SE PER i ai Jif the citizens don" tf tio own account. ea Wheat, Fai Through 'the Wheat, sprin 0: buyers: | Wheat. goof trade ig Raley 4% na wd: 50 to. 7.00 nyo 7 80 10: 8.50 Bevan 32%0..0.34 @ 8a to" Q 85 + 0.60 to. 65 vv 048 to 0 50 P last year, and' i {TODLIRY: AND PRODUCE is the eesule of Cult ¢3'50 to 5 00 Co be 0-5 i298 Hogs, / 279 Lambs, each, | Batter 40 1 Ducks live 1b,+. 5G 10 chickens, per 18....00 10 ay, per tons. y, 8 00 too [pert 300 4 PETERBO | BUSINESS COLL v INDI VIDUAL INSTRUCTION. cv Write.gow for Hierat are Gro, SParToN, TA MoKom President Prineipad oe ET BEST ST Pct [] EAD (for. iperiot B: