Perry and vicinity. not fail to st and get our prices before buying. 'CARNEGIE BROS. D. M. Todd's Bread, Pastry and Cake Having secured the Agency of D. M. TOD Oshawa, for his, Celebrated Bread and Cake, will keep a full supply on hand, Fresh and Right, Orders solicited for decoration: and supplying of wedding cakes on shortest notice, - Ice Gream supplied for Teas or At Homes on short notice. E H. PURDY CHOICE CUTS in all lines ot BEEF, LAMB, VEAL "TTT TY FRESH, SMOKED : : : LAND $8 Stock SALTED MEATS : You can depend Highest cash i. upon quality at prices paid, reasonable price when you buy meat from? CAWKER BROS. Miss Alice Burnham is visiting her brother, Mr. A. 'M. Burnham, of the English staff 'at the State University, Columbus, Ohio. Bachelors ol dt and ou your seats reserved for theft d 'Maids' Convention. Proceeds town hall Wednesday | in aid of the library.: © Miss Isabel Melis, of Belding, sie Tite was} Canada for the a it became hecessary Directors met at its i {'Waterloo, Out., on when Mr. E. 'P. Cl Berlin, was elected F.C oronto, second vicep the Company, : Hallowe'en A few gates strayed from their moorings - on Saturday night and] wandered down street where they were lost in the fence corners. Af great lang testing contest took place; and the doctors of the town are shaking their heads sadly, knowing that such shouts mean lean purses for them. Generally speaking, the night passed off quietly, except when the big can: non cracker exploded becafise it | {8 it could 'contain itself no longer-- very much like the dear little boys who fed it burning matches. So the safety-valve night. is over, and | gs the boys will bottle themselves up until the Port Petry hockey ted wins a game from their old friends in Uxbridie, "or 'the *Webet Gas Engine Company lays the corner stotie of its new building. You will have the biggest laugh} of your life at the Old Maids' Con: vention, Canada Votes Solid ¥ There .may be a diiérence of opinion amongst the voters of*Can- | ada'te jarding political matters, but when it comes to a 'questiofi"df a 5 newspaper to 'suit' the Canadian people : the "vote is solid: for' the} Family Herald and Weekly Star} of Montreal, It is marvellous. what Popularity that paper enjoy It is well deserved too, for it is: yond question the best: dollar's worth to-be had; Every home. in Canada 'should 'receive that great weekly; when it can be had for one dollar'a year. * In 'this section it reaches almost every home, and ne one of them would think of lettin their subscriptions 'expire The Family Herald and Weely Stat is too good to miss even a single cop) A Regretiable Affair Those who believe. that man is more 'than: an: animal, must have been pained by what took place in the Presbyterian church' on Sunda night." A drip¥en wan wander up-to the front and created a di 'turbance. He did not: know wh he was doing. He was nat his own: master, Such men shonld be ca for by the State in the same mi ner as the insane and the crimi They should be saved from th | Mich., is spen souple off a | ; Yoh will find us well stocked in Gens Fos Underwean Mit Pork' Ey shisanss Bologhia, suet iva Headcheese :. . Breakfast Bac warm oe 'may } 0 6a thi out. and XH ory ul yurchase. ; We carry a line of cdnnot be excelled for the keep the feet war fit men, boys | es and rs See % them. Friis |