ay i f thi vices of the ie ES will be} jinday sex 'October 11. Conposil 'of McMaster preach morning al: collections unday 'mornibg; obe Mr. Johu Stovin. aie, | away in his 86th year, He in Englind and Ig there for a Ish Later he moved to Fort where 'he spent the = last ears of his life. The ov removes one of ren 1s ch Er ur ot] riage, who tool ow oe Goggin ua, was given by Dr. no to, whose stibject was Com- ntroduction'of thie ling ter the ar com ling into dis Sad sub ect "both the nie Rat "The aim of the : oe t Fe get hb expression and thought io mat- of child interest. Iu order to plish this the child must have thing to 'say and' a desire 1p : press-his thoughts, Expression such thought may be oral or itten and in Eo purely mechaui- matters of punctuation: and ipetling everything depends upon orough drilling in these branches. Xpression should be ds natural as sible and' to this end. the child d be éncolrgged Vo. write 'of 8! as hie has heard: Lorrection~ should be mutual ge over thé Som boufiion witli the scholar when ossible, and:let lim see. for him elf where the mistakes exist. - "In _ [this way spontaneity will not be destroyed through Tear, Plessant Surprise. +4 Ruby Wedding 'Monday' evening, October 5th, a number of wana friends of Mr. and Mr! ; heir residetice ou the i Port Perry, to assist in the {commemoration 'of 'their fortieth wedding day. | The pastor, Rev. R. H. teh. pleasantly calling the meefing to order, gave the ladies the right of precedence, whereupon the following address was read by the -WLM.S. Presidect, and pre- sented by the Secretary and treasurer; -- Fort Perss. Oct. 5, 1908 Peat Mis. Péarse--Petmit your friends, the ladies of Port Perry Methodist church, to come to yout with heartfelt congratula: tions upon this 'the fortieth andiversary of "your wedding day,and we wish you aud your "husband many happy returns of this riant event iu your dh as a kind Heaven- | has endowed you y gi ts and graces for tk; which talents you not witliheld, and your hax en appreciated 'while the good Omiscs seeds of rev | CROCKERY, € | Myrile. on _ f Bil with) rs a J. & DOUGLAS ADAMS BANKERS AND BROKERS MONEY TO LOAN AT 4, 4: aut § PER GENT. Fire, Life and Accident Insurance. Real Estate bought, sold or exchanged in any of the Provinces or Principal Cities in the Dominion of Canada oe the ibjest MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED Agents Allan Line and C. P. R. Steamships. a Sl Ee THIS WEEK IN CHINAWARE and GLASSWARE --rCm---- : . Xmas goods are crowding in and room is an abso- lute necessity. HELP us clear the shelves and we will help you save money, 1000 Re OLLS Wall Paper "10, 15, and 20 CENTS «+ 'PER ROLL FOR . . 5 cents a Roll