feverish ac- forlia "Sa fo i by Sent, Union Station, Toronto, we' remony. instead of four o'slock." She} / ; hy hy; dear t'® ~Ho--' 'Banks r several PAR bs ube dE ba BE. Vy ry sree tt X veral : ¢ : i ie De 'The Foe of Indigestion. --Indi- a x nabions Shore 38 heolntely gestion is '@! coniiffon ailment and 'even:incoiffures. All that the mod- fo ern hairdresser can invent to iid!' prove the appearance of his fair ° anos & eproduction of Pormelee's Vegetable Pills taken long before. Cleopatra, with her| according to directions, . they rec: scented tresses, won Caésar and Hy on ba dabsied Bolomaon with har, map| FF many yoars they lsve been 4 ; er . standard remedy. for dyspepsia an vetigus headdress and bewildering indigestion and are highly efteemed The vat' on which the present fcr their qualities. day woman of fashion pins her faith Marita Yes 'dear, the angels FRR IR and her masses of store hair--was Queen's University ¢ : "KINGSTON also one of the firét aids to beauty Sar. hod -- Tast ug i. they heard and College ONTARIO, omployed by Egyptian women when Thai ; > Hi the pyramids were still in the hands : ARTS oof builders. 8 EDUCATION Recently there has been placed . THEOLOGY on exhibition in the Metropolitan ia MEDICINE Muséum of Art one ef the original] I was cured of Bronehitls and Asthma| SCIENCE (Including Engineering) "rats' designed for Egyptian wo-|by MINARD'S LISIMENT. The Atts coms may be tien without en of fashion centuries ago. Jn 5 BP A ry 1 ibis exactly. like ago, J I ne cane of a severe attack of Rhéu- attendance, but students desiring to, - pe it y : matism by MINARD'S / LINDMENT. uate must attend one session. o | Wer by 20th century beauties, But| \ahons Bay. LIN MADER. ®t 1517 3 : i differs in material, being male] I wes cured 'of o severely sprained log 1900 10. students registered session frcm leather, heavily ornamented. | ¥ JOBHUA A. WYNACRT. : v i. It, was excavated at Akin, upper| Bridgewater For Calendar, write the Registrar, Egypt, a very ancient city, ofice| oy rv GEO. Y. CHOWN, BA, te hr Kingston, On| FE] : ) % bo 1" ons , : L ot SR ® a ¥ Re Elson FR en Ri IR onde bmn Flies on Your A: ATR MEDIOINE result, young gentleman, when a - es, FOR ALL: OHILDREN. | patient's temperature goes down as Stock far as it can?' Student' Why The mothers; whose little ones!esriihe ite cold font | os y DECREASE THE MILK YIELD, ar0.1ll not only wish for a medicige] sni-- that will make their babies better! When going away from home, or +] bot one that positively cannot dol at anyvghange- of habipat, he is a) ol aoy harm. uch a medicine isi wise man who ngfubess among his' : Baby's Own Tablets, They are sold| belongings. i's bottle of Dr. J. D. under the positive guarantee of a!Kellogg's = Dysentery: = Cordial. pevernment. analyst to contain mol Change of'food and water in: some opiate, narcotic or other harmful! strange 'place where there are no 6 (chug. They always do good; theyldoctors may bring on rn' attsick of Lili keep cows free from fas at & oost of cannot possibly do harm--not even dysentery. He then has a standard less than one cent a day. 10 the new born baby. Concerning remedy at hand with which to cope! ; them Mrs. J. E. Z. Marchand, Bte:| with the disorder, and forearmed he $1 75 GALLON 800. iAnne de la Perade, Que.; writes :--| can successfully fight the ailment ¥ °® QUART "T find Baby's Own Tablets indis~| and subdue it. Ask your Hardware Dealer; or .pensible; As soon as I find one of A a---- 4 : Fer do en nok feeling well T ads! Lawyer-'What is your odsupa-{ WM. COOPER & NEPHEWS ma the Tablets and I am!tion?" Witness--""I'm a piano in-|" TORONTO. : pointed iu the result. Ilisher." Lawyer--"Be a little more EB SR ST would not be without them and am definite. Do yo polish, them or{ Probably the casiest kind of easy: "| enclosing fifty. centy. for two move them 1"! mark is a man who labors unde ot boxes.' The Tablets are old by DEAR. TiN the delusion that he understand 'medicine dealers or by mail at 25 ; 3 ! wome®, : cents a box from The Dr. Williamw'| v1.00 used Horns, Trumpets : Sma : edicine Co., Brockville, Ont. and @her: Mechanica) Devices' in| You cannot be Happy while you ) the hope of being able to hear, but a aphon do hot delat 1a ) always found. the expected satis- : : 0 Jon (SLA farmer's eivense faction was spelled "Disappoint- | Cure. It Removes al kinds of corns 54 his garden; and then said ment." If you write to roest without pain. Failure with it is un: ny "lettuce dud. cab Frat onge Steest, Toran, known. . | you will learn s od-news, Do Ra aE o : wd it 1] Magistrate (to. prisoner)--* VC adn od you really call 'this gentleman yt eld fool last night?' Prisoner iag to collect his thoughts)--**] noted for its weaving and stone Ling industries. 'young' man wishing to have a