un front of town hall, 1933.00, __ Hemmingway Bro TOE WANTED E. H. Purdy is prepared to buy 5,000 bushels of Alsike Clover. HIGHEST PRICE PAID FARMERS can get their feed cleaned on short notice as my Dm ogeed cleaner is run by gasoline power. E. H. PURDY S CHOICE CUTS in all lines ot BEEF. LAMB, VEAL ETT" FRESH, SMOKED ) AND 4s Sick SALTED MEATS . You can depend Highest cash upon quality at prices paid. reasonable price p when you buy Nd meat from CAWKER BROS. Apples Wanted any quatitity at the BigWRed pple Evaporator, suitable for rating. for hich the highest prices will be paid that the business will afford, Bring them along early, "and don't allow any of them 10 go 10 waste, or get frozen, ; eats money. : Present price of apples "| Reach. $3.75. Thos, Pickard, 10, lot 4, $1100. ; J. Hemmingway, work 4, $16.50. Jas. Wilson, 2 culverts ) Whitby and Reach, $4.00 Geo. Thompson, gravel, $1. 7%. Jolin Masters, drawing gravel Manchester, $17.50. Mr. Ashérliurst, right of way to gravel pit lot 7, con. 9, $2.00. Wm. Stone, caretaking of hall, fwo mouths. : August aud 'Septem: ber, $2.00. Peter Dymond, cutting brush Reach, 62c. H. H. Gregg, 46 toads of gravel, .60, 57. $5.97. Mr. Veitch said that the road on the 8th cou. by Geo. Hart's has been washed out and is in'a danger- ous condition. Mr. Wm. Cook requested the council to clean out the ditch at the sink hole The matter will re- ceive immediate attention, Mr.. D. Boyce appeared before the council and objected to the closing of Star strcet, Manchester, The objection was received aud the street will not .be closed. Ina Breath There's Rest Breathe Hyomei and be cured of Catarrh, Lronchitis, Asthma Nature has a remedy for eatarrh, epidemic colds and bronchitis that is far better than dosing the stomach with medicine and drugs. It is the healing oils und balsams of Hyomei which medicate the air you breath, reaching the niost remote air cells in the nose, 'throat and '| lungs, killing all catarrhal germs and restoring health to the mucous mem- brane. Hyomei acts like a curative 'in- ternal air bath, and has the same healing and antiseptic effect ug the air where the Pine and Eaealyptic (dF ests give off their fragrant and heat: ing balsama. Breathe healing Hyomei aid See how quickly you will get relief from catarrah and beud colds. . If it does not helps you there will nat be a penny's expense, as 'E, B. Flint agress to refund the money. The and stone for cement work dn on townline between Whitby and {| them, fluffy white chiffon and net, in H. H. Gregg, work on road div. : For Gioia. he datiticat: ahd filiest of plain and colored hair [lines Price per box Aessasneana 3oc. £8 price per yard vovisians . SLA : ho f In Veiling ig The newest. in black, brown, green ana blue net with spots of the - : same shade, per yard ...... 25¢. Black Silk Chiffon, Taffeta, Peau de soie, suita for 'coats or suits, a most pleasin material, wear guaranteed, price per yard Peesrieraddy G ~ New Trimmings 'Wrapperettes Dainty, narrow, colored Gimps- and | : The 1 newest designs in newest colorin Braids, colors 'brown, _ green, navy, { with mercerised stripes and ecks, white and black, price only I oc. very pretty blouse material, ° per Yard sung cise ; price Per yard 1uviiiiiin sn $1 00 Ru oe # MANCHESTER over Labor Day, evening. Mr. and Mrs. J. Fursey are i the village at present. on Monday 'was largely atten and for the furniture, Amplem "| and horses large prices were pa The cattle sold very slowly. complete Hyomei outfit costs only} Miss Jessie Fitchett was Lome]: Quite a number attended the]: meeting at the church on Friday Bl Mr. D. F, Hagerman has gone. London for a few days. Mr. Raph Fitcliett bouglit a ne {driver at the sale, Mr. Wm, Stubbs has stoppe: buying eggs. Pri Zhe Tone Grave on Gull Take i The following lines were written by a lumber jack working.on one of Carew's drives last win- ter, and given to a subscriber in 'town who did bin a slight favor, thinking then of some merit the subscriber kindly handed them to the STAR. The subject is a lonely grave on an island i in Gull lake, which no doubt some of our camping out readers may have noticed while on a trip (o the back lakes. : Ina Northern forest where ine doth grow, And a noble river its course doth flow, Stands a lonely rave with i 0od=n CTOSS; + = Stained Near a fall of water, white and fa ast; : Lies this unknown body whose life is ast : But by what haud he niet his fate, : Weather and age hay Be 'record aud nam ] office White, SeALED Eh igned Hi 8 Suit ill be endar P, be ie t lowest ex guy ut de A