'in' eonseque! 8 of this worldtamed Syrup. will 'doetor's bills, and a great' --_-- Sullering. Price * cents; at'all x "Don't of the day 'indoors at a tem ture equal to summer heat you have covered up your skin--ex- 1 face--and. gone out into rature awiy below zero! t forget that the skin has to, a do work just as any other orgen i cessary -to send any more expedi- ns to look for it." leago. They who ate-candi over: little s often have big. ones in thei: As the Oil Rubs in, the Pain Ribs Out. --Applied to the seat of J®pain in any part of the body the {8kir absorbs the soothing liniment mder brisk friction and the patient 'Hobtains almost instant relief. 'results of the use of Dr. Thomas' lectric Oil have surprised many 'were unzcqnainted with tnd nalities, and once. known it will wii gus "Hare is. given the Tost effectivi tesétition Jenown TRH } x t be rejected. Try it. id rry bark; one Gunos + com- rns three The ail head is always elo- quent on the subject of a full heart. or bronchitis twenty drops fd ery half hour for oar hours. | Then "one-half to one teaspoonful times "dai 2 or four heal the throat and ; gee | consumpti Cut this out and give it. friend 'who may eed i to be saved {from an early death by consum man who tpoct the law 'not fear it. Minarg:seLinimant Relieves Nauralgis. Smith---"Pm not very well, thank you. Nasty pain in my temples--' Al Joues-- Oh, that must be neural- gia." Smith--"No ; can't he new- raigia--T've had it dit quite a month." Trial is Inexpensive. --To those who suffer from dyspepsia, indiges- arising from derangement of the di- gestive system, a trial of Parmelee's Yesatable ills. ig recommended, should the sufferer be unacquaint- ith them. The trial will be in- ve and the result will be an- other customer for this excellent "Bo effective is their ac- that many cures can certain- raced to their use where have 8 proved ineffective, tiful Widow--*Do you know, Iam fonts years old to-day "' Gal- lar.t" Bachelor--' 'Madam, you are nty. I never believe more 1 of what I bat 1 hear," rus CURED at HOMEby tion," rheumatism or any ailment log? it it gives out, Zam Buk is the remedy, Smear it lightly over the | spots, thé eruptions, the saiiow patches, at night, and notice how quickly your appearance improves. |engi lov the rich, refined, herbal essenc- ex' sink deep into the tissue, the Nou | hard, scurvy: -like patches are re- fmipved. © Better color results. The cells. of the skin become transpar-| ent, health replaces the sallowness and pallor of disease. Zam-Buk also: cures eczema, A cers, chaps, ringworm, cuts, burns, bruises, children's rashes, piles, ete: All druggists and stores at . box, or Zam-Buk Co., Toron- te, "for price. Refuse harmful sub+ stitutes and imitations, a You might do worse than exag- gerate the goodness of your friends . These Pills... Care. Rhéumatism,-- To' the many who suffer from rheu-' matiem a. trial of Parmelee's Vege-{ table Pills is recommended. They spronounced action wpoft the | liver. and kidneys. and y regulating the action of hee creams act as an alternative in preventing the "ad-! The | Mixture of uric scid and bleod that causes his painful disorder, They | be taken acvording to direc: tions and used steadily and they) will speedily give evidence of their. beneficial effects. It doesn't take much work to con- vince a man that he needs a rest. A Susoen whi mebas sudden ill Rk Sra Sh Se Quinktlise Few men have the-courage 'to ad- mis they are cowards. ---- Only One 'BROMO QUININE" AXATIVE BROMO QU Lg Look . GROVE, Used gnature of BW world over to Be 5 Sold in in Ons Day. We. Cold cash is responsible for many a hot old time. = * Minard's Alnimont Gures Dandrufl, Some 'People' 8 a only aim in life is | to look for a larger target. A CURE ne BEST MEDICAL TOR Guise uss and the delicate' bloom of! aR . Z a 113 4 JOUR ey MAIL. AMON Er in UE. enn re Ba oh mouths | ann, $166. ho Po To Leuch, $19. hi 85 extra for box it were found: It wouldn't i of the body, and if you overwork! ine. Bato immediately. tor ious MACHINERY ACHINERY HEADQUAREERS. My nes. "boer wondvorking. machinery nes, steam pu gasol pb moto tore, contractors' eleetrio machina oy fend Yor on ne of over 1 wW, machines. MH. Limited, pach Stontrent Vi ow AGENTS WANTED, 2 ena --------------_------------------. GENTA-$5 A DAY EASY, - BX. A Bella sight. perience ni Abactute Resossity to farmers, of men. Pays for n one hour. Write today, ©. Ri Adams Co. Sarnia; ANTED-LOCAL AND ers ie Axents Liberal con men ; apply by letter. Go tInrurance Company, RT | dence confidential. FARMS FOR SALE. TO. 6265-90 ACRES IN THE TOWNSHIP of 'West Flamboro, in County ot Wentworth, soll, sand and. élay losm, 3 storey bejck house, frame "bank. barn, stone foundation, stabling under, Ax70, { other Et outbuildings; situated 14 mile to | publia school, 1-2 mile to church, 11-3 miles das RB: R. Btation, and' 6 wiles to { Hamilton, Prise $9,000. hie 0. 6228-100. ACRES IN THE TOWN ; | Neo.o& of Ye ctiin, in the Counts of Middle: sex, soil, clay and sand jos. 3 13 storey brick house; frome bat hv ; bi fh, mail dnitvary. farm. on r road, 2 miles to EB, RB, Satin: : oF: change for smaller farm, or for City or Town' property. { This advertisement appears in over 200 nowepapers. Inquirers will please state e paver in: which they saw this ad- | vertisement. The avSatern Real Estate EXthangs, Limite | ody 78 Dundas London, Ont. CALVES "he tion sine um Steels, Briggs Need Coy, Lid, Toronto fOn. . un phony T us! will Joan iedueible orsed UTOMO hi | { Wate. for particnian.. B LINDMAN, Regd) ti ope | ror My! > Fon heopusricon-- ectrical age. Write for elas Canada, Lod. JAE 'he General ihe mage 'otige Stress. T: Marlatt's Hair Promoter I. Crows Mair on any Bald Mead m alr Promaot'ng 1001" curfous (mostly untold) faste about ¥ Rend Dr. of Love, Marriage, Nears, and practitionar. Fall of advice neces ive you for ten dollars. . In 3 ssetions, On: sale at the Robt. 8 pson's Drug De. artment, Toronto, or the Marlats Torontn, Onna I --------------------------------------. | DO YOU WANT TO KNOW Human Nature "Wonder" hodk 'on the delinste Fo Pa and Freaks. Tt Is the pears' experience of a sncoessfnl her sary to everv man and woman. Contnine jmore vital facts than your doctor wonld paces and 40 [Iinetretinna. Pplop Me. LL. HNL Boek Co, 198 EK Ni