz af- fer going forty miles. The inhabitants of Tabriz are panic strickrn, Only few men venture abroad on the streets. ok BOMB THROWERS IN INDIA, Prominent Persons Arrested in Connec- tion With Calcutta Outrage. A despaich from Calculla says: Seven arrests have been made in connection with the outrage at the Konkara rail- road slation on June 22, when a bomb was thrown into a compartment of a train, seriously wounding two European passengers, Among those arrested are a professor at the Bhatpara Sanscrit College and Dr. Brojoral Gosh, a famous Bengal physician. At least one of tht other prisoners is said also lo occupy an important positon in Indian society. ---- SNEEZED HIS EYE OUT. Peculiar Accident to Corporal Hart of London. A despalch from Guelph says: A very peculiar accident happened to Corporal Hart of London, on Thursday, who is in camp here with the medical corps of thal city. While sncezing the effort dis lodged his eye-ball, which come out on his check. The eye was replaced by a physician, and he is litlle the worse for the strange incident. --_-- 200 MEN PERISH IN MINE. Tragedy in Russia Was Caused by Ex- plosion of Gas. A despalch from Yusovo, European Russia, says: A terrible explosion of gas occurred in the Rokovsky mine on Wed- nesday evening, in which a large num- ter of miners were at work. One hun- dred and filty-seven bodies have been recovered, all of whom are badly burn- ed, but it is bebeved that the death roll will reach al least 200. Twenty-three of the men were rescued alive on Thursday, bul many of them are being taken out ol (he shaft.. There is great excitement here, and troops have been called to prevent disorder. - --_--e COULD NOT GET WORK. English Immigrant .Ends .Life With Laudanum at Fort William. 'A 'despatch from Fort William, Ont., says: Despondent at the non-suecess .f a five-weeks' search for work, William Robbins, a 'new-comer from England committed suicide by ng an ove dese of laudanum on Thursday morn: ing rtp rtiien ORCHARD ESCAPES GALLOWS, ment for' Life. A despalch from Boise, Idaho, says The Slate Board of Pardons on Wednes- L--No. 2, 86c; sample, 52 to 64c. Co yk His Sentence Commuted to Imprison- THE WORLD'S MARKETS REPORTS FROM TNE LEADING TRADE CENTRES, Prices of Cottle, Grain, (.ecese and Otler Dairy Produces at Home aud Abroad. BREADSTUFFS. Toronto, July 7.--Ontario white oats were sold to-day at 42, outside, and cther lots are offered at 43c on the same bass. } Ontaric Wheat--No. 2 white, red or mixed, 79c, } Manitoba Wheat -- Market quotations at Georgian Bay ports, No, 1 northern, 81.07%; No. 2 northern, $1.04}; No. 3 northern, $1.02%. Corn--No. 3 low offered at 78¢c to 9c, all rail. Barley--No. 2, 53c to 55c. Pcas--No, 2 quiet, nominally quoted at 9c. Rye--No. 2, none offering; about 88c. Buckwheat -- No. 2, nominally quoted 65¢ to 68c. Bran -- Offered at $15 in bulk out quotation €ry in bags, $2 more. ) Flour -- Manitoba patents, special brands, $6; seconds, $5.40; strong bak- ers', $5.30; winter wheat patents, sold al $3.15. en COUNTRY PRODUCE. Butter--Creamery prints, 22 lo 23¢; creamery solids, 21c to 2c; dairy prints, choice, 19¢ to 20c; dairy prints, ordin- ary, 18c to 19c; dairy tubs, 18c to 19c; inferior, 16c to 17c. Cheese--12%c to 12%c for large, and 13c for twins, Eggs--Quotations are 1® to 18c rar dozen in case lots. Beans--Primes, $2 to $2.10; hand- picked, $2.10 to $2.15. Honcy--Stralned, 11¢c to 13c per pcund; combs, per dozen, $1.50 to $1.75. Potatoes--Ontarios, 75¢ to 80c; Dela- wares, 850 to 95¢ in car lols on track here, PROVISIONS. Porli-- Short cut, $22 to $22.50 per bar- rel; ess. $18.50 to $19. Lard--T.cic s, 113c, tubs, 12¢; pails, 12% c. Smoked and Dry Salted Meats--Long clear bacon, 10%4c to llc, tons and cas- cs hams, medium and light, 13%c to 4c; hams, large, 11%c to 12c; backs, 16¢ te 164¢; shoulders. 93%c to 10c; rolls, 10c to 10}{c; breakfast bacon, 14¢ to 15¢; green meals, out of pickle, 1c less than smoked. MONTREAL MARKETS. Montreal, July 7.