pany. come when jousehold will Fe rR {Do You Feel Moody, ought into. pi Be by go- ou the. stage, 3 Soung bul al. famous surgeon, Dr. Dorado Pino, was aléo a Bred for Do- her affections 'wavered wncertainly a8. to cause a duel veen the young men, in which 'diplomat. wounded in the Irritable, Depressed ? { When That Languld; Laggy, Easily. Tired Feeling: Comes, Your ' Liver Is Slow. L. Tolls' Mow f6 Cure Quiokly "Even when I 'wa# young I was uat robust' and Healthy like other girls. I suffered from headaches, and bad sort of blue feelings that deprived me of the joyful epirite and pleasures other girls seemed to ged. After I married I found I. could' not throw worries off like other women, and thoge * full feelings of des- pondency: 'and weariness made me very J unhappy. There was no cause to feel 80, and my doctor said my liver.was slug, gish, and thix .accomnted for my poor tolor, my tiredness; langour and despair. The "pills the doctor 'gave me were 100 purgntive, made mie weaker because they were too active for my constitution. Dos . {ons of wy friends recommended Dr. Ham. titon's 'Pills; and they were so mild and. helpful. Well, I never used a pill that 'acted wo quietly as Dr, Hamilto were so 'comfortable to use, I w they would not help, But' in a week I. knew they had been actively engaged OB | in cleaning up my system, They did the work of a tonic and bldod medicine com: bined. I improved to a marvelous degree with Dr. Hamilton's Pills, and 1 pow maintain the most perfect kind of health 'by using them just onoe or twice a week." It is Mrs. B. V. Erlanger, 'well known at. Gloucester; who relates the above ex perience. 'She proved what you and all others, men and women, can. prove--ihat Dr. Hamilton's Pilla are best for restor- ifig health and bedt for keeping the sys- tem in' perfect running order. Don't' be misled into" using' anything but Dr. Ham: {lton's 'Pills, be. o box, five for 8100, at alk druggists and storékeepers, or post ul pei by the Oatarrhosone Co., Buffalo, snd, Kingston, Canada. : Gynthis--Billy, 1 wish: to share all of your troubles with you! Billy have no troubles, 'dear- est]. Qynthia=Oh, 1 mean when we 4 'married. Your Eyes os Hood Care © for hard service and will sae you monuy due reduce 3 ¢ a) doscriptive. pamphiet -- Th Plast muson BAY KNITTING Co And JIL Makers, ¢ PARNS FOR SALR H. W. DAWSON; Ninety Colborne St "Toronto. : y oh J ROI. STOCK. GRAIN AND DAIRY Farms in all sections of Ontario Some snaps. Jag ACTORY BITES, WITH OB WITHOUT Railway trackage, in Toronto, Brampton and other towns and cities. ESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES In Brampton and a.dogen other. towns. -------------------------------- H.W. DAWSON, Colborne 8t,; Torento, NE HUNDRED ACRES IN OXFORD Oounty--8oil, eand and black loam; 2 acres orchard; number bulldings, "Phone in house. Price, four . thousand = The Jestern 'Real Estate Exchange, ; London, | i MALE MEL? WANTED. pid UT OF EMPLOYMENT? SERVES YOU ! ght. . Learn harber trade; always Suto s ethbloy ent Sor barber. me / nstant pract y and ; Frotrmerloay ADR you for position in. short: time: nd: for oa Moler College. 221 Cueen B., ans. STAMPS AND COINS. STAMP COLLECTORS-HUNDRED Di " ferent Foreign danamvs Oatalogne, Album, only' Beven Oe Marke Gtamp Company, Taronto, r-------------------------------- - LLANEOUS. ADIES, LISTEN--ROGER'S MAKB--- Ooin ~ Silverplate Tablaware, extra. ordinary prices, handsome gift with orders, prepaid. Write quickly for ine formation. Budsell Supply Co, Box 168 Westmount, 3 NOUN anim C ious, TUMORS; LUMPS, BTO., internal sand external, cured oi out pain by cnr homs treatment. Tig us before too lates. De. Reliman Medio Yomited. Collinewond. KIDNEY or BLAD: Kidoey troubl vel, red ailments fi pew German price $1.80. Another new tem druggists or aoa The tering Com pany of Canadas, Limi Winnipeg: minim The Soul of a Plano isthe Action. Insist on the "OTTO HIGEL" Plano Action AAA DA: DANIELS big horse book bound loth, a treatise of 20 chapters, 197 es on the diseases of the horde, treating the Stomach, Intestines, Dis- eases of the Respiratory, Digestive and Urinaty organs, Worms in. the horse, Wounds, Cuts and Abrasions, Bunches, Swelling and Rulargements as Spaying Ringbone, Skin Disea Hoo! and nd Poot! Ills, i Sunin and Sprains, Dis eases ead and Mouth. . How to tell the age, ees and: Diet. How to etc. This book con lithograph cuts, 1256 two-colour plates. If you have one or 'nore hordes this book. Sest by mail 8 MoGi! College Ave, Montreal. Never There. She--Anyhow, you must: 'admit he is a well-bred. mau. Did you no 'fice his knowledge of Aristotle? - He--1 did, and if you want my. candid Spision, 1 don" t 'believe he's'