Serge, 42 inches wide, navy, l, brown, myrde green, 5 ~o Saturday.ssseese.s 39 Ce Tweeds for children's dresses, blue aturday a yd 3 ibs; 'Raisins . .e + eee Beats the world" Japan: Tea, black ; Grant Jf. preach at 3 an ci il music by t church funds' 26 Rev. J 1. given. ' MAPLEVIGLE 'R . were visiting with Sund ilson visiting friends in Ya Na See nd Serviceable Fall Suits ~~ $950 and $10.00 28 to 34 inch tight and semi-fitted coat, wide, pliin gored skirt, finished in plain tailored effect, materials venetian and panama, colors black, navy, grey and brown, 4 : "Price $950 and $1000 Whirling out the Ribbon k$ 74 inch Taffeta Ribbon, colors black, white, navy. brown, pink, sky, cardinal, nile, reseda and myrtle, Saturday per vard dioieiinennns Top-Notch Styles in Neck Ruchings Fashion decrees that the well dressed woman must wear ruching to give her cos. ture the finishing fouek: Saturday we invite you to see our immense collection, including everything from the narrow neat kind t» the wide Paget bow. There 5¢. to 20c¢. fluffy, triple ruchings at per frill, Tremendous Sale of High Grade 12.C. . & Sharp Clearance of Crash and grey mixtures, (9c. § : a 33: Towelling. Linen Crash, 17 in. wide, white with red border, Saturday per yard oii Sidecombs Regular 15¢ and 25¢. a pair Satur- a Patera 3s. & pair Satur 10c. 7¢. Belts for Women. Belts that sold from 50 to $1.50, silk. gold and silver effects, a big lot to choose 45¢ from, Saturday each vveee.... 4 Men's Stiff Bosomed White and Culured Shirts, sizes 1€ and 1634 only, regu- 49c¢. ir| ering from his illness. and collections op. 'behalf' of the Qn Monday Oct. Ross, of Toronto, nous lecture 'The : Admission, adults 2sc., Raives and fam: lar $1.00, Saturday. «iseceeesen ens EE ---- Boys' Heavy Ribbed Winter Hose, sizes 7 to 10 per pair Ae. 2 for 5c. Jones, Dunk & Co. Collar Buttons Swanton of Toronto were visiting Mrs, Jos. Flewell, + Mis, T. Smith, of = Blackstock, was {n the villagé on Snnday. Mr. Jos, Baird is steadily recov-| The undersigned having purchased the' blacksmith business formerly owned by Me. AW. Allin, is prepared 5 do all kinds ed general blacksmithing BPM, promptly and at reasonable rates. Hap 80d. Mis. Howard Potion He will make a specialty of horse shoeing and trip and are settling down on wd solicits your work. It will be quickly done and well farnt formerly owned by W. G. done as he has had considerable: experience in this McQlintock. line having run a shop for himself for a number of sears in the West. "The Woodwork Department will be in charge of Mr. A, W, Allin' whose name is a guarantee for satisfaction in this line. Cutters and Buggies painted and repaired "IMP. J: Johnson is draining' his fapm, ' "UY FINeKRBOARD. Mr. and Mrs, L. Wickett, Lindsay, spent Menday last with Mr. and Thos, Moase, Jr. Mr..D.. Beecroft, who has been visiting for a fow weeks with Mr. G. Smith bas returned to his hme in Toronto. Mr. Ambrose King. of Toronto, is spending a few holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. All King. Mrs. Brucs and daughter, of Cadmus, are visiting her brothers Frank and Marmaduke King, Plea- sant Point, Mr. R. Martin spent Saturday ia y ndsay, The work who diskeibites ihe Iie tle ones left a baby 'boy with Mr. and Mrs, | : S Sound Finance The safety of the investment is of infinitely greater Bros ee amount of fateren to be Gnd ; : 'Since this Company 's ization, not a dollar received from policy-holders has been lost through investments. assets consist of Mortgages, w 99% of the Company's Dann Bos nd Py Loape--all git edged A. 6. DOWSON Fy