ve a ings that EE run out to Dh Il be no difference Ce "between these *suitsand other work 'that we do except in price. The quality and work- manship will be of the best, and the fit guaranteed. The price is lowered to clear out this line of suitings, Come in and see the goods' "W. H. Doubt Tailor Brass Lamp FREE A Beautiful Brass Lamp, valued at $10.00, fitted either for Coal Oil or Electric Light, given to the person having the most wrappers from Richard's Pure Soap and Quick-Naptha Soap, at the 80th day of April ORANGES "Marmalade Oranges; 256¢. doz Naval Oranges, - 2bc. doz, #Choice Lemons, - = 25c. doz. Orange Slicer Loaned for one day to each purchaser. "T. C. Forman & Son EVERY POUND GUARANTEED We can supply you with Goed old SCRANTON- LACKAWAN NA FOR SALR--g0 acres of n 3 19, Reach, & taining of 25 acres of tillable balance wood and pasture. Well} fenced. Good running water year round. ' Apply Prince Albert. as R. Teflrey, | : Street, : [repair NOTICE 1 know. of ten wants ty come to Ontario from Old Country this spring Farmers want-| w ing same write me Stati wages, f. W. SMART Oak Bluff, Man FARM FOR. RENT That splendid farm in the Town-| ship of Seugog, known as the Harper]: Homestead, will be leased for the season of 1912, or for a mumber of years subject to sale. It contains 125 acres of choice land in 'a high state of cultivation, and has first class buildings om it, For farther particulars apply to. CHAS. HARPER, 2213 Mutual 8t., Toronto A good grazing farm is a rich asses to any stockman or farmer. Do you want to buy one. See Executors notice of sale on page 5. aR SALE--A_ Newcombe Ap ay HOUSE FOR SALE Commodious frame house, newly decorated thoughout, electric light, furnace, water conveniences, good cellar, excellent garden and grounds with a number of fruit trees, good stable. Apply to : WALTER F. WEIR Port Perry, Ont. BROOD SOWS Two brood: sows for sale, Im-} proved Yorkshire White, dire April 1st, Apply to FRANCIS WHITE Lot No 1 Con Cartwright. A first-class. pasture farm, in}, good location, and well watered, ig offered for sale. . See notice page's EOR SALE--190 acre farm jabotit | no 4 miles from Port Perry. . Good land, well watered; fine farge' tim bered bush, 6 acres fall wheat in and the plowli done for the Spring' crop. Fair buildiugs. For quick}; sale. $3100. ' 'Apply to ; Lucas. § 3% 'good men who _ {dation for horse, cow an A' small orchard, abun small fruit, ad There are' thrée ith this property will ap. W. H. McCaw has plated: in our hands for sale his sg lendid frame residence opposite the ch Egeland, Port perry. Bard and "soft water in lor hot water connections for range and bathroom; six = bedrooms; electric light fixtures and. connec: tions, latge verandahs, a perfectly | appointed house for a large family, or for a' boarding house. Two more bedrooms gould be added by, dividing the pa or. if' necaseney Easy terms of payment." =~ Mr. William Ross offers for gale; his fine brick residence on Cassimef treet Port Perry. This isone of the finest homes in our town, a shall likely 'be sold for half | Mr. H. air . ; fast week in Linsda ¢ £18 visiting her n er until their Mrs. n Brookiin where she had a ing for six weeks. She was panied by Phyllis Crawford Mr. and Mrs: Walter will after their sale of the store their goods in Port feave at the first of py for a ta the West. | They will '16 accom: 'I ;panjed by her S0ne Messrs 8! and Herb Hope: It is furnished with : all odern | 8; conveniences, stich &s Electric, Lights Water Works, good ard and soft water, handsome. verandahs, spacious lawns, pais > 9 ated with omamental o and} the property is. a very rabled © Shall be pleased to give: focation. full particitlars 1f you want a nice farm Kindly let mc show yo some good James. Lucas '(Continued from First Page) R/T. Harrington, refund S.' L. Charged in error, $2; R. 'Baird; Gleaning. out ditch and verts, con. I4, dot 18, §3. Dr. F: E.. Mellow," ig RE * Mary Ann Carnegie, $2.90. through a hy-law to paint shee] ators for the township of Reach f their succe out the owner of 'the said jo having obtained 's certificate from [the s3id valuators = within | forty hours after the injury is done (A list of the said valuators will in' the next. issue of this paper. ames friends, are stayi Mr: Wm. Li | Hope spent a few dave vl and other South Ontari pl; day Fe 1 Sefoibe at the olts,. et and quicker |: «Prevent