rs, have been fooling us They have 'contended ary -- first as "insurance" oast cities in case the insur- d's latest war has demonstrat- ments. It was obvious from vy, fw from precisely what "drew her into rights in attacking the war vessels he defenceless town itself is gen- it to" protect a A6nt is to have no warships there : passable excise for firing though Europe is and" adgment| steadily restricting than' ever before, | bullets: that wil] make As fleets and guns objects upon which reduced. | Already, "are quite 'safe from re: 15° steadil } mercial shi ps g the Beitut affiir, coast cities not|- "hereafter. be 'quite safe next war ocenrs, probably we shall anxiously Seouring. the: seas for ething at which public opinion will Saturday Dost. plehurst, the resi. the bride's parents De. and Mrs. Mueluarin foft on a In trip 10 the States: the bride travels blue tailor made suit, with |. cerise flowered 'hat and : L tters from a Self Made Farmer - to His Son @Cannington, Ovtario, April 3, 1912 5 0 James Tompkins, Port Perry, Ont. Dear Jim-- I've been galivanting round the country considerable of late, and most everybody is agreed that Spriug 1s.a trifle behind time. : Your Ma's quite well and having the time of her life seeing all the swell Easter hats at the swell prices, and knowing that she can save a five dollar bill on hers by buying it in Port Perry. Se Pm writing to you each week, Jim, not just altogether for the fun of it (though I aint denying I like the job); but because I've done alot of fool things iu my life, and I want you to miss some of them and save yourself the price what they. cost me. ¥ "A man ud be a fool to sow Wild vats or sow thistle in his fields just to see what they was Jike.. The wise man looks over his neighbor's fence or along the roadside to satisfy himself on that point, and then goes home and Rives his seed grain an extra rin through the fanning mill, 'and maybe handpicks it to make sure. There aint no need to drive the moral of that home with a meat 4x, It's as plain to be seen as the big stonépile in the middle of the hay medder. : ) Lwant you to cash my experience and use the eapital to get your rtart in life. Of course, thére's some acres, some stock and. some dollars coming to you, but you can soon run through them if you don't use cnough brains to handle them right. It isn't always the'fellow with only one talent that fails in life. My experience is that the fellow with five talents and a nite of clevernese thrown ip, is the fellow that thinks he's so sinart he don't have to 'tend to business all the time. But I want to tell you it'salways the minute when ¥ou ain't looking that the pot boils over, or the fire goes out as the case | may be. My idea is the more brains you'se got, the more careful you mast be or they'll get you into trouble. f These smart fellows often loaf a lot because, being talking, they popnlar. with the boys, being as how theyie mighty entertaining and all that. After a while they gets behind 'with their work _ and their money. Then of course; they needs a bracer or a consoler. So, they goes to the corner and sets up the drinks or buys consaler at so much a bottle. "The 'way "of life is littered with banana peel, and being smart won't save you from getting tripped un if you ain't watching where you're Rong oue of their talents . + 1 want to see you make that old farm the best paying proposition in . I'm lookieg considerable iuto this drainage business, and it's opening my eyes sonie, Nex week I'll write particulars, " Seeing we ain't got no city eousins to sponge on 'here in' Toronto your Ma and me is boarding out at $4.00 a week each. [ want to see wha real city We is, and your mahas a sneaking notion that she can teach the landlady some old tricks in the cooking trade. 'Maybe she will as they're: etting on pretty civil like together. Your Ma always did make frends ;