--Flour--Manitoba spring wheat palents, $6.10 to $6.20; sccond palents, $5.50 to $5.70; winter wheat patents, $5 to $5.50; straight rol- lers, $4.25 to $4.50; in bags, $1.95 to $2.10; extra, $1.50 to $1.70; rolled oats, $2.75 in bags of 90 pounds; oats, No. 2, 49¢ to 50c; No. 3, 47c lo 47%c; No. 4 46c bo 4634c; rejected, 45¢; Manitoba re- jected, 47c lo 47%c. Cornmeal, $1.75 to $1.85 per bag; millfeed, Ontario bran in bags, $20.50 to $21.50; shorls, 823 to $24; Manitoba bran, in bags, $22 to $23; shorts. $24 to $25. Provisions--Barrels short cut mess, 822.50; half-barrels, $11.50; clear fat Lacks, 832; dry salted lang clear backs, llc; barrels plate beef, 817.50; half-bar- rels do., 89; compound lard, 8%c to 93{c; pure lard, 12%c to 13c; ketlle ren- dered, 13c to 13%4c; hams, 12%c to lic, according to size; breakfast bac.n, 14c to 15¢c; Windsor bacon, 15¢ to 16c; fresh killed abatloir dressed hogs, $9.25; fresh killed abattoir dressed hogs, $9.50; live, $6.75 to $6.85. Cheese--Easterners are quoted at 12¢ and westerners 12¥%c to 12%c, with a few cables from across the water. Eggs--Selected, 19¢ to 20c; No. 1, 1734c to 18c; No. 2, 14c per dozen. Bulter--Finest creamery quoted at 23¢ W 23}c in round lots and 24c to gro- cers. Rece'pls for the week amounted lc 23,510 packages, compared with 17, 979 packages for the corresponding week of last year. UNITED STATES MARKETS. Minneapolis, July 7.--Wheat -- July, $1.06; September, 91)4c; No. 1 hard, $1.09%; No. 1 Northern, $1.07%; No. 2 Northern nominal; No. 3 Northern, $1.01). Flour--First patents, $5.30 lo $3.45; second patents, $5.20 to $5.95; first clears, 84.15 to $4.25; second clears, $3.50 to $3.60. Bran--In bulk, $18, Buffalo, July 7.--Wheat -- Spring un- settled; No. 1 Northern carloads, store 81.11%; Winter steady; No. 2 red 93c; No. 2 white, 94c; No. 2 mixed, 93¢, all track. Corn--Higher; No. 3 yellow, 6c; No. 4 yellew, 74c; No. 3 corn, 72%' to 73c, all track; No. 8 white, 630. --Higher; No. 2 while, 56}c; No. 8 white, 54%c, all track. -Barley--Feed: to malting, 58 to 63c. Rye--No. 2 on track, Me, Canal freights, wheat, 5¢ to New ork, . Milwaukee, July 7--Wheal--No, "1 Northern, 81.11 to $1.12; No. 2 North- ern, $1.00 to $1.10; September, 8734 asked. 'Rye--No. 1, 74% to 75c. 'No: 8 asked. 'cash, 70 to. 7c; September, 70% ah $1.01% Lob. alloal. side; shorts, $19; quotations for deliv-| FROM GLOBE. pt RAPPENINGS Other Countries of Recent Events, ie CANADA. . A tak and nail faclory is to be erect- ed at Welland. PE Canadian Pacifie- Rallway Sp reports foc Ontario are very favorable. London has paid off $60,000 of its bonded indebtedness. Creosote block pavements will be giv- en a trial in London. A 'new shoal hasbeen discovered in the St. Clair River near Sarnia, Bush fires are doing great damage near Charlton on the T. & N. O. In London, in June, there were 100 births, 54 marriages, and 50 deaths. Two White Star steamers will run 0 Monlr2al from Liverpool next summer. A cable across Niagara is suggested to prevent boats from being carried over the falls. Two young men named Dunn and Mc- Donald ran the Lachine Rapids in an eighteen-foot skiff, James While of Delaware township may be fatally injured as the result of an auto scaring his horses. Business in Nova Scotia, according to The Halifax Chronicle's reports, is in an exceedingly prosperous condition. Two Canadians were fined $15 each by United States officers for fishing in N.agara River without a license. The Derartment of Canals announces that it is expected the Cornwall Canal will be reopened for traffic on July 10th. William Paul will ke hanged at Port Arthur on Sept. 18 for the murder of Henry Schilling at Pinewcod in 1906. Chief of Police Randall of Guelph has teen condemned to pay six dollars for oonflscating some short-weight butter on the market. J. S. Wilson of St. Thomas pleaded guilty to sending obscene post-cards through the mails, and was lined $g and costs. Frank J. Farley,' about 24 years of age, and a young woman, name un- known, were drowned in Humber Bay, near Toronto. about 9 o'clock on Sun- day night. Their cance upset. While fighting a fire in the house with a baby in her arms Mrs. C. L..Pres- cri was probably fatally burned near Cupar, Sask., and the infant was burned to death. Edouard Clairmont was knocked down by a cab at Ottawa on Saturday and left lying on the sireet, according to the evi dence of a woman. A strect car came along and killed him. The report of the survey of the Otla- wa-Georg'an