Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 9 Apr 1913, p. 6

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5 PROVINCE OF ONTARI .. 'CITY OF OTTAWA, ONT. . CITY OF VANCOUVER, BC. . .... CITY OF VICTORIA, BC....... CITY OF ST. BONIFACE MAN. CITY OF BRANDON MAN... ... CITY. OF FORT WILLIAM, ONT...... TOWNSHIP. OF YORK, ONT. TOWN OF WELLAND, ONT. DISTRICT OF OAK BAY, BC... MUNICIPALITY OF COLDSTREAM, B. CITY OP NANAIMO, BC. ev vas 53% 544% 5%% 6 % § % CORPORATION AND INDUSTRIAL ISSUES Security CANADIAN NORTHERN RAILWAY COMPANY (Equipment Bonds) Income Yield $30.000 TORONTO & YORK RADIAL RAILWAY COY. (First Mortgage 5's Guaranteed by Toronto Railway Co.) 25,000 ELECTRICAL DEVELOPMENT COMPANY OF ONTARIO, LIMITED (First Mortgage 5's) 10,000 DOMINION STEEL CORPORATION, LIMITED 25,000 P. BURNS & COMPANY, LIMITED (Packers, Ranchers and Provisioners, Calgary, Alta.) (First Mortgage 6's 25,000 £2,000 WESTERN CANADA FLOUR MILLS COMPANY, LIMITED (First Mongage 6's due 1st March, 1928). . $25,000 (First and Refunding Mortgage 6's dué Ist September, 25,000 WILLIAM DAVIES COMPANY, LIMITED (First 25000 SAWYER-MASSEY COMPANY, LIMITED (First 25,000 DUNLOP TIRE & RUBBER GOODS COMPANY, 25000 GORDON, IRONSIDE & FARES COMPANY," LIMITED (Wholesale Packers, 'Ranchers "and Pro- visioners, Winnipeg (First Mortgage 6's) 25,000 J. H. ASHDOWN HARDWARE COMPANY, 25,000 Every he go or 1 1 iy or butcher's cuffs on hand % protest! jee sleeves in emergencies Brush and combs are" 'washed i strong ammonia water. |For the bristles, it Should be cold. "To 'clean ribbon, sponge with al- cohol and rub over the spot with clean white soap, holding the rib- bon straight, To remove grease from woollen materials, rub in. powdered French}' chalk. - After some hours shake it Jout. Use wash 'pillows whenever pos sible for _living-rooms and. dens, | P& {They are more hygienio ax more sanitary. When tinware is on rub it with lard and heat thoroughly in the oven. Tinware treated in this way will never rust. Porch chairs of wicker or reed can be cleaned with soapsuds and a scrybbing brush and then can be shellacked. . To stone" raisins without. sticki~ ness, stem them, cover with boiling' «| water for two minutes and then open the- raisins. ¢ A cake €hould be"iced before it is quite cold. Charcoal powder is" excellent for cleaning fine knives. A sheet of heavy cardboard is de- sirable to cool hot cakes upon. A special knife should' always be kept for onions; bread and hot'fat: «Try a long glass stirring rod . for stirring food cooking oye a hot stove. Hot ' soapsuds with atnhonis is admirable for cleaning gold jewelry. In whipping cream, add the white of an egg to every cupful of cream: Cornmeal will remove lamp smoke from a wall blackened by keroséne. - Chloroform. is 'good for removing grease spots, but should be used with care. Turnips and potatoes mashed to- gether make a pleasant change on the table; Never blacken a kitchen stove; wash it every day with clean soap and water. Housewives will find the butcher's apron a great convenience, as it covers even the sleeves, Before beginning'to make a cake 1all utensils and Eglo should |» AND (ORPORATION BONDS HOME ered rv Cottage Cheese.--~Mix one pint of gottage cheese with one-half cupful of chopped Xagl walnuts, one joaspoonfu of chopped chives, one teaspooninl of salt and one-half saltspdonful of paprika, Form into balls" and arrange in nests of let- "tuce." Berve with a mayonnaise _ dressing, to which has been added some chop: olives -and capers. Cheese Cream. Toast.--Melt one and one-half tablegpoonfuls of but-| ter; add one one-half table- spoonfuls. of flour and when bub- bling pour on one and one-half cup- fuls of scalded milk; stirring' brisk- ly until the satce is smooth; season with salt, pepper dnd paprika. Add two-thirds of a cupful of ald, grat-|& ed cheese until the cheese '48 33. melted. Dip six slices of toast in he place in a hot dish and out m sauce over them. be placed ready to Never plunge the ivory handle of a knife into hot water. Wash the knives in a knife jug. Scraps of cream cheese may be |made useful by mixing them with 'ler until - cheese is dissolved, then stir in three well-beaten eggs, stir a few moments and 'pour into indi- |. vidual patty-pans or cases, and bake a nice brown, Serve hot. Cottage Cheese and Chives--Rub the salad' bow! 