¥ LCL Ld Mr. Leon 'Lane is pleased to hear that Mr. Rose is recovering from his illness. te Limbert, of Oakwood, is Mrs. D. Adams: «Mr. Stanley McMillan, of Saint: "Held left for the West last Saturday Mrs. Burbham and daughter 4 were in Toronto for a few days last week, Messrs. Wm Watson, Frank Saoyder and John McLean, of Sea. grave left last Monday for the West Mr. Cecil Purdy is visiting with] with bis aunt, Mrs. Kilpatrick, "of Cedar Creek. ' Mr, John Lamb, wife and family Heft for Chicago last Friday. see Carnegie, s New Wall papers. Phere will be Song Service at the 'Baptist Church on Sunday 'evening. Mr. Wal'er F. Weir has pur- 'chased 'the: Harper farm between Manchester and Port Perry. Mrs. Harper will visit her brother Rev. Roger Allin at Brooklin, Mr. A. W. Allin is 'attending the "sessions of the Grand Lodge of the A: 0. U. W. in Toronto. He went As a delegate from the Port Perry 'branch of the Order. Mr, and Mrs. Stephenson, Brock- 'wille, are the 'guests of Mr, and Mrs. James Stonehouse, Miss D. Carmichael is visiting Tn Toronto, FARMS FOR SAL 148 acres of excellent land well ed for dairying; 100 all cleared balance good pasture land. Situat- =d at Sonya station. Never failing Spring at corver of pasture. Two good wells at - buildings, frame house and frame barn with stone basement. 3 100 acres first' class grain land al under cultivation: one mile west of Sonya good house and good barn with stone basement, Apply to D. McPhail bo Sonya 2: p53 In the Town by everybody as the in- formation : given is .of ' practical value. 1 WENT AS A DELEGATE Mr. S. 1. Heury attended the Home Circle. Annual meeting in Toronto last week where the Su- preme Circle' met in convention, He was the delegate from the Port Perry Circle, 'and report: ! e 'session of the Order which he says isin a most prosperous condition, © ANOTHER STORM Soure snow-eame awhile ago, and the weather prophets sald it had come"to take the other off." On Friday of last week a great deal more snow came we presume to help the previous lot away. « Trains were stopped, the Soow- plow'and its engines ran off the track near Brooklin., Fortunately no one was seriously hurt in the wreck; although some of the train crew received some scratches and bruises The Toronto mail came through at pight; and Port Perry people appreciated Mr. Burnham's courtesy in distributing. it although past regular post office bouts. 8 ILLUSTRATED SERMON Next. Sunday 'morning in the Methodist 'Church Rev. "R. Bam forth will deliver an illustrated address to young people; Hverbody. welcome, ; 8 ple | line of: Wall ers at} be fitted for Of test Premium of the Gas or some about this ma there one may see truly sidewalk' but it is fact that makes the walking pleasant that people do abroad more than' they most good natured abou ter, and yet the sidewalks be cleaned now at once or be well nigh _im le warm Jays that will likely come the near future. 3 ; hoe." an i th 1 Hang up the fiddle and the bow, | ence id judge and _. "Chere's a little. ;more Work for (in the ring, and poor ofd Ned. # discussion ensued In: the place 'where 'they b: shovel snow. : 2 * ORATORIOAL 'CONTEST: In connection with the 'Sons , Temperance Division at' Prine ive inte Albert on Tuesday evening of last | to make the week, an oratorical contest was held [and alsot in which the following ge jen | Ddwson fe took part:--Messrs..0, Thompson, | -- Carried ent L. Honey, R, W. McClintocl i ' W.(D. Munro. . Mr. Munro took first place and was awarded a hand- some pocket book: Me. RW Mc- Clintock was. the 'winner of. second: prize a gold'stick pin. Mem~ {7 bers of the glvisions si Ragin ad |" yrile were present, and Mr: 4 i's wn Beacock ocoupied the chair: af Jie. and; i Fanner, of "Port 'Perry, acted Fy. judge.' A good program was rend: ered 'and refreshments ® served, making a most enjoyable evening's entertainment. fon ha "At a special meeting of the Boa of Education, Mrs: Givens. of : ofito, was engaged as. teacher of the second division: of the Public! School, in the place of. Miss Heol= (man. Mrs. Givens taught here Ome years ago... Mr. A: Oichard. slipped