Bay ship canal places the cost of the work at ninety-four to a hun- dred milton dollars, not including land damages, GREAT BRITAIN, Dr. Osler will be a candidate for the Lcrd Rectorship of Edinburgh Univer- sity. The daylight bill, which proposes to encourage the use of daylight in Britain, has been approved by the select commit. fee of the House of Commons. The new battleship Inflexible, on her trial trip on the Clyde, did betler than her sister ship, the Indomitable, making just under 27 knots, UNITED STATES. Schoolcraft and some adjacent coun- ties in Michigan fear a grasshopper plague. The Louis'ana Legislature has passed a bill making bomb-throwing a capital offence Two hundred persons are homcless and scores destilute as a result of the tornado in Minnesota. A circus lion escaped at Reading and was oaplured by a policeman, who clubbed it into a corner. Five persons were killed in a head-on collision on the Missouri Pacific near Knobnoster, Mo., on Thursday. Slurgeons weighing trom fifty-eight to eighty-five pounds were trapped at the dam in Stevenson, Mich., last week. Four trainmen were killed in a head- on collision near Boonville, N. Y., on Saturday. : Glenn H. Curtiss' aerodrome, the "June Bug," won The Scientific Americans medal by a flight of over a mile at Hammondsport, N. Y., on Saturday. Al Elkton, Md., a (wo-year-old boy found a box of strychnine. pills, swal- 'Jowed several, and died in thirty min. utes. The United States Treasury's excess of expenditure over receipts for the fiscal year just ending will approximate $60, 000 The Health Department reports thal more than 60 per cent, of the children i2 Chicago public schools are Physically defective, ; ¢ © George Mamagona, an Indian boy, Las finished five years in the Elk Rapids High School without missing 4-day or being late." ALAR - James Gilman, a rancher Jose, mentally unbalanced: , near San snake, ~~ LIVE STOCK MARKET. Toronto, July 2.~Th ters were day commutted the sentence of orétiard. 0 'Was under ser CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS] Telegraphic Briets From Our Own and | for seven | § ars, recovered his sanity after being)" When Joseph Liston, O'Brien, was sentenced last. September: to nine months on Blackwell's Island for hurl as ugh the plate glass Torime of ome lhweugh tne zi as at Broadway and Willoughby ayenue, willamsury, he swore he would be into the store, his term having expired at noon time. He went to the lace cur- fain department. - He did not look like 8 man who knew anything about lace curtains, 'He asked one of the saleswo- men to show him some curlains, The saleswoman turned around to take from a shell a box of curtains when she heard the noise of the striking of a match. It is against the rules of the store to smoke, and thinking the man MAD DOG STARTS SCARE. Cattle and Swine Have Died of Hydro- _ phobia in Norfolk County. A despatch from Villa Nova, Ont., says: An epidemic of hydrophobia which is killing off the stock in Norfolk County, is causing consternation amongst the farmers in this d'strict. Many farmers have lost cattle and pigs and the danger is so serious (hal Dr. Burt, a velernary surgeon of Simcoe, has telegraphed to Ottawa for the assist ance of an expert in fighting the dis- ease. The trouble was started by a dog belong'ng to Valdo O'mstead, a farmer living a mile east of this village, The dog suddenly went mad, bit three of the cows and started towards Smcoe. Olm- stead's cows died, us did (hres belong- ing to a neighbor mamed Greg, and three pigs belonging to Wm. Honey. At Tyrell and farther south towards Sim- coe the ravages. of lhe disease are worse; it is feared that other dogs have been infected. So far no one has been able to capture or kill the dog which start- ed the trouble and the community is in a state of terror for fear of the chil- dren, Mee NEW POSTAGE STAMPS. A Special Centenary Issue on Sale This 'Week. A dcspalch from Ottawa says: The special postage stamps to be issued in commemorat on of the tercentenary celebration at Quebec are now on sale, The stamps are of most art'siic design, and are larger than the ordinary size, 'o allow of adequate representation of historic scenes, portraits; etc. The de- scription of each denomination is