Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 28 May 1913, p. 8

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Ap Tate, of Toronto, at G. 'Mr. Lorn McDougall, of Toronto, home. Mis. Wm Stevens, of Toronto, at Mr. Jas Shorts. and 'Mrs. Chas Mark, of Tor: onto, with Mr. A. Snyder. Rev. R.A. Delve, of Wooler, with Mr. Jas Short. Miss May Brown with Miss Dora, Orchard. Mr. Geo, Martin visited his family]. Sunday at Waubershene. 'Mr. Wes Frise laid a new cement walk from his house to the street 'which is a decided improvement. Mr, A.'L. Orchard is painting his "house. - Mr, Wm Brown hi doing the work for him. . The Sunday School Anniversary at Bethel, on Saturday, was a success intelectulaly and. financially. The iners were well received. were all much pleased to have a visit from the Rev. Mr. Delve, of 'Wooler, a former pustor, on Saturday and very much pleased to have him An the pulpit on Sunday evening and a full church to greet him. +. The Methodist church Anniversary % will be held on June 15 and 16. . Pare x later. Fingerboard Mr. Victor Gillson of the Confeder- ation Life, Toronto is spending his holidays with His parents at Pleasant + Point. Mr. H. L, Gillson, of the Massey Harris Company, visited friends. in his vicinity last week. : Under the auspices of the Pleasant -. Point Church an" anniversary will be "held on' Sunday and Monday June Hirst and 'second; a good programme will be rendered consisting of Seléc- tions by Miss Storrey Elocutionist of kham, solos by Miss Laidley, of Seagrave and Mrs. Konkle, of Sonya, Duets by Messrs. Yerex and Glenny, "of Little Britain and Music by the Fingerborad = Orchestra. = Addresses are expected from Rev. Konkle, of Sonya, and Rev. J. .U Robins, of Little Britain. Mr, Morton, of Little Britain is to preach at 11 a. m. and 7 o'clock p. m. on the Sabbath. Every Body welcome. Visitors: for the holiday:--Messrs Archie and James Sellars, with Mr. Sellar; Mr. and Mrs. Flurey of Toron- %0 and Mr. and Mrs. Handcock, of Lindsay. withMr. George Fluery; Mr, and Mrs. George Smith Jr. 'with Mr: Smith. "We were very much pleased to have _ the Rev. R. A. Delve back to preach Hor us on Sunday last. Several from here attenced the an- miversary at Zion on Saturday and re- port a good time: Mr. W. J. Gilson, of Wick, spent Sunday with his parents in the South ry Oakwood Miss Pearl Coad, of Toronto, is. at 1 resent visiting her friend Miss Gladys Hughson. 3 1 We are sopry to report the death of "Mr, James Coad, of "Toronto, He once a resident of our ha Mr; and Mrs, W.B. Taylor, Allan . Mf. Thos Watson ba rally i proved hus residence by remodeling and giving it some paint. - : We are very pleased to lean "that Mr. Hulbert has recovered from his recent illness. Mr. Joseph Cook and Mr. Hay Deacon moved a building shore, visited our village for the holiday. Miss' Gertie Harran, of -Toronty, is renewing old acquaintances, - Mr. Milton Harran, of Toronto, spent the holiday with his father Mr, John Harran. : Mr. Richard Watson and son. 2¥innipeg, are renewing old Sequang Geri preparations are ade for the Annual Annivers: a M Noni until all. will b Quite a number of summer tourists Tea the hief teat ot x bem The annual summer F to be held on June the 15 and ch. Women's Tate will GH -- Posies and Profit Continued from page § work | was successful, During the summer the shrubs and young trees grew well, the flower beds and the rows of plantsaboutthe house flourishs ed, the lawn was kept mowed, a task which was easy after the hand roller had removed the rough spots and good lawn seed had been planted, while everything looked spick-and-span. It was a great transformation: from' the previous season, While - these changes about the house were ih progress thefertile acres were well till had the cozy, inviting appearance of an ideal little country home blossom ing in prosperity. During the summer months the boys, possibly fearing that they would be jeered at, confided in no one, al- though "the great change in the ap« pearance of the property was 'discuss- ed by the farmers. for miles' round. That was what the energetic * sixteen~ year-old: youth wanted, for among other things he recognized the value ef advertising in ing of the place to best ad On the - first of - September, when the asters, hydrangeas and numerous other fall-blooming plants were in full blossom, making a most attractive appearance, a neatly painted sign was nailed to the same tree that had sus- tained the nidifirent oné of other days On the sign were the words: - #This place for sale." Price $4000 cash. In: quire of '------------2 An' advertise ment was also inserted ina 'weekly paper circulating largely in the farm, ing district. ¢ On the eighth of September. th young 'man was offered $3900 cash for the property. He held for his closed the 'deat for $3975, $475 which went to him, His actual "ext penses of i improving the: property were $57.65, leaving $417.35 for the work of himself and his Jounge: brother, 1 a t this young mab, "now a owner of bis' fathers splendid. farm; accomplished three years ago cw others 'years older could do as well. or] better, td the great enhancement in value of their. own farm property. dale, arrived in our villa week, | i "and will occupy Miss Peon house the summer, as | Mr. opal: 'has e contract for our new evening in the 5S. 0.. S. Hall Everybody is cordially jnvited. *. Fred Mawson and i To spent Victoria Day sister Mrs. Geo. Jackson. Mr. Gerald Wilson, of Hull, og-|, land, arrived in Canada He has come to this count of ill health and is staying" Mr, S. E. Fralick. that the entire place] Hodgson spent a few dan. Wells at Lindsay. Mr. Hurd, Dy cute Colimbus, the bolas Abs Aire, Tornts, Miss Hazel Aldred spent Victoria | Tay at Blackstock." Rn Mrs, Harry Webster spent & week wil Rev, Mx Bomforth acivecsd ar cx. cellent 'Missionary address t the Centre recently. ' There was a large atiendarice At the Centre on Sunday ay evening. A Botice: able fact being that almost one congregation were young men. The floral decorations were : beaiitifu many. of the Centre ladies having sent in lilacs in abundance, also NArCISSuS and tulips. Mr. Robt. Reader has added to his] Sriving watt "handsome Tbber tired Mrs. Lansing nd. Mis.: 'Burnham have had severe attacks of Bf Mr. and Mis, Leighton A "have in their home adjacent to the] The Post Office. "Mr. Levi Stevenson left on bi - nual trip to Belmont Man. to ad hig oy Bs en th. harvest {rey of Victoria dy NEE

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