Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 9 Apr 1913, p. 7

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i brides long Honoymae ni "find bands: "You're sending | 20d to' a fashionable hardship happy, the rhyme, marry «she. complains. Sheer, will that \ sto study >! "| burns brighter. from year to year," 3 | TRAINED NURSE "iti. | Remarks About Nourlshing Fodd. : physician's wife gave me a | Grape-Nuts one day, atk' that rhe was suse 1 food: ma ou velhu--olear' skin' and unmists Levi. . |'dences of health and vigor T feel every day. Dr. Hamilton's Pills have certainly red. secret of curing the sickly n and T-strongly urge every- iling or lost Fealth'to use this familtoh' Rutternut are p vegetable--250. per | box, five for $1.00, a druggists and store. to boe-hihy poatpaid from the Catarrhozone ., Buffalo, N. Y., and Kingston, Ont. PRINCE MAY VISIT BERLIN. His, German: 1s Less Sefviceable : Than His French. : resent first German is fairly | {serviceable, but it is less sy thas 'his French: 3 | 8nd most inviting to the appetite. . [After making use' of it twice a day I «dor three or four weeks, I discover- to mamma [ed that it was & most. wonderful in- wooo | vigorator. I used to suffer greatly. she has gone from, exhaustion, 'headaches and de- ression' My work had fimes and indi- "Now I am always' well and ready for amy amount "o work, 6. an abu; f . Sometimes. .: * ® "el you think a woman believes ha 'my on, you tell her she is the |{gction is change you ever. loved . brougie. t by Grape-N w're the first liar she | ape that it is predigested is gang ©... | very desirable feature. Ih: E esults in tients, has bee uts: + | spite his ancestry the Quee; . «This is natural enough, for de- n has ne- ver carried his German education very 'far, the' reason probably be- ing that her German : governess proved. antipathetio, i French lectrice, Mme, Bricka, be- came an intimate friend 'and is still the most frequent guest at the small private dinners at the p ,' when the conversation is carried on in French. » The King's - French, 'as 'is well known, is not, very good, mor ig his It is under- detérmined German remarkable. stood that King P| that the Prince of Wales; when his tile came, should be trained in languages so that -he could follow, King Edward in the round of Euro. pean visits, 2 - Thoroughly. Ventilated. w ou need most," said' the £ he had examined the {nothing to equal it. "property ¢ ge ; pri in the vicinity of Haslemere has re- cently come into my possession | which I think should be made pub- I : ; "Some. ars ago my informant, ) Tking ou. some land, un- rth durthenware jar, se- saled, On account of the great weight and curious design he .| at once. took it to his loyer, the fowner of the propery A er they opened it, and found it to be _| full of gold coins, rand Cuticura So unrivaled. of the skin ana 0 treatment saalp, sent post-free, Address Potter Drug & Chem, Carp., Dept, 19D, Boston, U. 8, A. h EMIGRATION FROM BRITAIN. ---- Increasing Tendenoy to Move to British Cowntries. The annual report on the Emi- grants' Information Office states that 28,166 letters were received in 1912, a decrease of 6.9 per cent. Enquiries. leading to the United Btates decreased by 14.8 per cent. and 'were only 1.4 per cent. of the total number of enquiries received. There was a net movement from the United Kingdom for places out of 1 "Europe of 268,486 passengers of Bri- tish origin in 1912, as compared with 261,809 in 1911." The net movements to the various countries were as fol- 1919, + 133,831 Australia .,.., 68,488 New Zealand .. 11,054 ~United States . 45,847 South Africa «4,233 1011, 134,765 56,337 9,433 49,732 7,627 Therg is an increasing tendency, the report says, on the part of Bri. tish emigraiits to proceed to other ports of the Empire rather than to foreign 'countries, ; The number of immigrants enter- ing Canada increased, from 350,374 in 1911"to 395,804 in 1012. Of the latter 145,859 were of British, origin, 140,143 were Americans, and 109,- 802 were of other nationalities. Thirty-four per cent. of the Ameri. can settlers were of the farming class, and the actual wealth brought into Canada by American immigrants ~ exceeded £4,800,000 during 1912. ' i Pe HE SENT HIS "BEST" REMEDY The young daughter of Mrs, T. 8. Dougall, 523 Flora Avelue, Winni- peg; was arranging some of her doll's washing on a clothes rack, beside the stove, when she fell, and her hand 'cam¥ in contact with the hot stove. -Bhe sustained a serious buen; and her screams brought her nother quickly to the spot, "I sent to the druggist for the best remedy he had for burns," she says, "and he sent back a box of Zam-Buk. He said that there was I" applied this, mever| and 'it soothed the pain so quickly IGHT near 'that the child laughed through her tears. .I bound up-the Zam-Buk, and each day applied Zam-Buk frequently and liberally, until the burn was quite cured. - '"The little one was_soon able to go on with her play, and we had no trouble 'with her "during the time 3 the btn was being healed." I druggists and stores sell m-Buk at fifty cents box; and 'Soaps at 950. tablet. Post free fro -Buk Co., Toronto, for price. 6 harmful imitations, it, <td treasure they might find. "A fence was put up, and axcava- tions have been quistly carried on during the night until recently, re- {sulting in the discovery of five more jars of gold and two containing an- x {cient jewellery of immense value. 