The Prosecution Have 40,000. Lattrs And -.. Telegrams From The Prisoners Al "despatoh from Indianapolis, | ana, says: Sensational and specific charges that the dynamite Jospiracy was conducted with the | nowledge 'of the members of | the Executive Board of the Inter: | national Association of Structural Tronworkers, including Frank Ryan ; t the conspiracy, extending over! rs, was recorded on paper, and] that Ortie McManigal, the confessed dynamiter, was shifted shuttlelike over the country on missions of de- struction were made : public on Thursday by Disttich Attorney Charles W. Miller. Miller an- nounced the AL of an indict- ment known as that covering "un- consummated acts" of the conspir- aoy, and it is to be the basis upon which the Government intends to conduct its prosecution. The in- dictment charges Ryan, Herbert 8. ROBBERS AT TORONTO. ; is Armed Men Get $400 at Standard Chemical Office. 'A despatch from Toronto says: With 'revolver in hand and masked beyond recognition, two men en- Shed, the office of the Standard |) emical Company, foot of John |™ Street; 'at 7.30 on Friday evening, and gob away with about $400. The men rushed through the door just ap Night Superintendent George Ross and his assistant, J. W. Mayo, were putting away a good: portion of the day's receipts. The hold-up mien called for Ross and Mayo to throw up their hands, and one of them -started around the ecvunter while the other kept gnasd. Ross did not comply with the request at once and was struck a blow on the side of the head, the stunting ef- fect of which made him realize that fhe intruders meant business. Some of the money had been put in the safe and the remainder was on the counter, but the safe was unlocked and the task of the hold-ups was easy. One of them kept Ross aud Mayo covered while the other took possession of all the money in sight. Ross and Mayo did as they were told. The 'office was in darkness, as was everything outside. Every mode of communication from with- in had been cut off, and they feared that any move on "their part to give an alarm would be too much to their: own peril. They remained quiet for a while, and eventually . ventured out of the office. Then the police were notified, but the hold-up men had made good their escape. 4 From Our Ovens To : Your Table Untouched by "human hands -- Hockin of Detrt Mich. M. : Youn 5 Boston, Butta Frank o. O,_ ebs of New ork, with conductin, 'conspir- acy through the ov all of the { Bbettors, It declares that a regu: lar system" of pointing out nom- union steel and iron construction jobs was carried oh, and that the Executive members not only, con- tributed money to buy explosives, but assisted in 'the work which Me- Manigal was to do. The basis of all the charges lies chiefly in 40,000 letters and tele- rams taken from the Ironworkers' fo ternational headquarters. These letters purport to be between Ryan, Hockin, Webb and various other officials and business agents. Ex- haustive details are given regarding the incriminating correspondence. CURE FOR CONSUMPTION. Read this proof of what Cope- land's Cure for Consumption will do for those afflicted with the white] plague: ML Lo eland :-- ir,--I have been troubled with my ings: for a long time. Doctors and all icines did me no +My. say is that your Cure has done me the world of good. I will' answer any porrespondence, or. recommend it to any one suffering from Consumption, knowing what it has done for me. Yours truly, D. MoRAOHERN Manager Rogers ber Lang, Sask. 1 am receiving letters daily like the above after all other medicines have failed. This cure for con- sumption, weak or bleeding lungs, lingering coughs and bronchitis can be taken on the most delicate stom- ach, on which it acts as a tonic. Price 81 per bottle; 8 for $5. Mention nearest express office when ordering. - Sold only 'by. Wa, R. Copeland, 511 Pape Ave., Toronto, Canada. ne Tt OWEN SOUND TRAIN DITCHED Several Persons Seriousty Hurt Near Chatsworth. A despatch from Chatsworth says: Striking a spread rail at the William Lake siding, four miles southeast of Chatsworth Station and fifteen miles from Owen Sound, the Canadian Pacific passenger train. from the latter city, due in Toronto at 7.55 p.m., was throwa into the ditch at 4 o olock or Fris day afternoon. The engine passed the break successfully, but the bag- gage car and all three passenger cars jumped the rails and rolled down 'a four-foot embankment, two men in the former being injured |- and all the rolling stock being more or less damaged. This is the sec- ond accident of precisely the same | nature occurring on this division | within two days, the other mishap {having been to the Toronto Express from Vancouver, which was ditched at Bala on Wednesday. The injur- ed Jnen | are two railway mail clerks, Er "and Parks. Savage John.T. Butler +i his right arm; and Parks! | 'shaken up, also sustaia-| ds a bruised and names} -four defendants as| time' sitios, » bond 1s a promise pay, « 'share Is an equity 'only; if the 'com- 'pany i liquidated the bonds are 'paid 'in full and if there is anything left the 'stockholders divide it--that is, in the case of a company being wotind up. In: the case of an actively operating company, the