Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 26 Feb 1913, p. 4

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History of the : : of Gain can) was ft opened for Di- Service on Sunday, February 28th 868, under the Incumbency of Rev. "R. S. Forneri,~now Rector of St. George's, Kingston. The Preachers: on that occasion were, Archdeacon Fuller (afterwards the first Bishop of Nipaire Diocese) and Rev. J. D. Cay- ley, of Whitby, who for many years subsequently was the beloved Rector of St. George'sChurch; Toronto. The Rev. G. Nesbitt was Incum- bent from 1870 to 1873 the church at (Greenbank, being then part of the Par sh. Rev. C. C. Johnson came to the Parish from Brampton in 1874 and remained until 1878 and was succeeded for a short period by Rev, C. E. Sills. From 1879 to 1890 the congrega- tion enjoyed the minstrations of that scholarly divine, the late Doctor Carry, who for so many years, by his able . writings, edified and instructed the whole Canadian church, and whose sudden demise on December 22nd {in charge of the harness of the T. Eaton Co at Winni is well pleased with the West and says that the success of the: people out there from Port Perry is quite re: markable, Everybody séems. to have done well, Sy Se PTL A Mr. Forman and Mr. Willard are able to be out again after their recent illness. Mr. Percy Graham has purchased the house now occupied by Mr. James Munro, formerly the property of -Mr, Wm Jeffrey. Mr. J. M. McFarlane, of 'Sonya, has gone to the Old Country to pur- chase some more horsef. - He recent- ly sold two of his fine Clydesdales. Mr. Ausbert Rose is in town having lately returned from his stay in Sud- bury, 'High School Enter- tainment Course 1890 was so deeply felt by Church: |: men of this diocese. Through the in- terest manifested by him, and under the supervision of Mrs. Carry and her unwearied services, the large mortgage debt which bad accumulated on the church building was wiped out and in 1886 the church wae consecrated by the late Bishop Sweetman During the incumbency of 'Rev. J. Fletcher from 1890 to 1891 the church 'building was remodelled and greatly fmproved inside. To the untiring <@efforts of Rev. Geo. Scott who suc- ceeded, the congregation are under Aastiog obligations and greatly indebt- ed for the erection of the Rector, ad- joining the church. Rev. R. W, Allin labored faithfully in the Parish for two years and during that time, Brooklin, Columbus, churches were added to the Parish formerly the present mission. The short time that Rev, Mr. Tyner 'was in charge of the mission was highly indicative of future prosperity ~~ but his lamented accident in July last prevented this much desired result, being accomplished under his ministry. Rev. C. P. Muirhead came to Port Perry from Jamaica, W I. I. in Nov. embur last, and is fast ingratiating himself into the respect-and goodwil} | * of the united congregation. Of those who were privileged to at- tend opening services, onlyfour-remain residents of the villiage at present, and "are still members of the congregation: It is purposed (D. V.)! to com- memorate the 45th Anniversary of the opening of the church, on Friday evening next, His Lordship, the Bishop, of Toronto, officiating to this service, all are cordially invited to unite with the congregation in thanks. giving for the past and earnest prayer for the good 'work and 'blessing of God on the church Tor future years in our midst, In The Public Bye: os She A ictutia Daily Times of Tuesday, ary 11, 1913, 'appears a large Dice of Mr. Darre Ww, Next Thursday evening Dr. Wallace will give his third Reading of "Antony and Cleopatra." This will probably be the most interestiug of the three, and will conclude the series of Shake- spearian addressess which the Profess- or is delivering. He should be greet- ed with a large audience at his final appearance. A short" musicial pro- gramme will be , rendered, and the chair will be occupied by Mr. W, H. Harris L.. L. B. The general 'admis- sion will be 25 cents. The last entertainmentof the course will be on Tuesday evening,- March 11th, when Dr. A. P. Coleman of T o- ronto, University will give his lecture on "The Building up of Canada," ill- ustrated with many beautiful lantern views, St. Patrick's Day On the evening of St. Patrick's Day (Monday March 17) the- Epworth League of the Methodist Church will give a supper at 6 o'clock, to 'be fol- Jowed by a musical program. Further particulars next week. Ode to Port Perry High School Glorious Port Perry High 'School, Is the only school you know, Where you learn and keep on leaning, Everything you wish to know-- English, German; History Science, Mathematics, if you will, 3 What a glorious Alma Mater! P.'P, H. we sing to thee, Glorious Port Perry High School, Has the best of everything, Best of teachers, best equipment, Best of: pupils we have too, Better spirit of obedience, More united Fellowship; Is not found in all the nations, Matters not where you may K "~Cottiposed b 'School Se . On Thursday & evening of a large number of friends gat the home of Mrs. Wm | Head to express thei We are pleased to note that both pe ted removal, and to. indic kindly feghing that exists t and her family The pastor; Wi: Totten, announced a hyn {after singing Mrs .E. Whea address expressing the kindly f the neighbourhood for Mrs! and her family, There brought in by 'Mr. John Pear handsome chain, presented ; token of esteem and good: Mrs. Brown responded i in a veryap= 3 propriate manner. A very exceéllent{ lunch was distributed. and an" enjoy- | able hour was spent. Mrs. Brown} leaves many friends, who "wish her { well. Mrs. McKinley, Raglan, visited at} the Centre on Thursday. On February 8th, Mrs. Wesley Crozier was the hostess of a reception given Mr. and Mrs Russell: Hood on |: their 'return from Toronto. Among the guésts were 'Mr. and Mrs. S. Crozier, Port Perry, Mr, and Mrs. F Crozier, Mr. P. Hood, Mrs, - Poole, |. Mr; and Mrs. Totten. Conspicuous among the bride's gifts was a hand- some Marble Clock from Mr. and Mrs. Poole and a set of China = dishes from Mr. and Mrs. W. €rozier. 'I'he Sale of Mr. 'D. Raymes on Friday was attended by a great crowd as was also that of Mrs.- Wm. Brown k on Saturday. The young men and boys of Ceritie ; and. Maple Grove gave Mr 'and Mrs. Jessie Demara a royal welcome 'on their return "The sound of the bugle was heard o'er the land" the large bell] across the way pealed forth a message | of Hope while the frosty zero air "was filled-with the tones. of every known musical (?) instrument; while in the bright moon light the dusky figures of the procession, thirty = strong, = circled .{the home, even the stay,at homes ad- ding to the clamor by & constant ring: ing; for a couple of hours," at thel' Phone. The scene recalled the one! at Jencho many centuries. gone by: What might have happened had the walls been encompassed seven - times, we shall never know, for Jesse, per- haps fearful of results, appeared. after the third round and offered the custom ary coin, Northward now the oly! beséigers filed to exchange their booty for some of Mr. Gorden's confections" Mr. Wright Crozier's family have hada very anxious week--first his horses were all sick then on Sunday the Doctor was called 'to attend Master Vertyle who had a severe at- tack of pneumonia, Mr. P. Aldred} was also ill at' 'that home: bs 5. J. Sweetman has beeen} shut i in with la grippe. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dowson have returned from: Winnipeg where the former was "~emploved with : the. "VEaton Co. "They will move into 'the home soon to be wacated by Mr.| « |Jefirey, " Mr Chris, Pettit was under the Doctors « care 'having: an attack of lumi- A house without a phone will soon | be rare here Messers Russell Graham, Wm, Jeffery, D." €herrie,. and R.. Prentice have signed for eae A a

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