\ have got the leader for the corral they are pretty certain of the rest of the drove. The flutterin cotton rags of the sham: fence are. sufficient to deter the brumbies| | from breaking. through 'the flimsy'! dl in les time than it | takés to tell the wild horses are] safely' corralled and the big gate | barriers, an 'shut on them. Then 'they are left for four and twenty hours' without "food and] "2 | water to reflect on the situation, 'land 'after that they can be broken i3 without much difficulty, ei eee. 3 A MAGISTRATE INVESTIGATES ZAM-BUK, Says It Is a Wonderful Healer and Does More Than is Claimed : . for It. No household remedy in existence hay won such glowing tributes from people in high places as has Zam- uk, Mr; Roger F. Perry, Justice of the Peace for British Columbia; tested this famous balm, and this is what he says of it: «"The Pavilion, Goldfields, B. "To 'the Zam-Buk Co., "Gentlemen,--After "a very fair hia (trial I have proved Zam-Buk emin: ently satisfactory. In my.case it euged a skin rash. of five years standing which no doctor had been able 'to do any for, #'I would certainly enconrage any porson to keep 'Zam-Buk in: their ome. It truly does even more than you claim for it. For my own part 31 I would not now be without it in the house. Yours very truly, / (Bigned) "Roger F. Perry, . "Justice of the Peace for B. C." s| Zam-Buk differs from ordinary s | salves and embrocations, for while ¢| these mostly contain animal oils 'and fats, Zam-Buk is purely herbal. It soothes and heals:cuts, sores, ul- cers, eruptions, boils, eczema, chafing sotes, eto. All druggists and stores sell at 50 cents a box, or from the Zam-Buk Co., Toronto, for price, 6 boxes for $2.50. rm tr-- MOST APPROPRIATE: : "How did that fellow fare when he started to fish for compliments 1" 'He got the hook.' CPURROVIM* 18 A GENTLE SEL Nv 'to. the stomach, Shor oby gestion. As a tonic Roca. Sug a, 2 Siva. At all drug hid gen: an _of the stone marbels used ila marie ad ie marble an flized | Syrup, taken 'dei | ¥ MBAR IN MIND that what ES An, ics ny RAR Vea i ternal ' Te Sof Ss ef beautiful,--the Singer process brings out all the richness and natural beauty of the wood. Stock COBALT mame : Singer Sewing Machine 312 Manning Chambers $33 Bears of Trade lag grain and growth which eatitle them to use in Singer cabinet WINNIPEG 304 Main Street A. J. PATTISON & CO. 33-35, SCOTT ST., TORONTO, Brokers and Financial Agents and other stocks bought and sold on commission. ed, Orders may be wired Correspondence invit= at our expense. FREE TO YOU --MY SISTER sur iatesouans ovens ment with full A women's ailments, Iam a woman. I know a woman's sufferings, I have found a cure. I will mail, free of charge, .m¥ home rants Instructions to any sufferer from I want te tell all women 8) about the cure--you, my reader, for yourself, your daughter, your mother, or your sister, I want to tell without the belo of « doctor, ou how to cure yourself at home, Men cannot un- if derstand women's sufferings. What we women know from ex any docter. rience, we know better than know that my home treatment is a sale and sure cure forall female weak nesses peculiar to our sex. I'want to send you a complete to days' treatmen€ entirely free to prave to you that you surely. Remember and if you should wish to continne, Jess than two cents a day, can cure that it will cost vow nothing to give the treatment » complete trials it will cost you only about 12 ceats a week, or It will not interfere with Lou work or occupation, send me your name and address, tell me how you suffer, you the treatment for your case, ewffirely free, in plain wra will also send you fres of cost my book -- WOMAN yourself at home, easily, quickly and Just if you wish, and I will send , by return mail. 'S OWN MEDICAL ADVISER," with explanatory illustrations showing why women suffer, themselves at home. and how they can easily cure Every woman should have-it, and learn' to think for herself. Then when the doctor says--*' You nwist have an operation," you can: decide for yourself. Thousands of women cures all, old or young' haye cured themselves with my home remedy, To Methers of Daughters, It , I will explain a simple home treatment which speedily and effectually cures Painful ond Irregular Menstruation in young Ladies. Plumpuwess and healthalways result from its uses Wherever will gladly tell any sufferer that ¢ you live I can fefer you to ladies of Heme Treatment. really cures all wom. eases and makes women strong, plump and robust. Pr and dis me your y your own locality who know und the free ten days' treatment is yours, also the book. Write to-day, as you way Address: MRS. W. Box 103, Windsor, not see this offer again. The chance: of one 'finger-print Leing exactly like another is 1 in €4,000,000,000. Prevent ' Disorder.--At the first symptoms of internal disorder, Par- melee's Vegetable Pills should be resorted to immediately. Two or three of these salutary pellets, tak- en before going to bed, followed by doses of one or two pills for two or three 'nights in succession, will serve as a preventive of attacks of dyspepsia and all the discomforts whieh follow in the train of that fell 'disorder. The means are simple when the way is known, - Out of Roumania's 6,000,000 inha- bitants, only one in three can read and write. ; 5 applied; Weaver's » Ont. Owing to the growing demand for pure essence of roses, many French vineyards ave likely to be turned into rose-gardens. One Pact is Better than Tee Jearangs.s Ask Dr. Supt. Hospital for Thasne, Ms opinion of The D & 1" Sentbol nl ior Mh pits oT Be If there's one thing a boy enjoys seeing more than a circus, it is a dog fight. Do Not Delay. When, through debilital iges organs, poison finds its way into the blood, the prime consideration is. to get the poison out as rapidly and as thor- ougly as possible. Delay may mean inaster. Parmelee's Vegetsa..o Pills will be found a most yaluable and effective medicine to assail the intruder with. ' They never fail. They go at once to the seat of the trouble and work a permanent eure,