other ih strikes oh were fhe coal Shr miners' strike a em 4 4 which mp on May 29, 'and Se repeom 380, In 244 cases Be ih the strike of of the tding trades in strike was settled. by a somprom- me, Patents, rain 85.80; doi, 'seconds, $6.10; strong bakers', $4.90; Winter patents, choice, 84.75 to $5; straight rollers, $4.30 to $4.40; do, bags, 82 6 $210. Ralled onts--Ba 3 bags, '90 Ibu. $af0. Af Bran--$23; shorts, § middltngs, #28} {mouillie, $28 to $34. "Hay--No. 3, pér ton, gar. lots, $15 Sa, 818.50 Cheeso~Finest Western, 151.4 fo 157:20} 'finest Hasterns, REPORTS FROM THE LEADING. : TRADE CENTRES OF toh from Guelph: "as I AMERICA: fighting a pack of timber wolves || {i Pl cinisan nes ! publie night: Harry 4 i { J <2 ¥ i we wink E Fennell, Inely of odd | if | Prices of Catgles: -@rain, Cheese i six Fears ago residing in - and Oiler Produce at Home Guelph; 4a the 'lives of seven Pv a irls and the other men who were a party and died at the gesalt of}: he sure.-he was forcéd to: en- ihe cevonurs 's desperate. fight |' with the wolves took place near i he | Sh 1 A id somé' girls in &] t was late at night 'chased by wolves. tay, but he' ; $id 'and mot take an: Eon the girls. = They ¢ en: rent 1 Home, but" could hear shots al ight.'« Bennell killed nine' wolves: 'he'men went; back at daylight and ere was only three 180 'wolved left. Fennel was so cold he could hardly walk, and died before they could t help, 'the 'neazest dogfor being ity. miles avay r the fhovernan 10 A des th mad | hitoba, 1 says: One hundred | ta rio and at Winnipeg. 1 , and Abroad, BREADSTURRS, | Flour Winter wheat, , 9 per cent. 2 pa- | flours--Firsy "patents, $5.80; second pe track, "Toronto. . Manitoba wheat- Fo. 1" 'Northern, $f. 08 and No. 3 at" $0412 Bay ports. ™ iOntaro wheat--No. 2 white, red aha' mixed, 92 to %o, outside. dey #1 ) ate-Car 'Tots Lia No. Suriels ahold 1 1 tents, 83; and strong bakers, $4.30, on} 1112, Bay ports; No. 2 Northern at' at hard $1,07.1:43, i | Gobn-=No. ¥ seliaw, "62120; 1434 66 "15 1:86; Butter=Ohotoent™ creams ery, 33,tq 3g; seconds, 32 to 321-20. Eggs f= Fresh, 4 to 606 soled Beted, 33 to Soy No, 1 stouk,' 28 to. 290 "Potatoes--Per bag, oar tents, $3.60 10,8365 ap, seaboard. Manitoba lots, $1.60 UNITED BTNTES MARKETS. Minneapolis, Jan. 30.~Wheat, May, $1: 06 5:6 to 1:06:34 July; 91.0018 Now 4 Hawk Roce, 81.0614. to 1 $1.06 3-45 ny; $404 14 to roa 034; No.8" ¥ Ad fo $0934. white, "480. Rrbiiasy, Sufi 80! tor $24.50 WlowF Rta patents, % ; : dutgide at 43380, and 'of No. 3 av 48 soil 1-2¢; on track, Toronto, 45 to 461-2. si No. 8 Western Canada Sats, 48, to 091201 | qu (No. 1' Teed, 451-2 to df, Bay porta)! Barley-"43-1bs. quoted at 92 to 90, out] ERA BEBEL. leader of the Germa a y= 5. Q 0 96e, out | lalists, who cut a wide SW o pes 2 general elections ra Co¥RE NE; 3 Kmerieafl™ yellow, "Ne, onto, freight. : many. They are. rapidly galaing, - | Stgength in the Reichstag, Rye=900 46 §%, oul ES: AGE ~85 to Who, outsidg, a , 8%, 'H eoilhh Bhgna, os. 88 n or in A : 1m; oem $250; to ou Baled hay--No, 1 ot goon) to $17, 4 D 2 at $14 to 15. a i. = ah to 89, on track, Toronto. ; Potatoe Car lots, in bags, ayoted at CANADA, Jersey Deldiwiiés Bt $1.00 olstore, $1.66 to, $1.75. are. now Bevan uses of {1 Boul try: Wholesales Brides of "dressed | 8 ok Montreal. poulipy : +zChjokans, 14 to 16e, per 1b; fowl, Cont Council phoposed' $0110 to 198%48uoks, 15 t0-16c;: geese, 13 to for road improvement. 15; turkeys, 20 to 2c. Live poultry about 0 ar "prices have been again ra: Zo Tower Alkn thes above, : by. ten cents throughout On- 11 to 12 ol BUTTER, EGGS, CHEESE. {300 es dozen, wins at 161-2¢ Blo: tony' lear, '1112 to 1134c per SA 1b 1h ca lots. Pork--8hort cut, $22 50; i 161. pan itted an efter ied Council to clec- Mreakfast bacon, 16 to to 2c. Hide: tubs, 12; pile: l ton pork-packing branch, ay 4 use the building as a cold-storage. ifferer from an inf Siren MARKETS: Jan. Toa et Sanddian AE RODUCE. {| Mtodk, 82.75 to 83.50 per i 5 Aor. a brook' Pole' hy #1950 t0820, Hams Medinm. po | Heavy, 14 to. 84%00; [$d ito} : pring : wheat--No. 'Northern, cartons Nog 2 'ved, $1.03; No. Corn-=No, rit medium, $5, to $3 to 84; canmers, i y ontefe, choice. cows) { bulls, $3.50 to $5. 0 to, 875; Ado, mon' 'and. medium, ch, oy 930-0940, ilkets, choice, onc,' 3 Oits=No: 3 : B oh 3 ore. 81.1512; Winter, ved, $1: No; 2 white, | F¥ellow, 6814; Wo, 4 all AY track, Sroneh 4 Pithe "trade fh "still and several loads '* Brought as ee 30 oy 25. gow Cowdand Bulls ranged to" 8s ors were: bought. at aropud $160. Tro - dteady, but trade, was dull. 'Lambs were alsd easier at 86 to $6.75. Hogs and dalves were "unchanged: There Wil 1" Pairly- motive demand Por Fo6a™ mE" qows, but common ones were.not wa DIED, FROM | RABIES; Valuable Pontes "I {A despiteh front Hempstead, N: x says' Chan} the string o Ei of John § Pu 5 "the third" of ted polo ponies f the Meadaw- "Wal destroyed 3 tise of an at + To i. was val ; ed gh teams! = the United States England last riot Two y abt Yloped in! the Ph a stables' after a cur dog had bit Gay Boy, a 84,000 pony, brood mare. Both © and also' a" $5; these animals ' ied within la few Sot A SS SR BAS