room he new Eu tof Between these *sujts and other work that we do except in * "price. The quality and work- ". amanship will be of the best, and the fit guaranteed, "The price is lowered to clear . out this line of suitings. = © Come in and see the goods "SW. H. Doubt Tailor Brass Lamp FREE A Beautiful Brass Lamp, valued at $10.00, fitted either for Coal Oil or Electric Light, given to the person having the most wrappers from Richard's Pure Soap and Quick-Naptha Soap, at the 80th day of April ORANGES 'Marmalade Oranges, 25c. doz. Naval Oranges, 25c¢. doz. Choice Lemons, - 26c. doz. Orange Slicer Loaned for one day to each purchaser. T. C. Forman & Son EVERY POUND GUARANTEED 'We can supply you with Good old; "SCRANTON- LACKAWANNA OAL FOR SALE--90 acres of land of concession 3, lot 19, Reach, ion taining of 25 arent tillable land, | balance wood aud pasture, .' Well} Ope fenced. © Good running water year | Blacks Hugh Li rolind. Apply Thomas R. Jetirey in 'our hands [i Prince Albert. rie 4 | ---------- A good grazing farm is a ¥ich asses to any stockman or farmer.| A Do you want to buy one. See Executors notice of sale on page 5, HOUSE FOR SALE Commodious frame house, newly} = decorated thonghout, electric light, | furnace, water conveniences, C cellar, excellent garden and grounds | with a number of fruit trees, good stable. Apply to The in good Jrepair, good sabling . gation for ho ie; cow and ehiokena small ¢ ce of| There are three ) with this property will. cheap. v WALTER F. WEIR Port Perry, Ont. A first-class = pasture farm, in ) good location, and well watered, ig offered for sale. . See notice page § Tr FOR SALE<100 ficte farm about] ay 4 miles from Port Perry. Good land, well watered, fine large tim- bered bush, 6 acres fall | wheat 'in and the plowing done for the Spring crop. Fair buildings. For quick | sale. $3100. Apply to James Ir Lucas. FARMERS ATTENTION Are you building thi sommer?|® 1f so call and inspect a fine lot of pie timber and lumber, at lot 14, con. 5, Reéach; at Manchester. S17 FITCHETT ,. and Ww the pre location. ; If yon want' a a vise fam | let me show you some good va Auction Sales Friday Feb.23 is the gate of Mr. Harry Chapman's sale of farm stock and juuplements, at Jots = and 21 in the 7th concession of 2 Cartwright. Sale at one o'clock: whi Rh IE 10 Our says a Geo. Jackson, Auctioneer hours, The Quarterly a pam : Seagrav t has vi rat Rundle Bros. are putting on a in ithe iy a Basis y big sale of dairy' cows, horses { Union with the Presbyteria implements, etc. 'at the Curling] Congregational bodies." { Rink, Port Perry, on the 18t offq¢ the smemeership, aud ud arch. Mr. Frank Rundle is go-l now w bela taken West so everything mnst be sold. Sale commence ati p.m. --- The Dairy cows are an excellent last week lot, and dairymen should be Prés-| school chums. ent at this. sale. ¢ Myrtle, wd' ckson, Auctioneer Clee: deh, nd Ms. Mr. Roy Goode, 'of Wick, Ont. | ue. dry i dv will offer for sale y public auctl SEa GRAVE Mr. FE. Bradley quickly dls of his carloads of ws hay mane *|£The double house d Cine on Lilla Mr. 0: address, M! Routley sang sw i e Hand ihat was. be ed r me. 0 Mr. John MeLeaa is having his |. ©! sale on Wednesday, The Basket social on Wednesda Iv night, was & grand suscess ily | large crowd attended and the night was beautiful. The joxcellent, with a d I -{Boles, ) Ore spersed. vy. bask, assembled and under the one of handling of Norman Smith, of Pl ant Point, + bronghis bigh 'prices, | proceeds amonnted fo vn {all had an enjoyable time Re wi Mt, Fred Vipond and fam {on Monday for Brooklin, they. will reside in the future, Mills accompanied them. © 'The Ladies' Ala Sosiety | 7 he feguiar, meeting last « | afternoon, at. ho church. A "quile-' put up in the Sunday i ny and a large number took tea, 2 Mr, and Mrs, 'John Short: "| Friday at Columbns with bis. Mrs. 'Hardiog: i pas Sma y. paid a flying visit fo parents Hat Friday. et Mi . Mrs, W. Seugor, 'spent Friday. iB Hayao :