in to a. Hill, obo. The ill homestead has 'been closed the seaton and Mrs. McGill js einrming with her daughters. J. McE. Murray will re ceive on the first and third Mon: |- dave in October, and thereafter on 18 the first Monday of each month. We were pleased 10 heat that | : M Marshall: Stonehouse secured Mr. Walter Cook has returned from Lindsay," and will go into the restanrant 'this fall and winter with his brother Charles. The story of a radial railway etween Toronto and Port Perry is ing revived. Nothing definite, Election. Day is Monday, Oct. 26th. - Vote for Mr. Fowke, . 1}: A Succesful Millinery Opening {promptuess is a-virtue, ' It 'will too bad to Hold back the open of the library bécause a few pers {have neglected to look 'after t |inatter. : 5 . Church Notes. 5 ial Harvest: Home, services "Wednesday and Thursday of last week were busy days at Miss Waddell's millinery parlors. visitors were numerous andipot a prett hats were purchased be- ng. "The showing in- "yp some of the most stylish $hious. but the geueral tendency was to the more moderate styles. black dircctoire hat was a most striking example of up-lo date mil- inery. It was of large shape with high crown, trimmed with feather mount, jet buckle and broad band 1d elaborate bow of satin ribbon. A military hat in tan with high ilitary hackle and pleated ribbon were held in the! Anglican Church rimming in' brown, bad quite a {on Sunday. The church was™® : tifully decorated with all the na "of soil. Rev, of Tore ioot on Sue Miss aud : nit Eth) Lotd a will be observed in the - Presbyter- ian Church on Sunday, ht, pretty decorations * accoutpaniments with , tasteful display s ay be seen in the es uk & Co. hd is the 'pretty hats hou ht, 5 'but others be made to follow fashi art and up-to-date appearance. Dretty white Sage was trimmed soutache braid. around hed .a. ~high vy tog ies at thie left side MONET TO LOMN AT 4, 4: nd § PER GEV, Y: Fire, Life and Aceldent Insurance. Beal Huthie bought, - sold or exchange Principal Citi in any of the Provinces or' in the Dominion ot Canada MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED Agents Allan Line and C. P. R. Steamships. a E gE Tinware, Chimneys teware, {made Ei green velvet with feathers in the same and leather * 'shades of flow- ~ A favorite was a farge hat of ple velvet 'with foliage 'that made ' Perhaps the 'most { pops "production was of small mushroom shape with very high crown, made in brown velvet and trimmed with two shades of tan ribbon; browir wings and velvet buckle: Geo. Jackson's Sale Register A pretty good list for. October 2 Ed; Bryant, Seagrave; 3 W. A. o | Fanning, Lindsay; 5 Geo. -Smith 1 Reaboros 6. Geo Rutherford, Oromo Rev. W. Kenuer, P. A. 8 Mrs. bu Fens Seagrave vg Wm. 'Cas- 3 12 Albert Walsh, at 13 Geo. Coiilton, Scugog ; 14 Geo. Marquis, Vic. Cor., 15]. R. McKee, Reaboro 16 T. vat son, Sonya; 17 W, A. Fanning, Lindsay '1g T. W. Elliot, Ops; 20 Geo. Stone, Woodville ; 21 Mrs. H. Gibson, Newcastle ; 22 D: Gal braith; ville ; 23 Mr. Cob- bledick, i. 24 John Quinn, Myrtle, 29 FE. Hanéock, Wood- vi : 4 pleasing} Stationeiy. 'Toys, Dolls soap, brooms £ Ce © THE FAIR £2 4 ND AJJISOY 'JBaMJIapun $300 uJIdjueT] JeMBUIY)D 'A333504) 15 cents and 20c. per roll FOR . cts. a Roll my $pooD) AOUB.] 'SUOJJON 'IBMSSBD .