Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 14 May 1913, p. 3

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adopted at "the solony to eo ab foot of Youge Bt. EE Blt Sh colar a Sh "BY POLICE. Fiital © Shooting In Street Oar ' Strike at Fort 'William. A despatch from Fort William, Ont., says: Bhortly after @ o'clock a! on Sunday evening a car operated 1s Ty by strike-breakers ran off the track at the corner of McTavish and Simpson streets, Windows were broken and the car was also dam- aged. About two hours later a mob of foreigners rushed the police * station and attempted fo free the Bysi- pra. ly man was the Ba a ade : oné man who Had been arrested. This police fired a volley over 'their heads. They caine ou, 'and one killed by the volley which followed, and another was" badly wonnded in the leg. ~~ The mob e man killed was 3 ro John Wulk - was ed. 'Tt 'Was not" properly. a; as there were no strik- { ,; but the affair arose out of the street car strike which Began 'here on. Saturday morning. The mob consisted of foreigners, worked up to a frenzy by agita- tors. ress. © 8,000 START FOR CANADA. » Highest Emigration on 'Record for «A dred more left fo "the Anchor Line 3 several times . the end of June: {son liner Letitia Canadian Ports, A despatch from London says: Another record for Boottish emi- ration was established on Batur- ewer than 3,000 peo- ow alone for . 'The Allan liner Hesper- i carried 1,600; and the Donald- conveyed. 1,400 for Montreal and Quebec. Sever hun- the + Though day. Bias been ed, the total ports: alone is grand total for one r Canadian companies report full bookings till £5,000,000' DAMAGE BY WOMEN. Yalue of Property Wrecked by Sul- tragettes in Britain Lately. i A. désphtboh from. London says: ar | The : the Bri- militant for New York: by] 8 ior oat on record. The shipping | the suffragettes. © George 8. Malloch, son of a Ham- ilton doctor, has been appointed by the Government to accompany Ste- fansson, . in charge of one of "the geological parties. _Mrg, Shortt 'of Ottawa at the Na- tional Council of Women suggested bringing out London boys to work on farms in summer and as pages and domestic servants in winter. iniifed, dropped dead while work- Fe his garden after supper on ay: Mrs. R. L. Borden was presented | by Government. members with an electric: brougham after the . ad- journment of the Commons at 4 a.m. Saturday. _ Arthur P. Hazen, Manager of the Montreal branch of the Bank of British North America, died at St. VICTORIA DAY. "Will Be Observed on Saturday, May 24th. A despatch from Ottawa says: The Victoria (Empire) Day, May 94, falls on Baturday this year and the sentiment has Lear proud in some 'cities = that the = holiday shotild be changed to Monday, ow- ing to thé fact that Saturday after- noon is 'generally observed as a holiday and the change would afford & longer week-end, no such action will 'be taken officially. This an- nouncement was made to the Cana- dian Press on Friday by Mr, Tho- as Mulvey, under secretary of state. eine Benn A COMET IN SIGHT. Glimpsed First by Nice Astronomer and Visible with Telescope. A despatch from Cambridge, Mass., says: The discovery of a. comet by Bchaumasse, of Nice; is annotuheed in a cablegram. received at Harvard College : Observatory from Kiel. Its position on May 6, 6082 Greenwich mean ' time, was. right, ascension 20 h., 54 m., 44 &.; ldeshination plus. 9 degrees 53 m. The comet was visible in a small telescope, and was moving mnorth- east: re I en GAMBLING IN ENGLAND. Evil of Distribution of Football Coupons ir Factories, A despatch from London says: {At thé annual meeting of the Chief Constables' Association . of Lon- don, Jy, M. Hogge, M.P;, speaking on Betting and gambling and their relation to crime, with special ¢ reference 'to football coupan gemb- ling," : #aid- that the amount; of money wasted in this particular. approaches. - $375,000,000 or ,000 a year. = © | se, firet, reading in the British Commons without debate. "General'"' 'Drummond collapsed in the Bow Street Police Court, London, during proceedings against Calshott Castle. a narrow strip. of land about midway between ip. entrance to the fort and the naval base at Portsmouth, has been se- Jected as a navy hydroplane base. United States. The suffragettes continue their campaign of destruction in Britain. ~The American surgeons are dubi- ous about the value of the Fried- mann tuberculosis cure. Dr. Louis A. Duhring, famed as & writer and an' authority on 'skin | diseases, is dead at' Philadelphia, + Thomas Flynn of Trenton, Buper- aged andent of Dominion Canners, 87. John P. Mitchell, president of the Board of Aldermen of New York,. hae been appointed: customs collec- tor of that port. : : The overturning of a kettle of hot fat at Roxbiry, Mass., caused a fire which destroyed ten buildings and suffocated 120 horses. General. King' Alfonso of Bpain was ao: corded & great welcome in Paris, WIND-UP OF LEGISLATURE. Not Marked by Anything of Specs tacular- Nature. A despatch from Toronto says: The Ontario Legislature prorogued on Friday afternoon id the booming of artillery. Apart from these signs of formality and the sa- lute of a small body of ' redcoata, the proceedings for the final wind up of the year's session were brief and of an inconsequential nature: Sir John Gibson, in military regals ia, ascended the Speaker's dais and read the customary address of the year, which was followed by. tha motion of adjournment by Hon. Dr, Pyne, A few strains of "God Save the King' were played, and the ceremony was finished. ing SIX OF CREW BURNED. Fire Started From Unknown Cause = on Steamer Ophir, A despatch from Vancouver, B.C, says: Hemmed in by flames which started from some unknown catise, six members of the crew of = the steamer Ophir, which sailed from Vancouver on Thursday night, cannery, Canoe Pass, were bu to a fire. There wei eleven men in' the crew. . Five the crew, including Captain Anders son, the chief engineer, mate, ¢o and one deck-hand, slept in th fore part of the boat. All thes were. saved, owing to the fact the mate, awakened by the smo alarmed his comrades, and esch to the deck. The Ophir was wooden oonstruction, PLB Sy BRITISH TRADE BOOMING. April Imports Increased $13,0 and Exports $51,000,000. "A despatch from ' London. The boom in trade continues. imports, despite the decline i $17,250,880, 88 compar! corresponding month

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