ith H cured ink Pills 'are sold} «dealers or can 'be Official . Sues to 0 Recover 1 After, Fin Pili, Sud in H derer had just been h bangman untied, The vo gan to cut 2 er to oo pte at an 1 visas in atction to the crowd w out side the prison--a bit . man's rope being believed in el gasy lo be the best of all passible © charms for bringing good Iuek, ublic prosecutor, wever, who to be present to witness an ex- ecution, ordered Bali to hand over the rope to him The |. f {40 Bright's Disease. | Siwaye tire in life d ok Bo Bie 1 use. is bi to Kidney Pills and marvellous, + Dodd's Six boxes cured me the b was |Tv on Rl neglected, develops in- Toe The one sure its tortures is to cure . when it first starts with Dodd's Kidney Pills. RL DECLINE OF DRUNKENNESS. The statistics published by the Qity of Pari, inoes, duri.g the last ten years since the suppression of the octroi tax on beer and wine, and the increase of the same tax 1 on strong alcoholic liquors such as BABY'S OWN TABLETS "A MOTHER'S STANDBY Mrs. Wm. Kernaghan, Cart- wright, Man., says: "I always use Baby's Own Tablets and find them an excellent remedy. for little ones." Thousands of other mo- thers say the same thing, simply be- cause they have found the Tablets the best medicine to give their little ones to make teething easy ; to ex-| tio pel worms'; relieve constipation and | to make 'haby plump, 'healthy and a! The Tablets arc sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 26 a box from The Dr. Wil- Medicine Co., Brockville, ene CLEVER, Mrs. Muggins--"1 hear your hus- 'band is quite versatile." Mrs. Buggins--"'Why, he can ac- tually stay out late every night in the week and not give the same ex- ouse. twice.' Cucumbers and melons are "for- bidden fruit" to many persons so constituted that the least indul- brandies, eau de vie, cognac, @&nd pure alcohol generally, have shown that the consumption of beer and wine, described as hygienic drinks, has considerably increased, while that of pure alcohol has diminished come 80 pop almost by one-half. Before the oc- oi troi tax was removed the average quantity of alcohol consumed by Parisians wae nearly eight litres per head per annum, now . the amount has fallen to only four our litres per head. Drunkennees, it is as- sumed, has declined in equal pro- portion among the working popula- n. iia, WAS A SHAME. He-- "Bo you lost that handsome little dog you had 1" She--/ 'Yes, in 'a railroad 'acci- dent. I was saved, but the dog was led. He--*"What a pity I'! SA CORE FOR CONSUMPTION. gence is followed hy attacks of | bevon cholera, : dysentery, persons are not aware ir heart's tery Cordial, e th give imedinte' ot. ine is'a cure core for all summer complaints. . Counting both steamships and sailing i of one hundred tons |- upwards, their in the iA, mexeantile marine exceeds 30,000. Koop Minard's -- mw the house. 'Russia's Army 7 hay & peace estab: lishment of over 1,200,000 men; its : approximate 'war Sirength excels griping, eto. |i; at | Oo _|the close of the sermon.' oils and Tytiads {tty hat riven up by an Xi a andl" lew days 10 dive, and Are sent on a at your drug- Copeland, 511 from bog LW, She--T did not think much of He-- 'Probably you were inking more of the clothes of the congregation." Sores Heal Quickly. --Have ou persistent sore that refuses to heal! Then, try Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil in the dressing. = It will stop sloughing, carry away the proud flesh, draw out the pus and pre- pare 2.) clean way for the new skin. It is the recognized healer among atled ary Nearly one hund mill + of land in Alberta are suitable for Cow-Gomfort is positively guaranteed to keep Flies off your Cattle. WRITE NOW FOR PARTICULARS TO Maolaren Imperial Cheese Co., Limited, WOODSTOCK, ONTARIO of people can cer- goial healed 'where: 'other oils