: ys licy not Joass since oh Tecoms k iced to a et on SpE rR ost people believe that ventrilo- m is a gift almost unattainable i the ordinary mortal, 'but 'this i ig quite wrong. The fact is that anyone can learn to ventrilo: ize if he has sufficient patience to tice. long enough. Tt is merely uestion of deceiving the ear. tically. all the would-be ven- quist has to learn i is the facility of 8praking without moving his lips, il, of course, the knack: of mis: digect ng' the attention of the spec- rs. In connection' with: "'stom- talk' --which, by the way, has a eading derivation, gince no man produce sounds otherwise than om his larynx--it is said that the Went Egyptian priests made great of if for the purpose of working their oracles. URED OF CONSTIPATON 4Mr. Andrews praises Dr, 3 oS Indian Root Pills: r. : Getye Andrews of Halifax, N.S, For many years I have been' troubled chronic Constipation. This ails niet fever 'coties glehand handed, and nd 1 have been a victim to t! wany Hnesses that Sot tipation brings in its train, Medicine after medicine T have taken in order to find relief, bit one and all left me in the Satné Tiopeless condition. Tt aemed that nothing would expel from one ailment that caused so much Cab a last 1 réad about these 00 That was indeed a luc for me, for T was soi a the states ts made it eT determined to athe a fair ink wo oy have regulated my stomach \ bowels. Iam cured of constipation, and yLclaim they Tave no equal as a medi- er over half a century Dr. Morse's Indian Roet Pills have been curing con- ation and clogged, inactive kidneys, With al They @ilments which result from They cleanse 'the whole system iy blood, Sold Sverywhess aie he nl -fuext that some wi tion came into power mane patios tire 'detail; but skirmishes on matters of igkue big and broad enough to Joaeh avery elector, and make Bm search his heart or his prejudices, to see which side he The te! ance poliey advanced 2 he uri the sais oh oh an issue. ug "po gla. diators to grips. 1 'at this date what he outcome will ore will be plenty of time for anus for, of course, there is no' reason why there 'should be sn slection for another four years. © i THE ISSUE, From expressions of opinion already made it is evident that opposition to Mr. Bowelke policy will dome from three main sonroes 1. Those who do not belleve in' further restriotive legislation. . Those who arg sincere in their 'entre to seo the lignor trade curtailed or abol- | of ished, "but who do not 'believe that: the enforoement of such restrictions as are pioposed. could be. enforced. 3. Those. who, to borrow, a Sleaze from British Hotta: may "whole hoggers," and Ya will not be satisfied With any | temperance "policy which "does not provide for: the toial hibition, including the abolition of licenses and club licenses, 'as well as the bard, and perhaps, alsa, the rohibition of the manufacture of intoxicants. On the other hand those who believe with: Mr. Rowell, say. in answer to: these three groups respectively: 1 The Nauor Jxaffio is an evil which de ra no yuarter. 2. The abolition of the bar is capable of effective enforcement. 3. The wiping out at one swoop of 1.800 h tavern licenses is a big tackle at once; that dccomplished " -- can, if desired, go after the others. Buch is a Srorigiag statement of * the is. sue. It ogntains all the possibilities of a red-hot campaign. It is 'a campaign that has been ineyitable. The Non ler is that it has been #0 long in coming. THE LAIRD OF DONLANDS One of the cleertilest gious Toronto these days '18 3 Ye rid aper, owned hy Mr. W. F. McLean, MP, tis bulibling over with "joyous- 1ithe gl #8 of springtime. is that variety 'whith its owner, 'who, however "his contemporaries may 'differ "with him, recognize 8s <a master journalist, knows so well hw wn impart, _ Say he declares that Eaton's nieve' WH H0 the Carl oy nown block' at. Youre: 5 MoLean.ja.