Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 2 Apr 1913, p. 2

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a way to the 5 ich | Oa Teturned there to tetoh him back, be and open sea but ins and PNT hes Som en Se ri i Be ; Eu Lowes undér e Terra Nova Drought every | Atkin set out' written record 5 8 80U pthern [1 ¢ Siva jotions, and noTud them, under right, the SS el u tent, in tive of "the. J %s exploreps: ied 3 Ck tt, Wil- ade ai } ; . Si: wens.' : Bi STE ry trey ianlal saspandent VU oa Lion. 0 don Dadly MAT le ei i 5 Ra es 3 ieut, [INFERERING B1¥Y: OF. DOSSIP pe IE re | cops 120E QUBENSGWTYN Ct: Ti) PESION |. oil rors sbsr: Sonifme ae 3rd Loni wn the The Next Provincial Treasurer--Dr. For-| Of ar ow and the Clay Beit--The Windsor Sa i We he em- vy # eongs tarrhogone, 1 the > niféFn-Niepolt GHISIGPofioe) "| Sona Ing] treatment has cured ime; it has done all back | Walther hs idiiided 's : on HE CEE | that heart could wish. I was Cap- | #73 a 'em ; ' "thing Ohtarthoronie? a their LR Ry ishout with in ua the Dost of n," | of the abies Rn athier Fe een cio tn had rl 8 the slosue lly admitted that Mr. Lucas Eimade Jim Tas a mambae of the { panna hina th i ps ¥ nl Beorstasnist AS y t the some resemblance in that is a gen 5 had | clear-hended Jawyer, who: inthe. compare: foreigners, alous | tive. quiet of & country town has built up stringeny on the part of eh be ¥ pn a oareer ofl law-booksiand: ae Js 'aldo. an aotual couTEe, Bat plot oT o be- | good epenker, hONEL o8" He Tesmbiey En fe biped 4p © ul nding n ma : admirably. Capt. Boots, the (Me more than the poll- Toronto st; As not to the credit of t he: - red ssmpla ot Ostarthiosone plete. our; work. a We. d 8 left in- tical orato! os a a f an WONiGdmmanded JFvans, spd; tical orator. RO ki Bot, (ne oars a eri fia the preparation, and found 4 had a now: 1434010100; 2 yobs £ J Fre 8 Fo Sa are pledged to do our juimost to|sjpuctiops shat no search parties The Boy Orator. Mr. Luoas ig the happy | smiling, rob pati, 'dherublie * bring. this expedi on to "a success- should leave the base to seek him. Ha Jawaivation. slnsioged dn sctontite | He- added-that. it: was beyond hu- ublication n. os Sk er Fi as PA rien trl Pare BAY {ant Soa ha, ha Wuteial thosé' who hve not bBebn |g E ole g 5 ; git LE Toa i il! ak : 5 3 ra 8 t away, throat i ; i on TER 950 e official oe) . . : 16 / bal ; 8 Oa . out Poe in oar aS poy tho oficial Ber Fas, Great. Continents; Ouse Joined oh to take So BE i 5 a A And il WHEE EE BE to 1 "4° rod "defertice. RES Suit 2 odTherdolloming aresexiracts from | fused to) Rimis him sl ve Bad ban Cibo 3 ®t / ante Ta thor 7. on ¢ ainol bow Calis buwal Lieut, Evans he ay Fark Pr if ; Fouh trying to, play sn PEAetionl j . = | Sore fa. the mon moming ane kly relieve. What Oficial <Repork' Sad t, exploring | I 0% : Ta" Sia epi oBiBciof With "the FregSinglr "The' general" guological work ER Earat, on she Eee ranaiak ey hel This Ansempilened ait -indnderesting to note; that deus. | done, by. the three parties, ; sou'h- | 1g fom an dota pin a 632 h seems | Oatarrhosone. The dollar outfit contains : Sthngottien od: . H5ane. dn hig official geport, says in Liigions ih Sharm: i lke bia suroran in gor Tas phage oor sien non a Whchelor Sailer 'ows in tlio' fo "td iabuek" tadiotion | 2h! 8% per b PBs Terra Nova I8ft fof New ally an furnishing evidences 'relative 0 vata. tof : ative of te: Lith montha Sep . h tof he an EE ; Fubber. 