Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 12 Feb 1913, p. 4

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+last voent on the total and 4o per | wach subject are required, and | } n 60 per cent on the 0 Tor. cont om cach subject. The | at «pames are in order of merit. Form IV--Honors, Eva Henry "Gertrude Henry + Satisfactroy -- Beatrice = Vickery, Elsie Bradley, Norma Orchard, Nora McLean, May Mclean. , Form III Satisfactory, Ruth Woodger, Frieda Savage. Form 11--Honors, Irene Jack. Satisfactory--Mary Watson, Form I---Satisfactory, = Frederic Bamforth, Lucille Archer, Charles Bruce, Rhea Walker, Vera Somerville, Fred Harris, Howard Bailey, Jobn Giebner, Mildred Somerville, Jessie Byers, Jessie Johns, Frank Johnson. -- A ee The Women's Institute Shirley The meeting at Mrs. Fred Gibson's was not large in members but very in- teresting, Mrs. (Rev.) Woodger gave a very stirring address on Purity 'which was received with much applause. The next meeting is to be at Mrs. Jas Byers, of Blackstock, where a good time is anticipated, Every member should be there as there is much 'im- portant business to transact. The following Bell Telephones have been installed: ~ Richard Hooper «Cartwright, Wm. Etty Prince Albert, "Wesley Page Epsom, Frank Hortop Utica, Leslie Coates Shirley, Jas. Loates Shirley, David Watson Honey- dale, C. Switzer Port Perry, J. G 'Waddell Port Perry, T. H. Follick Port Perry, John Watson Jr. Caesarea, H. J. Deacon Caesarea, Percy Jobb Blackstock, Jos. Mahood Nectleton, Jos. Stone Greenbank. ' John Stone Greenbank, Cambell Stone Greenbank, AR. Braden Saintfield. Dr. 'Wallace's Lecture Next Thursday evening Dr. Wallace «will give the first of a series of three addresses on Shakespear's Antony and "Cleopatra. No one should fail' to "hear the introductory address of the series. and those who come are re- quested to bring with them. copies of «the play. The chair will be occupied tby Mr. W. S. Short, the. newly ap- gpointed Chairman of the Board of +Education, and a short musical pro- «gramme will be presented. General -admission will be 25 cents, and course tickets at 75.cents for the remaining four lectures may be bad for mem- sbers of the High School staff. *On Friday Feb. 28th (the 45th An- i/mversary of the opening of the Church of the Ascension) The Lord Bishop of Toronto will preach at the evening ser- vice. During Lent there will be Wed- mesday evening service at the Church .of the Ascension. Mrs. J] Hood entertained a few if lady friends Tuesday, Mr. R. F, 'Downey, of Peterboro, was in town over Sunday and 'sang a very acceptable solo in the Methodist Sectwnch on Sunday evening, {of Ghai years ago. years he lived in t! Foie Cain" and imbibed wor received: by induction the thrift 'and upfightness | ie 'whi which have made Scothmen' standout fan preeminently wherever they are found. At the age of forty-four he came to where he farmed and resided till' calls ed by the Master to His presence be again with her who till two ago was his help-mate on this art] Three sons, William, Thomas Sand | fa David are left to mourn his loss, Rs Trewin---Lawson "At the home of the grendparents of the bride, Mr and Mrs. W. Taylor, Mr. M, M J. Trewin, of Saskatchewan was married to Miss T. A. Lawson, of Port Perry. Rev. J. W. Totten offi- ciated. A number of immediate friends and relatives' were present. The bride looked charming, beauti- fully attired and stood under an arch prepared for the occassion. * Her wedding dress was cream bed ford cord, shadow.lace and bridal veil and with a wreath of orange blossoms. She carried a sheaf of mumms and carnations, lily of valley and maiden hair fern, 'The grooms gift to bride was & gold |. watch and chain and to the brides sister, who played the wedding march, a signet ning, The bride's" travelling dress was a navy blue suit and a white beaver hat. They. left on 6 o'clock train for a trip to Orillia and will spend a short visit with friends before starting for the North West. . ' What Makes a Town Progress? Be not Immersed too much in your own business The progress which a town makes is altogether due to the energy display- ed by its citizens: If all were to sit quiet and take no part in its advance. ment the wheels of progression would be clogged. There are men who can- not allow an opportunity to pass with- this country and ~settléd. in Reach, i Prince Edwatd Co. altho have the idea that Prince Edward Co. | {is "considerably 'farther * South than Port Perry district. © ¥ Mr. Graham has talked over the tnatter of growing products for a ning factory with a number of farmers on Scugog and finds them very favor- ably inclined towards the project. Peas, corn and beans will be e only Crops, asked for from the farmers if the in- dustry is started here and 'these crops can be raised with but little extra help if any, and we understand that the Co will furnish all seed and will give a good paying pice for the product Skating Party AT THE - Olympia Rink On Monday Feb. 17 No expense will be spared to make this the grandest event of the: 'eason, special attention: will. be given the che aim. Jou. Hill §! re) : ment of a truant officer. Lh e balance on salary ice to have itin the finest possable | condition. The rink will be beauti- |i fully decorated especially | for this. event.' ihe a That popular band from Whithy nt will furnish excellent music. fo oingal skating from 7.30 till PE veryboly is invited to atténd the grand event of the season. ; Admission to all 25c. : Doors opened promptly at 7.30. out making an effort to secure it, and} if successful the whole community must benefit. There dre others, how- ever, and these are in the majority, who never turn a hand to 'accomplis! anything on behalf of the ommnity in which they live. 'They are complet- ely swallowed up in their avocation. This calls to mind an article written}, © by Dr. Orison Swett Marden, which | The is. worthy of reproduction: "Be not a great stenographer, or great : book: keeper, professor, merchant, a Seo} doctor merely, but a great man--every inch a king. The man who is drown- ed in his vocation, lost in his calling is of very little use in any. community. No man can be truly 'great until he outgrows the vocation which gives him bread and butter. No man is really | 73% rich until he has learned to di money, or to be greater arch of evergreen decors Boh of oh in the parlo of of about forty gue book, It is a contemptibi mate. of a vocation to regard it ; an overdraft of $2078 29 in the Stan- dard Bank on Dec 31, 191 Shout $800.00 taxes alec 3 ment. showing, all taxes C 12 with the exception of $22.23 said amount will be forwarded county Treas for collection: ACCOUNTS ASSED ET a

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