}.0f. not only a Jiowspanst, publisher. DU A nded proprietor. Fér n accumulating, lau: short distance northeast thousand: av thét property * would 'be a millionaire, A FAMOUS CORNER PASSES. * Twenty years 280 most visitors to To» ronto were eutertained by a Visit to the intersection 'of 'Bimeoe 'and King which: was considered quite a how place, begause its four: corners represented, re- ectively, education; legislation, damon. ton and salvation, "On one corner stood Upper Usnada College, educations oun the second Government House, : Fe on. the third, St. Andrews' salyation, and on: fourth 'a Soa. damnation, In another month, salyation -alona i remain, Damnation ond education arted | sin the mutability. '0 the latter when Tope cided to move out i gar He 1 his Stisudance 8b.pi sifeets,| Mason 26 "of the a now the oilnaye year see the first citizen of the ngromsd me the business of Which, [circle many fhterestl is a 2am AE a ay A) A immediately pe lished. nw THE NEW GOVERNMENT HOUSE, The new. "Government. House is built in Chorley Park, North Roseqans several miles from the old loca n. The Governnient has been criticized for select. a #ite 80" far removed 'from the Par- lament - buildings, but the utenant Governot's duties are not gen: 0 a WO! much nwhile, Binod the foléctih a iey k, pro 'perty in the vicinity has suadiuplid, value, and' land speculators ve b reaping a-ha Until tha in new residence {s finished tha Lieutenant nar 1s obliged 10 go i re, 0 Tos net bir Iter gre 'at the cor At'ths 'time of the * form: Borden. Cabinet last Ogtober o futercsting Remar to he "efoct 2 he top it TOR who had some dlaime to party Fd wag ha a Saaidate, for the: Oalyinet, hat he would be the Riel Goan Ontario. T. it onl hi acquired" aiff a igh Kemp" amfictuvive Company, hon 3 0 ¢ soma ma. with an A ae J of 3h y, and was by Jose) "hut he ve A : 2 the last: con contest. bonne, béen - init. | A Year 'ago. itn term' ig draw: Q been indefatigable in ions, and ad. the dnnsaal odor of at acting a8 he Dunks an of Oon. ir John 9 an thsi tame being a ou Grand Master of the Gratid Lodge of -Canada, a fact which doubtless' added. a bond ot sympathy be. Mi EB Ao ha far as the pub lic knows poncdh absolute 'har mony and the Premier, though for ti since. hiederation 0. days. they ri ae of opposite ical faiths. However. James and "Sir. John hi ing va hiaibdon, of "wotive. sonfliok An. the House' when 1 ve. oon in Bir hn was A Gener: Jo amiss was Toader. of the ovpositio al ab he Avi Hy the Bar anyone who cannot of 2 pind uotuat ne. bank stocks. "Inf In {Ane themsely. } 2 NOUS 0 5 ie between the Liettinant dot Sovernor ph have ge. ihe pro periy, from the Govern be v, ong a favored g| idan tinguished people, will this} Lo' Hi "toi their 'expand; y and the new their share) Ment S TEnAlly anes Ton, i a en} and, as it always offered 'first to the a the resultant profit adds ---- to e all stocks, & 'narrow mar) gate of some 3; he 'have been sunk *15,000 of drifting and ois | Hee ) Buell done. On the holes th ores found in this propert; 0c- Jou underground worl = in fairly régula Logg fy is | have been satisfactory, though some ; rieh. "running; it is said, $98 |of the prospects have The on 'i8" as fo ¢ veins; but the in one has he been Erased hn on. hs surk e, and | g visit was also paid | Lm 'mine, which vies 'with the | 500 | Dame Jor wid te g ol 2 mill a celebration was 'hela r oy the auspices of the qupine. Board 2 Tiade i : i ipick out samplos carrying dig] ev: : 'gold. | Mr. Arthur| The * Dons; Hsin Wehatss xpert of the Temis- Vipond and Other Important - | ka ; 8 Deserted From |X : oa forthe 'of 'many Mil: sted [tions in' share Tm hal can for leather, ; article ds ids 'd the growth of the ot population I a than the in- t Srease ing #3 ; mb 4 ofan poe ; ative of this Da ugh ret néll from a trip thin a Ble of 1 te) 0! cupine," Where he. found mils ig ¥ 1, Hol and: Donte; will: bar 48,000, | the product of run of a ten mp mill on Intyrs "Mire. Hop ol il self at work and was told by 'M: 7 B. Fiyon,: he Vice-President of{ 1 mpany, that ¢! aily output fo would: imm +be' raised "to, $1,000; and that it as hope fore 'the end of year: to. tal out. $500,000 trom. this alone. : « THE. DOMES BIG ML most: impressive. thing in| ping to-day is the. new big 'of the Dome, wl he 1 ROREYRINE S HOREA: 'a ton yonder one of the: great | Man in a day." « Id camps of the world. - The next months, with the f ills in |