bondholders receive their regular: in. terest, 4, 5, 6, or 7 per cent., whatever it may "be. . The shareholders may receive nothing,' or, as. in the case of Winnipeg Electric, they may receive 12. per osnt. per annum or even more. A farmer working his tand is, in a small way, similar to the shareholders of a large company considered oolleo- tively. . He may owe John Smith money secured by a mortgage. John Smith gets his interest every year and his principal when it is due, or he foreclose the mort. gage, sells the farm, pays himself and gives the farmer the residue," If the far- mer can pay hig interest he has to de- duct his operating. expenses from what is left over, and the balance he usés to supply the necessaries of life, or, it for. tune has smiled, luxuries . for his - wife and family. His profit, after: puying in terest and operating costs--wiges, feed for: his' stodk, etc.--represents the divi: dends, sometimes large; often small and perhaps nothing, in, which event, ' have to look to his small , savings, or the bank, t0 tide him over. 2 And '80, it is with the shareholders of a company. In lean yerirs hey, may get no' dividends, in 'fat years they may get large ones. But it is the bondholder who doesn't haye to worry. He has to have his interest' or ' the shareholder stands to lose his property. In other words, shares (speaking generally, of pourse, for many shares are far safer investments than some bonds, snd some shares are as safe as most bonds) shares are 'in nature 'speculative, while bonds are not. The purchase of a share of stock ny al company involves. no reason to expect a return of the money so invested. If the company ~prospéers your dividends are 'Iafige and if you want to "get your money out" you can sell to some one! who wants to buy, even the holders of 0. P, B., or even Bank of England shares, have no other methpd of ever getting their money back. In 1670 the Hudsons. Bay Compgny (its real name is the Governor and Company of Adventurers of 'Trading into the Hudsons Bay) was 'ed and its shares jssued.. These are actively traded in on the market. In the 240 years since they put out, there has been no time wt which | the shareholdérs could get their i r These. are the chiet points of = diff ence between bonds 'and stocks. Stocks, | *°] however, have many 'good points, which prominently men! will: be taken 'ww Alsesgeutly: RB -and-g rep cans whils professing to be st ing with. mh t ud main to save 16 monarchy, and<has now given the Imperia i the = "double- cross." Stories of his. cunning and ruthlessness would fill a hook. eee THE DOCTOR HABIT, ..And How She Overcame It. When well-seleoted food has help- ed the honest, Physician, place' his patient in sturdy health and f from the "doctor abit" at is a source of satisfaction to sll parties. A Chicago woman says: "We have not had Y doctor the house. during all the b years. that we have been using Grape-Nuts food. Before we began, however, we had yr habit'" scarcely a week went ThE without al call on our physi A "When our youngest boy ariived J 5 $ years af SEO, I was 7. much rx free | outside at 4 to deo, and: Ontdrio Wheat--No. 2 white, red ana a Web. Butchers' " | mized. 96 to 910, outside... Peas--Good shipping peas, $118 to el i 95, outside. to toliocs' Oate~Car lots of No: 2 Oniatio quoted wis, ste. hoi som, at to Mo, outside. No. 2, 48 to 49%, on track, Toronto. No. 3 Western Oanads. oats, 5%, Aud Noo 1 even foots 6, ah Bay verte} 4g Barley--48 1bs. quoted. ab 96 to 7, ont: side. Gora. + Amari yllaw, Tide, To ronto freight. Bre-No. 1 28 $10 da 1, oud. ering from. nervous, in: a and almost 'continuous es. 1 was not able to attend Bos my ordinary domestic duties and | We. was eo nervous that I could scarce- ly. control myself. © Under advice 11 took to Grape-Nuts. "I am now, and have been ever sincs we began to use Grape-Nuts food, Able to Se a0 my ow Wh ark, The pepsia, ness and rheumatism which ed 0 drive me fairly wild, have entirely disap peared. "Ay husband finds that in' the * | night work in which he is engaged, 'Grape Nuts food supplies him the P. tum Co., 'Windsor, Ont. ; TR tle hock, "The Ri Read the littl to Wellville, " in pkgs. "There's a reason." + Ever read the 'above Totter? ge 'new ons appears from tima te time, They are anuing, true, any full of human Interest. rm Men 7 CHANGE aw oreo. Riack Sn a: wal y Dr, oa 7G. Rutherford, into two separate branches. The man most isned for Vete: Director- is Dr, ofstore, $1.90 to $2. PIAL Live poul. track, and No. 2 at to 3. Baled straw--$10, on tradk, Toronto. | Potatoes--Car lots in bags, $1.70 to $i: %, and Delawares st BL to $190. Out-| packets t it does in open et it deteriorates mo . r any circumstances: resh is a8 necessary to a Buce cessful tea trade as fresh butter to 'a successful Butter trade. = Nc wholesaler or retailer should nd of tea iu hie Sloot Tors oa ot about % lower than the above. UE Sos Tare aT TL Be al terion ube, 30 to 20. Creamery quoted at 36 Jia a) tor voile, aud. 4 50300 for solide} vs Bb. summer--every. 'Bush | in sire Ege 400 dozer in ease lots. ; 10 ds, yor - ery week $5.25 10° 85.60; do., mediam, $350 to $s 150; do. bull ER Pe up a Rae TUE TREE Ree HER i Te PL Be ei 4