fovering 4 It' burned 'up to the west" sids of 'the Town of Beaudette, and lay Ideripg until! Gets Zi whe syjou ge Ss J ime five 'HAPPENINGS FROM ALLOYED + TILE WEONE.f bi FETE, Briefs From Our Owa YE dad" Other Countries of "Recent Events." CANADA, &sThe a tor raise. $30,000. for 'waterworks was defeated at Chip- pate. Ten donvictibns were registered: against Owen Bound hotelkeepers "for selling" liquor. Avgreat storm raging on the Pa ¢ific coast near Prince: Rupert has _ caused a lot of damage. A shipment of eight hundred part: ridges from Chalk: River: tb "Mont: real was seized at Ottawa ad con- ,fizcated. H. Mantral ind John Dow wore | killed 'at Cobalt' by fallipg dows sthe shafts of mines, and L. §N. Ger- "vais dropped déaa. The Montreal Authorities are taking = action againdt ' seventedn: proprigtors of moving picture shows | hi "for 'violation of the Pyliding, by: laws. ¢ 'The Mowtreal Board bf oittrot has offered a reward. of: $500 for information leading to the convie tion of the murdergrs ol Cecile Mic- «had; James Gorham was found guilty of his mother's murder at Peterboro' Assizen, the jury adding & 'técom- méndation to + merey: Chhneellor Boyd did not sentence the prisoner, but will send the yerdict to Ot- tawa. An; Italian 'named Martikit has been arrested: at Montreal on..& rge of swindling banks by rais- €d express orders, He is'said to have operated in Toronto and other Ontario cities. under ithe name of Sprakeleti, Mis. George Dancey wad attack: ed by thrée highwaymen while driv- ing swith ~her little -daughter-near |" Aylmer. Her horse ran away sav- ing her from the highwaymen, but . ran into a fence and Mrs, -Dauvcey. and the child were both severely |" hurt. : GREAT BRITAIN. Mr. 'Russell Rea, Liberal; was elected at the byeielection in South Shields, by 'a majority. of 3,019. UNITED STATES. Arrangements have béen made' for' ® steamship service from}: South-African ports to New York | N and: ni ) tl pl A { fi ks ¥ "GENERALS "There ire Haven the' 2 Rainy Tivo Gi a ey 'mues. | toshr "The nr 'German ores Von n dex. fon Taun made an average of 97.4 an how Sin' her SL hal + Spanish: socialists. are. aftem ag £5 to incite § the 'different barracks' Seven fishermen lost hele E nthe Newfoundland schooner Sas Arrow vas w ked i Fohin'e: Tu BRN ap ob French President sand | fthe a of his; Cabinet are be closely guarded because Anarchists have threatened thet' with" death. King Victor Bnimanuel has elf tio Naples. ito help sustain by. hix presence those who have hive in' the 'récent: stony and' Yoledhic eruption. Ot i ¥ ity A CLEAN. AN, SWEER. J All 'Euiployees of 01d "Port tuguese Government' Must" Go.' A" despatch "Yrom. Lisbon says: Jose: Relvas, Minister 'of Finance; in an interview on, Wednesday, de: clared that he was appalled at the: eorraptioh of the old: regime, which [> is. investigation is revealing. For the future, he saidy it would be wat to the knife against special privi- lege ablises. It was almost unheos- sary to say that all the old Govern: ment employees) would be dismissed. The King's" civil list of $800,000, the" Miniefer' added,' would ' be re: placed: by a' modest Presidential salary. Taxes on necessities would | €¢ be reduced, and those on uries | increased. he Ticher classes, who hitherto have been: evading taxes, will be closely watched. In conclu- sion, Senor Relvas expressed the opinion thatthe separation of the|: Church and State would be accom: plished within a mouth. ee FIVE DAXS: Na THE Wo0Ds.. \ William' Randall {Found Alter Long| Wanderine™ A despatch from Charlton ayes fine stock. He Avples---_g25 bo #2.50 peribarvel |: for » Crd 'beats, $1.60 40 *811- 04 id per bushel Western points, lots, $1.85 to $1.90 1 Hohby--- etihctid, inti 9h ito ew 85 per' dozen ; No. 84 No. 8 at. $10.50 toi $11.50. { beg Bled traw--$6.75 to $7.25, on track, Toronto. bag. Nos. 1 comb, hSlesaln | yen comb k Saigsafed BLT to $1.85 per, doze M Baléd Hiy- N61 at $12'b0 813 ofl i hry ad Potatoes--Car dots; 60 to: 8c per Nove sland. of Nol F : ioral' ) suo sed' Him Ee a A despatih fo mn 2 Pith 8 nspector-Gen ; bys: An origina Tans ors ¥ i" Hh a ! ! 'on. Sunday England on at 1 Poultry-sCOhickeny; alives ie pe¥| in 2c. per 1b.; turkeys, 70: erin: aus 'gdene;: 9 to 0c per dressy 2m DRE DAIRY MARKERS. | % . Butter. Daity prints, 22 Fo 930 do:, tubs, 0 to 21} inferior, 1 10c.? Creamery quoted at! > per ib. for rells 2414. to sian, and' pa © Ho for de pene vy 5 i \ igus Tots « of pickled, 25a; df to rage; 26¢, and" selected, '#5 per dogen, "Giecie Targe, 1%, and bw 1900 4 5 "586 PRODUCTS. 4 formetl parti of [the Pri t1 tenburg's fleet, Len i: |\ruiser was, LAA, , and {i 1b. ; fowl, 9 tor 10c: per Ly AL 18 fa ! I for' eight. on ten days, inch: wall' is a first-class man bade took: the rude bal- She hos on from: its hase plage to the of 'that Catinda iti 1905, hot of wg "Bagon--Long clear, TAY bo ine - pér ibsin case lots ; mess por hy 485, A: short cut, $28 to. $98.50 'Hamé---TLight to medi; 19 td "110% sdb. heavy, 18 fo 18340 wolls, 15 to 16%0 shoulders. 14 o 14%0;1 : Breaklast bacon, 19 to 200; "bac 8) 91-10. 31 M40, vo Lard--Tierces, 180; tubs, Justin, 3 As, William Randall of -Bimcoe, after | being lost in the woods at the head 'of Kushog Tinke; made his way, back 5 od esday 'to Thibs' building on. afternoon. 'him there" on' an cartridges Signalling' rst night has one foot badly frozen, and was ou five days with nothin, to! eat "A" despatch The new: Assembly" most unanimously the throne 'prayin ishment; of to Na. 2 ani ke ght & that Miss Let nit oy demi rom; a ondanes 'sayR the I ©] thar en Leh terno + WH 1 ny Af omoon Si dt Ne ve {piessed - YY phen