1f the roosts are painted over once months must come from feed- | month throughout the fall and Iing the nearest approach to green | winter, the flowls will be kept in Phabise getant. Aad in ol ets va be aviaaed he Hons ; ; an ; re properly ou during nesting time. The dust bat ene A de oe Bd | LIVE 8T0CK NOTES. [it wi elp to keep Yermil ia . f subjection.' As dust is quite cold ié to the | '| The sheep that furnishes a coat, should be placed where the sun will y of you, I sui "earry a both for himself and his master, | warm it in the middle of the day. nny with a hole in it for luck. | does not owe the latter anything for I Tt is considerable of a task to catch hI nok ashamed to US thay I Bis Keep, gud the better the keep |every low in 4 large frock sud dusk "ihave dono so myself for many |the better the coat. ; {them in powder. use , yes Hid Ea 2s Many persons make the mistake of | of the liquid 'on the roosts is a harles Dickens refused to lie|outting off the horse's mane. This much more simple operation, and im unless his bed was placed due | js detrimental to the horse's appear- | quite as efficient. Red mites can be th and south. "He gave notice | ance and weakens the neck. Even | destroyed by carefully. saturati the rule before 'arriving at a { she foretop should be left untouch- | the perches, boards and cracks 5 house oF -- i hut his. 'ed a8 a protection to the poll, good | coal'oil and crude carbolic acid. ge to make sure. During the laying season it is no | tf , Justin MeCarthy has told} usual matter for soft eggs. to : arnel) Sram hacked hot make thelr appearance mow and | I wouldu's_ ory Hes. that it 1 d inuisted that she should tako [Savas so buly Jo It 5 sign What | Auch. sell" said Alcs, betwoen ther ie a ay h something is wrong with the bird | her sobs, "you can Cry any Way you gent man of, P Drisus son that produces the'shell-less ogg, but | like, but this is my way.' other y beforé General Cronje sur- { rendered. : It §8 'an 'understatement of deeds fron of Heroism which delights = the sealed--that British soldier, declares Sir Arthur same way her mother | Conan: 'Doyle in. 'Through, the pre her. Bhe; also, | Maj Anything in the 0 realize this, for as so. . tin" 'would depress | 3 ; tapped she in- English troops ; German : A § AW Bh myself can march to battle singin 1 18 . 3 : 4 Li "hymn; Frenchmen wi ] ? = -- tf but English po 4 The 1909 type Daimler is a petrol-engine of remarkable efficiency, which for sims plicity of construction, economy, and a 10 : silence in running is incomparably superior refrain of "A Little Pp," The martial poet, to any motor yet designed. o_had the genus. pet in. ; y WO A 5 deal of ink before he had Its 'introduction has called forth letters i riper gh of appreciation from a number of leading 1 remember Read [Motorists who have tested it, and all whom < Justily from bear out the claim mads for it by the L a few survivors : upon the crest, | | Daimler Co. - A full illustrated description, together with the above mentioned letters, repro duced in fac simile, will be sent post free __to all applicants to ae