nto ur the water rbrushes sho i not hey should eo SAaY Jabeling This can be done by pasting a strip of paper om the mn | pencil or cutting the initials in. the wood: 3 9% © WISERAYINGS. Never stop work till you have £6. 1 have seen 50 many good men re. tire--and go to_pieces.--Dian Pi: gou. Cc PERT DRT A Work. is the very salt of life; not -preserving it from decay, but » giving it tone and flavor.-- 6: never intended that State here uld be either hed etely happy oF entisely miser- ab : : _ If all men had to earn all they io Jived upon they would know better 'how to use money and how to save it.--Mr. Samuel Barrow. = 1 Bachew Yickedness, Be truthiul] in speech, fait 0. your engage- and helpful lations and homet ns and n TY. ; This world is full of fopls, 'and he who would va wish to 85 bie a. if not only shut himself up lone, bu | also Break his looking-glass.--Boil- 1 to your re-| 010,000,000,000, 000,000