than at any other season Lg no Sons that ve of oie more. The peak ii is apt to make lerent and. selfish! 'Patriotism is: a plant that : T Hii to love . his home in ns soat igh se to : 0 2s 8%; divi10, $i ; Toad con 8, div 42, $1.50 | towniine aceonnt $0.21 south side lot 22, con 14, $9.00 5 Lather Scott, bonus 88. rods wire recommends. the payment sion i 3 el feuee, lot 10, con 7, $22.00 reported had: ex. a--aahes wire fence erected by|® O° Jas, Medd easing out ditch eon, $2.00 fot Chis. Presoom lot 21, con 9, and FP: Brobaon § sworn valus sheep : TepSmimlends the payment of 84 rods | Killed by dogs $39.30 the remaining portion en-| Wm; Boe, § 'sworn 'value sheep roc an nh upon the high- | killed by dogs $20.00 way, ' Geo. Smith hd sworn valne sheep THE FOLLOWING ACCOUNTS | bY dogs $418 WERE PASSED Thos. Walsh Sleaniug ont dite Oba Bessoutt bonus 34 rods on grave) road, con 7, i iretonce $8.50 Taylor § sworn value 'sheep W, C: Ashenburst work repairing Killa by dogs, $6.65 road div. 48, con. 9, $11.80 | Wm Medd, 42 loads gravel $2.94 Ben Busbly Sieaning out dfteh Robt Maynard filling washout and repaicing culvert," con: 2, lot 1.2 , Stone caretaking of hall $4.30 2 : Jobn Weldon, repairing culvert Wan Cook excess of appropriation | towline con 9, $3 00 eon 2, div:id $1.76 Jas, Leask, gravel, $4.50 Mrs. Kight 20 loads gravel $1.60 Jas. Ross balance account fob. 'Treasurer Oartwright Tp. to bal. gravel $1.00 ance towline account 1910 $14 50 Day Bros, 107 loads gravel $8i56 W. P. 'Watson work repairing L Betire bonus, 43 rods wire fence Health i lot 5, con 11, $8:25 Board o expenses incurred ' Hd dariig the yenr $46 00 C, L. Vickery, cement, $u:78 Thos Wilson, bonus on 58 rode |ombing Shanioh iy BO 40d Lswire fonsing; cou 9, lot 6; $8:70 4: Ine Merrisk puting a file drain, Yepairicg Falling | oon 12. Scots tomnlive $5:00 ridge. Tp to bal.| Chae Alldred, drawing materia) /{nece townline ascoau 1910; $16.06. [30d repairing roid culvert $8.50 _ Ulerk prass Mr Ed Coombe was appointed to applies ng ox stl 2, a9 fill the vacabcy of patbmnster, div To. sewtlement! jy eed by the removal of Irwin Jobnston The treasurer presented the Financial Statement for the year Robert * Vernon repairiog side | which 'was carefully gone over and. road between lots 10,11, con. 1|and adopted as correct and the $3.00 clerk jwsracied to have 200 copies rinted fsrthwith for distfibution ; Hemmingway 178 igads|" vel. a Yond, son 1,] | Alter supper, Mr James Graham, 80 the retiring Reeve who has jie make bis fature home 'in one of our Western provinces of this Fair | Dominion, was presented. ep an Bowne PE address and a gold cane, m. rn, ad suitably engraved, as a token of : esteem, by - the' members of the: Council Jas. McTaggart bonns wire fence Send the STAR to absent | '