2a ub il 14140; oF Zealand" last March Surgeon: At:|to a former woonnéctiori betwean Balt he ad 1 ine Sone] At : her on ame: Ho Led Sand : oi § ; wkinson, who. had, been, left. in| Australasia and South America |vote is worth anything I'm f 1 the ao 3 po? "charge of the western party until]through the Antarctic Continent." wot ipl he" ought vo come utter 4 Tow: t 4 ' "Beott's return, 'Héspatthad Gatrard | 'After describing "the collection of | In thé practice of law: Mr. Tucks' fo#te hand Demetri, dog drivei; with two fossil: plants; 'coal; corals of primi- {a Tis handling of Jury otses: JLo 1s Dead | itl nisisiyiaes ; dog teams to -assist the southern | tive form,-the writer. continues : also a member of a of frm, in whieh} yor FAMOUS POLICE CHIE party, whose return to Hut Point| 'The notes of the geologists are | has 8% ie. and wich 5 a Lierals os TO FLAVOR. 4 yes expected ahout March 10, 1912. | necessarily not at present avalle|™™ "pr, 'Fernow and the o oiky LU " Lepine, of Pris, is, 'Will Resi N Aikinson" wotild' "have" slooothpanied able. Until" experts have had ac-| Df. B. B Feroay, been i Hound Her Favorite' Again, ' ! in He sthis aT va) kept hase in | cess to' this: material ib ds: unwise | things stout the he diorebp ti : Ted 0 Office" In" Marek, ke medical ghar ieut. Evans, | to make, definite inferen ; [4 br dung' "lady tells how. second i bommand, who, it will be Tn onral forma ib may be eaid seine to or? AE shé came ta he eueip: sensitive -- dempieh fom Po Paris, France, stro roost nearly died 8f scurvy.| that there is' proof 'of temperate eB Sho, most Sls ee 88 to. the i coft Fa h iwi i or | haga '""Thig relief party reached One | gonditions of climate. having ob-|¢ hy € 4 J d been very poor pear fr ny Bon, Dopo, Margl 3, but were, com: | tained in the two peri- {Gis conservation for 'several' years," she says. "If a jpelled to Tope March 10, owing | ods of time in past. ages.' SS irtinant. "He, and: 'not' Pinehot, ie: rei|Joved coffee and drank itfor hreak| Prefect, of Dolive, Jpten food Fiitining garded ns the big forester of the [niied | fast, but only learned by. aceident,|s Nelroas ed post hts to* persistent baad' "Wea Fmpresive: Service in St. Paul's: eating life, an aod gota hs enjoyment as he erg that it Was cause 'March 83, ons ther and peor: condition of-dags; oti i Ho foot alone. Ho ls a veteran of tho eo stant," dreadful head- Profeot in 1803 po a of 1 oh despa ch from "London says : | rape n Rak S00 Maine to $.80rY | aehios from: which T dsuffered eve 2 he Pre ry ffeoture 1 dso? he The noise" of the mourning of 2 he est" ai dinner one, eteuing beside day, and of the nezvousness tha n , when "he b "the Poor a mighty. nation': sounded. thrillingly fois" Fornow If. if ho had over etn, - dro ets ; oii Baron 8; here. on Friday when the British iy itten and: incapable. people' through their' répresentative Dr. Fernow replied: Jes, ones. for. sev: heads (joined with' Tindon's 'srowd al wets" dilio an ; is latest ther You int solemn requiem: to thie: brave | 'in ¢ . Ae Teas was ig ruBnng to "iyo: EEG dead (now, lying in. .an, jeshound by io ¢ mor the. rruncioms : ol oh : othe je of the ne rs is 8 A deamienh High in the Ax; otic ne Te di a date an snthuslastis nditlo : « ; 3 ) wpe} the m forester, but it was several Jou before: | AU CC ho a he heads 6f the navy and Tio_iwue abi able 3 greaptes, we. Posie States n Sil ohamny andother national services i 10. o Cornell Gajsoraity Whi wh ad ta ton was i Witch Hazel C am |shared in a stately ceremony in oar re which also the nations of the world | SS fo the nevis oe | fagsociabod* 'themselves with Great | ronto: what He Really Sad. | He 1§ one of the wos: st genial es und SIA) wis

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