h slide on the east Da h u hateve orth doin 8 'WO wned [at the present time. 8 more pub han eve hile. goin a or-|'ed the ceremony of inauguration of 0 vhich Forjunes of $5,000 » | 500,000, $10 in A $500; Fortunes of $12,500,000 000,000, $12.50 in every Fortunes 'of $20,000,000 to: $25,- x1. | 000,000, 815 in every $500 ye he| Fortunes of more tha 000, $20 in every $500. To site 4 concrete example, Ber- tha Eeupp Yon Bohlen, head of the great. Krupp works, will havo to pay $1,800,000 as-her share of. the war tax." = * aE a When it is remembered this is not | 8 tax on income, but on eapital, "land that it strikes every bank ac- 81 count of more than $5,000 in the German 'Empire, 'it is' not hard to see' what a vital blow has been m Ol tial 8,000 | struck at German trade expansion: And all Europe will be dragged down with Germany. Every coun- ry of Europe will be forced to fol- ere | low the example of Germany in ar- ud | mament expangion, with a conse: »| quent increase of the burden of en | taxation. nd| The withdrawal éf so large an amount of capital from commercial 11 paths 'means a corresponding re- striction of trade activity and of tend-| the power of trade to expand. Hot THE AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL. thi Christening by Wife. of Governor- General, Lady Denman, A 'despatch from Sydney, Au- stralia, says: The foundation stone "1 of the future capital of Australia was laid on Wednesday by Lord ourt | Nenman, Governor-General of the he | Commonwealth. Lady Denman 8 | christened the new: city Canberray o-|in the presence of great crowds cause from 'Melbourne and. Sydney. The e| Australian' Ministers also 'attend. what is intended to be a model ca: pital. The city is to be built on a site an which the only buildings now existing are scattered dwellings, of farmers. Wi NAVAL INVENTOR RETIRES. Admiral Sir Percy Seott Leaves to Make Way for Juniors. A despatch from ' London sags Speaking at the banquet 'of the Chamber of Commerce on Wednes~ nore {day night, Vice-Admiral Sir Perey € 1 Scott said :-- "At the end of this week I will be out of tho navy. 8 | There is no reason for me to rema he | when I only block the path to) he | motion of those my junior."'*: Th od | Admiral added that the British el | navy was never more efficient n In the two months the 'made' greater "strides in: gun efficiency than in five years pi ously: 3 : ' or . * PROPERTY' UNCLAIMED. am] From Titanio Vietims' Bo OF | A" despatch from Halifax Gen- | Attached to the report of th vineial Beoretary, "which han wrought dows, in 6 Legislart 6 Thursday night, was a long niemor: andum giving details of the he bodi "$25,000, ta x % mm - Mr. Joh published, of 8 Forest Hl "home Almost every ody, Rockefeller stom! pie. And fi Ohio, + cannot endure Rocke- un- y strictest order of Mrs. Re feller, who, it might as well be derstood, is the real boss'in "'richest man's" household. = Employes of the household, how- ever, have their 'pies, and it one of these 'pies, baked housekesper, at fell under Mr. Riockefeller's oe as it sat cooling on a window ledge of the Forest Hill, home one afternoon. : 'moment the Rockefeller eye 'glanced upon that pie, the Rocke- fellar face underwent a change. It grew boyishly ravenous. It might Dé eaid that the Rockefeller mouth watered. It was a cherry 'pie; the crust was flaky, and the rich cherry juice had oozed out a little around the edge. : 3 "Can't 1 have some of that pie segged the 'richest man.' g 4 e housekedper didn't know. Bhe'd have to- see Mrs. ory Z "Say--fix it up for me," pleaded efeller. : is a fact that pie is not |' jermitted on the Rockefeller table, | 14340. Co oh E thinks that the| B the: 1 was! for the moked. oft ott, 835 to 820 por barrel; [#1 A A et roes, 14 1-40; tubs, 141-20; pails, | Rockefel- |: Mr. Z ; * The 'housekéepér: did 'Her best, | with the result that Mrs. Rocket ler finally consented to have the | 3 cherry pie for déssert that evening, and it is a matter of household ao ab cord that the 'richest man "did full justice. ' WHOLE SCHOOL INFECTED, Twenty Cases of Smallpox in Little Northern Town. A despatch fr Twenty veloped in the little. ton, on the T. and N. O. | and two. general ¥tores, two half : Cobalt says: Hen cases of smallpox have de-: Town of Earl- ;-.