as fcllows:--Half-cent, grey, picture of the Prince and Princess of Wales; one-cent, green, portraits of Champlain and Car- tier; two-cent, red, King Edward and Queen Alexandra; five-cent, blu2, repre- sentation of L'Habitaton de Quobec; seven-cent, yellow, pictures of Montcalm and Wolfe; ten-cent, mauve, picture of Querec in 1700; fiiteen-ccn!, picture of tho Parliament of the west of the old regime; twenty-cent, green, picture of a courier du sois with Indians. --_--e SIX PERISH IN FIRE. Result of Explgsion. .of Pireworks in Cleveland Store. A despatch from Cleveland. Ohio, says: Five girls and a five-year<old Loy are dead, while possibly a score of others were more or less seriously in- jured, as the result of an explosion of fireworks in the S. Kresge five and ten- cent store an Ontario Street on Friday. A panic among the hundreds of clerks and customers followed the explosion. It was not known until nearly two hours after the fire 'was out, when the firemen began searching the building, that any lives were lost. The fire was started when one of the clerks was de- monstrating one of the pieces of fire- works, a spark from which ignited the others. : FIVE KILLED BY TORNADO. Forty Injured in Storm .Which Swept New Mexican County, A despatch from Sante Fe., N. M., says: Five persons were killed, 40 in- jured and many rendered homeless by a fornado on Thursday night at Fort Sum- 'A despatch from New York says: alias James On Tuesday afternoon Liston walked | There ing the screams they made a d the stairs and doors. 'They were. ed off, however, 'and a panic When some of the women lea Liston had {ried to set fire to {hey tried to reach him, and but presence ol several policemen he have been roughly handled. A despaich from London says: ccrding to The Iron and Steel Journal the English and. Scottish manufacturers have Jecided, after not to join the proposed internat! combine, but to ally themselves {h¢ national amalgamation that is ing formed to fight the Internation trust, This amalgamation, The declares, will soon be established, will consist of the principal Ame German, Russian and French steel panies, and flerce competition, both here and elsewhere, with a slump in pr may be expected to result from {| tagonism of the two combines. ---- - SWALLOWED PIECE OF BO) North Bay Man Expires in Hog] Port Arthur. A despatch from North Ba: says: Harry Hell, jr., travelin, sentative of the Heintzman Plan of Toronto, for territory belween 0 and Fort William, of North Bay, @ $ Port Arthur hospital Thursday, July from an abscess formed by piece © Lone swallowed which perforated . tines. He is survived by a widow and infant child. Interment was made ab Port Arthur. --_-- ; ALLURING ADVERTISEMENTS, Man Who Offered Situations at " peg Ids Disappeared. i A despatch from Winnipeg sayst'R cently a man came here and stand to publish advertisements offering 'a luring situations here. Letters be, to flood the mails, and the authorities had ther attention attracted to it. The Pcslal Department at once held up : mail, and at present have six the letters from all parts of Canada, the United States and the old country ralled, but the advert'ser has disappears ed. He will be prosecuted if ca he -------- A DIVER KILLED, George E. Pike Attempted to Turn Double Somersault, A despatch from St. John, N.B., says: Geo. E. Pike, aged 18; of St. John wes lost his life on Wednesday al the mou o! St. John Harbor. Leaping from' breakwater in an effort to turn a dous: ble somersault into the walter; he fifteen feet through the air and flat on his stomach. It was seen fr shore that he was hurt, and hjs bro Harry and another man swam to: and brought him to land, He expired few minutes later. Internal h g 'a was the cause, One Year's Deaths -on the Roads Massachusetts. wi A despaich from Boston sa. two persons were killed by within the State of Massachusetts ing the year ending to-day, ac tu the first annual Thursday by the Safe Roads Autor Association, an 'organization' fo June, 1907, to lessen the dan; cnt on reckless automohiling, number twenty-one were in aut merset, Guadeloupe County, New Mexi- C0. and forty-one were not. In addit persons were ser-qusly injured.

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