11m one of the jare a document wis found 'written "in Latin giving an account of the treasure, and stat- ing that fifty jars altogether of jew- fels and gold were hidden, being buried in the form of a adircle,"' New Treatment Now Advocated For Bronchiti Is Having Wonderful 8uoccess, and Is Making Mos Remarkable ures. For bronchitiy a different form of treat. ment is now advocated. It consists of a scientifically devised . vapor that pene trates to the uttermoft recesses of the lungs and, bronchial tubes, Every spot that is sore, every surface that is irri. tated 'is at once bathed with soothing baleams and healing essences that make chronic bronchitis an impocsibility. This treatment now so universally em- ployed in bronchitis, throat troubles, colds, etc., is called OATARRHOZONE. It acts just ee alr of the pine woods acts, as a healing antiseptic remedy for all diseases of the breathing 'organs. Just think of {t--a remedy that can be carried with the very air you breathe to the seat of bronchial or ocatarrhal in. flammation. A remedy powerful enough to kill germ life and yet so healing that disease flees before it. Catarrhozone fs truly a wonderful . remedy. In many lands it hae won its way, and is afford. ing grand results to sufferers from colds, catarrh, throat weakuess., asthma and bronchitis, There is no sufferer from a erippy cold or any winter ill, that won't find a cure in Oatarrhozone, which is em- ployed by physicians, ministers, lawyers and public 'men throughout many foreign lands. Large size lasts two months and costs $1.00 and is guaranteed; small size 80¢., sample pize 250., all storekeepere and druggists, or The Oagarrhozane Co., Buf- falo, N. Y., and Kingston, Canada. LEATHER BEING INVENTED. German Substitute Is Growth on Gelatine. One of the latest German patents protects a method of preparing a substance which it is asserted can be ured as a substitute for leather. ! This "'all leather" substance is prepared from a special mildew or fungus grown on gelatine or.a simi- lar. substance, Various kinds 'of fungi can be grown - by planting their spores on the gelatine surface nd then keeping the surface wet. Some of the growths are colorless, others "have red, brown, gray or even bluish tints, and all the lighter shades seem capable of taking dye. The leather produced up to now has beén thin, very soft and rather weak, The inventors are, however, now working to get a stronger material by the addition of white of egg or glue, by means of which it is hoped Fungus that eeveral thin layers of the new | product may be tanned together "and that there will be no limit to the thickness of the new material. tte i. The New Way. . Clara--* 'They, say that one even- ing's dance is equivalent to walking Maud-- 'That was the old style. NOW, it's equivalent to climbing g It 'you"are looking for. a pair of gloves that are as tough as a Mexican Snake whip and that will give you full satisfaction or & mew pair free ask your dealer for B.B.E. Pinto Shell Gloves These are the best wearing gloves ever turned out from factory. Send for interesting story "The Plnto's Shell", ] OUDSON BAY Canada's Expert © MO FARMS FOR SALE. H.W. DAWSON, Ni Toronty "SON: nety Colborne Street, Y 00D RTOCK FARM OF 500 ACRES X with Three Houses: large Bank Barn. Hurt be sold anick. Price is very low. S EVERAL DFERIRABLR FARMS IN KJ Manitoba. Alberta and askatohewan that can be bought. Worth the money for quick sale. or settee I HAVE OVER ONE HUNDRED GOOD farms in different sections of Ontario on my-list. It you want a farm coneulp e, "WW Dawson Toronto, Ore HUNDRED ACRES IN LAMBTON County; soil clay and olay loam; 2 gores timber: 3 acres orchard; buildings in fair condition. Olose to market and Railway Station." Anxious to , Jostern Real Estate' Exchange, London, nt. ---------------- JF arx IN BABKATCHEWAN--EQUIP. ped; in orop; must sell; terms y. Percy Love, Hawarden, Sask, MALE MELP WANTED. T ONCE---MEN TO LEARN BARBER trade; expert instruction; constant practice; tools free; always sure employ. ment for barber. Write for catalogue. Moler College, 28i Queen E., Toronto. STAMPS AND COINS. Sy TAMP COLLECIORS--HUNDHED Dip. NS ferent Foreign Stamps, Catalogue, Album, only Reven Cente. Marks Stamp Company. Toronto. MISCELLANEOUS. ANCER, TUMORS. LUMPS, KlU., Internal' and external, cured with. out nain by our home. trestnrent. Te na before too late. Dr. Bellman Medlo Coa. Timited, Collinewnnd. Ont G ALL STONES, KIUNBY AND B X , der Btones. Kidney trouble, G Lumbago and kindred ailments poms cared with the new German = Re: A "Raupl." price $1.50. Another new remedy for Diabetes-Meliitue. and sure cure, lg "Ranol's Anti-Diabetes Price $3.00 from druggists or direct. The Rano! Manufae turing Company of Capada. Limited, Winnipeg. Man. --72) ists asses [MAXWELLS GH SP FEHAMPIGRD 8 in a class by ftself--the easiest running, the most substantially butlt, the most satisfactory washer, ever invented, : Only washer worked with crank handle at side as well as top lever--ang the only one where the whole top opens up, Ask your dealer to show you the "Champjon" Washer, "Favorlts' Churn {s the world's f best churn. Write Comparative Values. Knicker--A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush, Bocker--And a bird in the bush is worth two in the cat. --y --iny Winard's Liniment Cures Carget In Cows Why They Fail. . + It takes some people sa long to be oe mei Et that they wevse ® cents "Honesty is a sort of boomer: with. a- delightful habit of coming ns FLAS FNC WW EI Pe

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