an SAMUEL FARMER, ding in order to Gin Jo) Publisher and Propiistor left in thé vats at time 'most of the finishing of the "stock 'of {necessarily be a slow little new machinery in for the present; at least. The rum- Mr. Lloyd White, after spending{onr that Ex, Mayor NR. 'Beal had #he holidays at home has returned' to | disposed of his town residence is only!" €tawn, where he is attending Normal | street talk, nothing | in it, just yet. School. SALE OF THE UXBRIDGE JOURNAL The Uxbridge: Journal has been sold to Mr. Thos. Gowats, of Thom: Bury, Ont. The Journal has been' in the. Keller family. almost since its in- ception, and the sale will come as 'a surprise to a great'many. ~ Mr. Gows ans 'we understand takes immediate possession. Cartwright Caesarea Holiday visitors, Mr. Milton Har- wan, of Toronto, with his father, Mr, Jolin Harran, Mr. and Mrs. John Hall; of . Toronto, . with Mr. George Handing, Miss Nellie Humpage. with +Blr. Andy Bullock. ; Mr. and Mrs. John Samells, of TOWN EEECTIONS 'Westleton, entertained some of their! TT. C. Nicholls was elected Mayer, fiends on New Year's day, a pleasant | wn. Forster, Reeve, A. S. Hardy ana aay was spent. John Gaegg as Councillors, all by: ac- Miss Rosie Mountjoy, of Nestleton' 'clamation. 'These are the only ones *Seation, had a very pleasant party in that qualified. Another nominatioh 'Besiror of her cousin Miss Vera Mount- is to be held this (Thursday) evening. jay, of Hayden, on Saturday evening: While the attendance at the first'nom- Fanuary 4th, all enjoyed the evening ination was up to the usual and plenty very much, of nominations made, yé seems bua that the office seekers are few, 10qt. granite dish-pans 29¢ at Rose A Co: "The Fair" Oakwood Mr. Ray Gardener is visiting friends here this week. Mr. and Mrs. Limbert and son An effort is being made to get the rwoad to Seven Mile Island so. improved rs aT Suting ithe week 'wikat a drive to it will be more enjoy: Mr. E arnest Woolridge, of Toronto, able | in the years to come. The peo: Veterinary College visited his cousin jgpte of the Island are helping in it. H. E. Woolridge during the. holidays. We Jegret fo say that Mis, Geo} ye were pleased to see Miss. Edna Mesbitt by a. fall on the ice broke ' a "Woné near the ankle. She i confined | eidon, of Lindsay, in our village vs fier bed. Much: sympathy 'is felt again, "fac her in her misfortnde. Ttis hoped} Miss. Maggie Moynes'left § Te age will soon be out again. day for Toronto where she. to 'Miss Hazel Aldred last week resum- remain some time. ed Ret studies at the Port Perry High nh 413. G. ashingion spent Tuesday School. Mrs. Woods and Miss 'Woods, of On Thursday evening an encouraging was held ut the Maple. Grove Mo Ns 2. Cameron' on Church in the interests of the forward oe movement. The 8.5. committee are Miss Murial Dobson, of Toronto, of ning for an entertainment to be in about two weeks, On January oth a meeting of the sacder of the Chosen Friends was held vim the Hall the attendance being zmlsout thirty. An interesting program znd an oyster supper ied the weening and 4 most enjoyable - time J spent. [ "Mrs. McRensie, of Toroht © reat interest has beén aroused IS: pe 0, is lee introduction. of Mr, Garnet Mc. [Spending a few days with her daughter "Kimley's invention, viz a feeder for the | Mrs: G. Washington. A ssclower-mill which after two week's test| Rev. C. H, Best, of Toronto, called even far passed surpassed: the|on friends bere. pos of the incentor.. The trial 'was| Mr. J. Prouse and family visited fis Site at' Me ay Demara's pot 'mother Mri. G. Prouse on Friday last. without considera tneasines £ 1 i he fortes ed eo and con Miss. Lillian: Davidson spent the oi ed to do so y so that "Mr. | ~MecKinléy, in seeking for a patent, Mrs Lda and So sil list of Scugog's best farmers ** SUEION FATS: : Miss Hatti to, ita end endure it. It was' er months with her parents Mr. and Mrs, Scugog Mr and Mrs, Geo: 'Wilson, of Woodville, visited Mrs. Wm. Wilson aver Sunday. Mis, Thos. Dundas, of Detroit and, Mrs. G. Mark of Little Britain: spent Monday wito. Mrs. and 'Mr. D. Dun: 3 visiting he her grandmother Mie. S. 4. a thei Gil '{1eathier will be done by hand, (and will visited' Mr. and Mr é this week,' Mr. John Hin 1s home 'on Friday fief visiting © his] Mark sister Mrs, The: witb oe elect: to Council of: the Township vizi--Ral i ' Met for the fnmiguin on n the Council for the current year, yl Township Hall, Manchester, on Mon- | day, January 13th, at ax' dim, Sunday Services 11.00 > Aeraoon,| Sunday Scho after. 'subscribing to their several dé-| clarations of qualifications and of fice, commenced the business fc year, The Reeve in the chair, The' 'minutes of the' Last meeting | were read and confirmed. COMMUNICATIONS From the management of the chil: dren's Hospital, Toronto, soliciting 2 donation for the said 'institution for |' 1913. Circular letter frofi'the' Bur- ns 00 a etsy print vy in service will be b eau of "Industries" te" returns: to: be! Sund made of the several' debts of the sor. poration as they stood on the 3 day of Dec. ' preceeding, From ie M: Murray re'culvert on the oth Sot: cession. From The Mui World) solicing orders: for the World: for 1913: From Samuel 'Dusty stating] that while boming from Uxbridge "on the 27th of Dec, last his horse foot into & hole in the: bridge 10th con; and broke its' 8. No. 13 Reach; stating that a annual meeting held on . 331.8 resauion hod 3 ing.the ipal' Councit to a truant officer for this = ) Sovenal applications for the posi \ essor and rand Auditors were. 'he above communications laid on the table for consideration. : Mr. Baird gave notice that he i at the next meeting of this council} move for leave to introduce'a to appoint a truant officer "for Township. it : il be pointed to investi the all claim of Mr. S, igus: the. horse on' con. 10, and report a GS i Th 'holidays with her parents at Losnevitie. 1 By