'with a small clove of garlic or mince the garlic very fine, sdd two cupfuls of cottage theese and two teaspoonfuls of chives cut fine with scissors, one teaspoonful of salt and one-half -saltspoonful of. paprika. Mix well, add a little rich cream if, necessary. to help it retain its, shape, then stir in li tly three tablespoonfuls of chop; pimento ; pile upon a bed of cress and orna- ment with pimento cut in fancy butter -and milk or a little cream, This should be spread on thin; waf- erlik _erackers, made into sand- wiches and served 'with salad. Pour' boiling, water on oranges and let them stand five minutes. This will, cause the white lining to come away with the skin so that a large augn tity of, oranges can he quickly sliced for sauce or pudding. d Pitblic ane marvelled that |; the animals could learn in. a few weeks that which it tales otidren | 7 three and four penis of age several months to learn. He was especial Ix astonished ak the power of send: ing w animals 'possess It was eventually decided that some further experiment should be made, but all the savants agreed that; whether-there is trickery or moderation Til Limi oronto.' fern pcticularly. fatter. Cotupany ns rn 4 inancing various industrial en- The investment Sorta not, "the animale' rformances are | ally. pe remarkably interesting from the point of view of equine Hngelligence, Cerda eis ' SPLIT 40 CORDS ~ + "AT MBE 0 5 Thankful to he Medicine That Gave 'Him Ability For the Task. . N-- A VERY INTERESTING CASE. = Few men of elghtyfive years of age ¢an boast of much élsp but poor Health and failing strength. And was the con. ditfon of Mr. Benj. Marsh, who is known {0 every eoul inthe neighborhood of his home at Lime Lake, Ont. "Quite unmsolicitéd," writes Mr. Marsh, "I wish to 'say how I have been bothered for. years with stomach trouble; I tried everything I could think of without bene- fit. I was tefribly afflicted with swelling] se, and had much distress betwoén | pADYIng hy I tried everything I could think of, but without benefit. Then I was re- commended' Nerviline. My, but Nerviline did me a power of good--made a néw man of me, 80 thal within the lzet three wecks I have beon able to split about forty cords of stove wood. It 'will always stick to Ner- viline and will always recommend it, and would like to meet anyone and convince them if in doubt as to what Nerviline Nag done for me." For sour stqmach, nausea, belching of The Natives of Hayh Call ne The Gouftre." ' - Earthquake sounds have 'been and a ot Ha in a neighborhood visited by a peculiar earthq: 30Und. which bo Jonully calle in the Bulletin atory. ; The on o i gentle" 4 is in 'the tain range of' La which is about seven 'thousand feet ; earthq nd he * rel', Hd = out his aa, SFRNIAS Wha nidden wieklofe at Siete nothing is more helpful in the home, no: |. Sink Saves. vo uruch pig and distreas ma 'Nerviline, Large family size bottles, 600; 6 We. ate all storekeeper ws. ana When sealing . fruit 'butters or | preserves, place: .a circle of thin cloth on to ground cinnamon. The: spice pre- vents mold from accumulating on the fruit. . p and "sprinkle this- with | Political conditions 'can generally} be bettered by less politics. shapes and place upon ' ice until | eded. Berve "with mayonnaise dressing. Good Celery Pickle--For this cel- ery pickle put in the good leaves as well as 8% the stalks. Three parts cel- ery, three parts cabbage, one part onions. Put these through the meat grinder and mix with three-fourths cup of salt to a gallon. t stand overnight, then drain off what liguid lf. comes away readily, om and | the following to every gallon: One quart good vinegar, one-half iy uch | sugar, Sight _ os Jegves, twe twenty. dro | 1arops oil of Solves the Breakfast Problem A bowl of crisp. sweet Post : where the eq th | % ia in a continual state of tremof, is] 'gouffre : and 20001 dn ; * " an unt of it] : Semesteiel TE gi SH heey a Cry --

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