0. REPORTS FROM THE LEADING nt the company 1s earning enough to lay aside a substantial sinking: neh to] TRADE CENTRES OF : AMERICA; oft 'the bonds before 'maturity, and] 4 Prices of Cattle. Grain, "Cheese e. next year t divide of 1 per ; ; i FORE Se as and Other Produce at Home % gent. each were paid; the Dbext year biod totalled 3 per cent. last year 4 and Abroad. "gent. was paid in regular dividends, in addition, a bonus of 1' per cent. BREADSTUFFS. 'additional was handed out. This year'the| Toronto, Feb. 27.~Flour--~Winter wheat, | Gompany should pay 6 per cet. | 90° per 'cent. patents, $5.75 to 83.80 at sea- , if this company 'were 10 'go out | board, and at $3.85 to $3.90 for home con. bitsiness its' bonds would 'be retired at|sumption. 'Manitoba Sours=First patents aatter of | par 'and its stock would be. xepresentad 85:50; second patents, $5, and strong bak: of ' which are' included | ers'; $4.90, on track, Toronto. ; .. \ {under the head: of "good-will," Good-will| Manitoba wheat--No. A Northern, $i: articles may be properly.reckoned as an asset only [13, Bay ports; No. 2. Northern st $1.10, its face | 80 long as the company is doing business {and No.3 at 81.06, Bay, ports. Jord whaayy In the case of Nanidation its value vane allrail, 741-20: Ontario wheat--No, 2. white, rod and ik 9% to 6c, outside. P ht of view the. company's shires are 3 Good. shipping peas, $1.18 He | indrinsioally' worth 'very lithe; their. auo- Me > value merely a sources ividends. Oa easy 40. Bee . from ed treme #e, and of No. 3 at 43'to Me; outside No, oh bonds | , not subject 10 sudh | porta. movements, except to > very moderate| Barley--Fdrty-eight Iba. Quoted at 9% to degree." 960, outside. Oérn=No. 3 Amérisan yellow; 7012 to Tie, Toronto freight. RyéNo, 2 at $1.00. to $1.09, outside, Buckwheat--70 to fe, outside, : HOUSTON sweet BY FIRE. Fanned by 'Gale, Ov Over 250 Buildings! Bran--Manitoba bran, $26, in bags, To- 'ere Destroyed. patch from Houston, Texas, Kon 2 mrelled ed by » gale gale that swept | OOUNTRY PRODUCE, toldest northers| Apples--Good "stock, §3 to $4 per barrel 'of the ih onerop flames swept clean! Beans-Small'lots of hand-picked, 82.35 through "the eastern. section. of 'to 82.40 per bushel. Houston early on Wednesday morn-' Honey--Extracted, in tips, 11 to 12 per ing. © At least twenty-five blocks of 1b. : Combs, $2.60 to $276. have been destroyed, cov-' Baled Hay--Fair; No, 1 at $15.50 to. 816, an area one and one-half on track, and No. at $12 to $13. Cand 'at points one-quar-' Baled Straw--$10 on 'track, Toronto, pi Bireots of cottages ' Potatoes--Oar 'lots; in: bags, $1.65, and woreidesteoysd, several big mani: Delaware at $1.85. Outof-store, $1.80 10 facturing plaiits were burned $.%. divs: down; and thousands of persons. Poultry--Wholssale . prices. of. choice The @Ie CON: dressed -poultry--Chickens, 12 to 180. per 866 'at from six to' ten m.; fowl, 9 to 100; geese, 13 to 150; ducks, 85,000,000 12 to Mo; turkeys, 20. to %lo. Live pol: ronto freight, S8borts, $26.50 to $27; | 10. 815.50, : tor-Ohoisast creamery, ® ents, firats, rh do, seconds, 85.10; strong bakers', $4.90; Winter patents, choice, $5. 10 to $5.35; straight rollers, 84.65 to $475; do., bags, $215 to $2.25, Rolled oats, bar rels, $5.05; bags, 90° Me. $2.40. -Bran-924; shorts, $26; middlings, $28; mouillie, $28 to 834. Hay-No. 2, per tom, car lots, $15 Chisese--Finest Westerns, {5 1-4 to 15140} finest Basterhs, 1412 to 156, But { dg, 3040 38086 Bge-- Frosty '30 400... Po- Yatoes--Per 'bag, car lots, $1.70 to $1.80; ; i UNITED. rath MARKETS, Minneapolis, Feb. 21~Wheat--May, $1. 041-2; July, $1.0558 to $1.06 34; No, 1 hard, $1.05; No. 1 Northern, $1041; No. 8 Northern, $1.02 to $1.021.2; No.3 wheat, 1.00 to $1,001.82, No. 3 yellow corn, 62: to 636... No. 3 white oats, 49 to #9120. No. 3 rye, 8710. Bran, $15 to $25.50. Flour-- First patents, $4.90 to' $5.20; do, "Second patents, $4.55 to ($4.80; fret oloars, $3.30 to $3.65; second clenrs, $2.20 to $2.60. . LIVE STOCK MARKETS. ' Montreal, Feb, 27~Butchers' cattle, choice, $7.00° to $7.28; do. Sattle, medium, $5.50 to 96.76; 'do., catfle common, $3.50 to $5; oanners, $2.75 to $3.25; butchers' gat. tle, choice cows, 85.50 to 85.76; do., 'cattle, medium, $3.75 to $4.75; do., cattle, bulls, $3.50 to $6.00; milkers, choice, each, $78 10 $80; "milkefs, com. and medium,' each, 850 to $65; springers, $30: to. $45. »8heep, ewes, $4.50 to $4.75; bucks and culls, $3.78 to $4.25; lambs, $6.50 to 87. Hogs, fo.b., $7.35 to $7.50. Oalves, $2.50 to $8.00. * Toronto, Feb. 20--A few. bunches; of esholed" Buatoher cattle sold from jp $665, but'the general run of good daitle ranged from $5.86.40 $6. Two prime expors cattle bought for feeding fetched $696, They weighed" 2.51 pounds each. There was a fairly active enquiry for stockers of good quality at $4.50 to $5.25. Cows Were' Gasy at 34°10 '85 wid; bully-were steady at $3 to $525. Common cattle were dull at $250 to $4. Oanters fetghed op 10 % £30 nikmbe wars, fen : erg, Armes d i 'Were iihanged in' prices, Fs tr hogs were. fiver, b af: reho Er choten. Jo; wragmars, 9 * burned. This to 307 large Tolls, 2 to Mo: and inferior, Jose of | tubs, 20 to fo. Oreamery quoted at: 3 8 (to #0 for rolls, ¥ to 30 for solids, per * Im, ver. denen; in case lots. Oheese--Large, . 161-2, and twins at Ee an oon wt 3 10 161.26; heavy, U 14140; rolls, 1034 to 110; breakfast 0: to; backs 19 to Blo.