Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 23 Apr 1913, p. 4

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i Sint regret to advise you that |i the proposed Canning Factory. for your town will not be put into oper- ation this season. The time is now 00 far advanced for us to nak ready for this year. Mr. Flavelle has "some other party "he is negotiating 'with, and possibly you may get something for next sea- "ison. In the meantime I would advise _you to boost it at every opportunity. -¥ou will get no industry that is worth "while to come to your town unless the ipeople are prepared to help itn the smatter of finance a little more than ~ sthey were helping us," We thank 'you for the assistance you gave us and "trust that your next efforts will not be in vain, Very Ttuly Yours, F. H. SIMPKINS. Mr. Jos.-Hood informs us that he #heard from Mr, Nayler who said. that he would give a final answer on Wed- mesday of -this week. At different "._ #imes we have heard that other parties are interested, but nothing definite 4has been stated. In the meantime Warmers are about to do their seeding, qand it is but fair that they should be anformed in this matter. Summer School The Bay of Quinte Conferénce Summer Summer School will be. 'held at Albert College, Belleville, July 7th 10 14th. They have secured the follow- dng leaders for the week's work: In Bible Study--Rev: R, Bamforth, "B. A; in Mission Study--Rev. G. W. Sparling, B. A,, Rev. W. G. Clarke, B.A, Rev. J. F. Chapman, B, A, and Geo. F. Stewart, Esq., B, A.; in Teacher Training--Rev. F. L. Fare- well, B. A, Field Secretary of Ep- worth Leagues and Sunday Schools, and in addition to the teaching staff as above Addresses on methods, étc., by Rev. H. 8. Osborne, B. A., B.D, Rev. John Garbutt, Rev. Dr. 'Bishop, Representative of Women's Mission- ary Society, and Messrs. G. F, Stewart B. A., and F. E. O'Flynn, K. C. Mrs. A. H. Holi City Michigan, is visiting her aunt Mrs. C. C. Kellett. Sherwin-Williams Paints cover the <arth, How - about © your Share? «Carnegie Bros, local agents. Mr, T.T. Shaw and family, of Chesterville, Ont. 'spent a few days with his aunt Mrs, C, C. Kellett, Time for pluiitbing. See Caracgie Bros. : . Joseph Goldring, of Prince Albert, Sask., town. Spring Reminders --Spades, shovels hoes, builders supplies--énything "in hardware at Carnegie Bros, Mr. James 'Carnegie is in town 'having returned from spending the winter in Florida. He may remain in town most of the summer. .Paroid roofing guaranteed, made for house or barn. Carnegie Bros, locat essrs Abbie Corrin and Gordon Brooks left for the West on Tuesday Abbie goes' to. Edmonfon en a position in Stonewall, Man. We wish them suc: sbistance in the préparation of 'the P stage. © The caste of Zharacters' was | as followsi-- Mis. John Buon Miss Cod Mrs. Valerie Chase Armiby---Miss Grace Davis Mrs. Charles Dover Miss Florence McCaw Mrs. Preston Ashley--Miss Florence Walker Miss Freda! Dixon---Miss Marion McCaw Miss Evang ~-Miss Bates McCaw Katiethe sMaid---Miss = Kathleen Following the play "were several| choruses rendered by eighteen ladies, and readings by Miss Florence Walker who * proved herself to be a: talented | elocutionist, especially in her: render- ing of the Pied Paper of Hamelin. The hit of the evening "was the character song styled: "The Jolly Quakers". It made laughter from the first appearance of the singers to the last grave bow of the lone man, 'who led the Quakeresses. Miss Yarnold 'was accompanist, and was responsible for the musical part of the program. 'When Appetites Need Coaxing Continued from back page | eggs are a part in Natures' food cure for they are all great system and brain New Dried Peaches 10c Ib Cooking Raisins 4 Ibs for 25¢ Maple Syrup 25¢c tin Maple Syrup gal tin $1.00 New Dates 8 1bs for 2bc - builders. The first consideration in} ° preparing these "meals should be healthfulness. © But daintiness is of equal importance and try to have some variety; do not have one meal exactly like another and 'haveit prepared]. neatly and in a manner so as to make: it appetizing, for the spring meals should be recognized as an absolute necessity, and now days as most every woman has in store lots of eggs and preserves of all kinds and generally some winter vegetables and meats: of all kinds can be secured that there are many tempting 'dishes' than can be made such as: -- Poached eggs with creamed salmon stamp out four rounds of _bread' an inch thick remove the centres, leaving |' a case with a narrow rim, spread mel: ted butter over the outside of the cas- 2 | es and brown in the oven. Fill with canned salmon, flaked, and heated in a -cupful of cream sauce, place a poached egg above the salmon, and serve decorated with parsley and slices of lemon. oa Potatoesin Cases; wash and: bake six fine mealy potatoes; when done make a small hole in top of each and scoop the whole inside. . Mash fine in a sauce pan over the fire, mixing with Must You Be Bald? hat b e from felling? Have hie +03" Hale Tonic ? Fuot, we. want you to try-it at our risk. ~~ If you have dandruff j i your hale; : is {ofl ng out and' your seal Js mot bused aad shiny, il you use fi * Hair Tonio. avcording to. direc tions for thirty days, and at the end. of that time you are not thora satisfied with the results and us 80, we will immediately hod b your money. We won't ask you promise anything. . We won't éven U. 6 will take your : and return your money. it two tablespoons butler; a geherons | quantity of cream, 'salt and pepper; and the Beaten whites: of two eggs. Fill up the skins with the mixture, set back in the oven ani .serve while hot with fish or roast beef. Egg Nests, dip:slices of toast quick: ly in hot water, spread lightly - with butter, 'pile on in the shape of nests, stiffly beaten and salted whites of eggs, place a yolk in the centre of cach, and} bake 3 minutes. Escalloped Eggs, boil 1 doz' eggs for 25 minutes; put in'cold water and] take off the shells, slice the eggs, and put them in 'a pudding dish in nate layers with:bread crumbs alayer df 'the finest crumbs. top oF the. dish, season. each lay 12 Broughan Clk, M. an 16, 6, Ma: Boor , Nov 11; Jan 9, 191. 3 Part: Perry let Ya Port an 17,' Jie, Std Nav J 4 Uxbridge--Clerk, R bridge." Jan 10, Mar 14, May. 15; ept 9; Nov a1, Jan 16; 1914.

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