Ry Palmerston'. : ior dine ses Btls, Ba. for the trinkiiine. "Pra: AT : Catarrhozonie Co ¥ D x Glenholin Falconbridge is Y; regent oronto Publie ibrasy Board made > tonr bf the city for the purpose of visit: ling the various branches and see: bn. On tering ing one street the ear in whieh Bir Glenholm was riding wrapped in their eternal snows! : CR SL ay _ A FRIEND'S ADVIOR. jo dosh has comrad fn ber Wellmeadow, Prisha. : The death has cocurred of Mrs. Bephenia Waugh, Loud , he oli [awick. pl oo : on held the ac >» Sompemoration fer The death has cocured in Inver | {EER Hiaalander, who served ia the Indian Mutiny. 1 The' Wishaw burgh rates been increased by 4d. per £1 owner and occupiers, and urgh general and public Provost Fyfe, Port Glasgow, hi T8° | assessments are up to 5d. neering trades. : It has been decided to eonfer the freedom of the city of Glasgow on Councillor. Robert Graham in re- cognition of his valuable services as member of the town couneil. | Mr. Graham Moffatt, author of Fi "Bunty Pulls: the Strings," 'dnd a native of Milngavie, has beeome a lite member of.the London-Dumbar- tonshi iati Every ; we haye letters from chankiul Wl telling us what Baby's Own Tablets have done for FF their little ones. Bome praise them Last spring T had an attack of at left me in a very i} |of letterg--all giving | Tablets. I | for consti tion, 'others for teeth- ing troubles, and 'still' others for vomiting, estion and the many other ills of babylivod and child- hood. We have received thousands raise. Mrs, W. GQ, Orowe, Midland, Ont., says: "*T think very highly of Baby's Own ve them to my baby when troubled with constipation 4 and they be her so much I al- ways keep in the house and BOW use no other medicine." The Tablets are sold by medicine deal: eFs or by mail at 35 cents a box '{irom The Dr, Williame' Medicine was greeted by loud eries from sev- eral street-urchins, $ oy ate calling ous, Uontrol- lors, trollers I" explaived the gentleman next to him. Ah! that said to me," re- © 7 | plied Bir Glenholm sadly. "Oura. Fer Consumption.--For eoneump tion, wea! Bags 1 ring eoughs, laryn. ritig and bron tls. ames and addresses Ada ant given x lew gave to live he . : 4 ir taking. 4 ALLOWS. | cure are 1 aves For x1 | CHEATING THE © tors, afte HE Will be sent og Somsinnd: oi Beth " Co., Brockville, Out. inning Growing of Clunamon. The aromatic spice, called cinna- mon, is the inner bark of a beauti- ful tree, attaining the size and simi- lar in appearance to our pear-tree. small; smooth: and ' shiny branches, or young shoots, are alone available. To produce tha commercial bark the trees are al- 'lowed 'to grow for from five to seven years, when they are felled and the stumps allowed to produce new shoots, called 'coppice.' The same methods, 'says the Scientific American, are followed in the East .| Indies to grow straight and stnooth shoots of cinnamon as the basket- willow grower adopts in this coun- fry. It is kept coppiced in order induce the formation of long, shoots. ' ¢ HAA Soh, "ae esp and on easy terms. ; S EVENTY.SIX ACRES WITH 33 Re sod le ober H.W. DAWSON, Teronte. 15 ACRE JARM ~ MIDDLS much discolored," showing sighs of wil blood-poisoning. Y : 1 then decided te start the Zam- Buk treatment, and having first bathed the cut, I applied the heal- ing balm. : It soothed the pain al- most instantly. "In a week's time, through per- séveranes with 'Zam-Buk, a ocom- plete oure was brought about." Zam-Buk is just as good for eo tema, ulcers, svalL sores, abscesses, piles, 'ringworm, ' boils, * varicose uléers, running seres, cold sores, [Co chapped hands, etc. Use it, too, for cuts, burns, bruises and all skin injuries. Zam-Buk Soap should be used in conjunction to the balm for washing wounds and sore places, | Excellent, foo, lor baby's bath. All druggists and stores sell Zam- Buk at 50¢. box and Zam:Buk Boap' at 268, tablet. Post free for price from Zam-Buk Co., Teronto. smntntf Exercising Her Right. "Mamma, young Mr. Ketchley wants fo come and see me." "When did he tell you so, child I" "Last time I saw him I asked him if he wouldn't like to call, and he said, 'Why, certainly.' Minard's Liniment Cures Carget In Cows. Neo Deception. Toff--'"You told me that horse was free from faults. Why, it's blind."' Dealer--"Blindt Well, that's not a fault; that's a cruel misfortune.' | Side-Kick. ) Wallie Clerk -- 'Lew is pretty popular, isn't het | Willie Clerk--"Yes, He's liked by every ome that doesn't know him." Most men I ask little from, I try i to render them much, and to expect | nothing in return, and I get very | well out of the bargain,--Fenelon. INFLAMMATORY RHELMATISH Conquered by GIN PILLS Mr. W, G. Reid, Hamilton, Ont., writes: 'I have been forthe last two years a cripple with Muscular and Inflammatory Rheuinatism. I tried almost everything known to medical science and sought change of climate without relief, Your ! manager in this city recommended Gin Pills and I have since taken eight boxes | and am now cured. I consider Gin Pills the conqueror of Rhewmatisn and Dt $2.50. Sample Soc. a . 6 for $2.50, mple free: | "Hf you write National and niet i Co, of Canada. Limited, Toronto, = 132 MALE HELP WANTED, J2 Y NEXT SPRING THE RAILWAYS sdoned™y Ialiware'snd re (ad STAMPS AND COINS. TAMP COLLEOTORS---RUNDRED DIR tere Pore S nt Stamps Oatalogue, Album, onl en Oente. arks Stamp mpany, Toronto. 4 A n pains, Dominion 'oronto. MISCELLANEOUS po! ANCER" YUMORS. LUMPS ss ternal and ettermal cured eit tin by our home treatment. Write We fore too late Dr. Bellman Medical Ose im ited, Collingwnnd Ont ANTED-BLA xes, Ma Blake ct Be 8 TOSS Mink, alive. » H fad, Ontario, suring Company of Oanada, Winnipeg, Man. " CLEANING LADIES". WALKING OR OUTING SUITS Ona be done perfectly by our French prossss. Twp Ik British Amerioan Dysin Montreal, Toronto, on. oyeing Ga and power SMOKE STACKS, Agen's for mare vaut Ven.tatlag and Heating Srstems, POLSON "0% 42%%s TORONTO LIMITED Engines and Shipbuliders The Soul of a Planois the Action, Insist on the "OTTO HIGEL"" Piano Action LANGMUIR'S CRBOSUTRE . ShingleStains Proteot -- Preserve -- Beautify Samples and Booklets om Application JAMES LANCMUIR & CO., Limited 1876) Bathurst Street TORONTO TE] ¥ writes us that he warms his' milk-wagon on cold : A with a Perfection