uy | loti w | iy sthdterte, tse a A A dea from Brussels ig robbery occurred on Tues- t to the railway between ie] id. 3nd. Yesviers, the Shieves - g wi 17,500 in Bank notes! ronfo; shorts, ty of Eeypt | dine y e504 sent by the National Ba fo the Oppenheim Bank, Cologne, by the train leaving Brussels at fa. 7.28. The money was packed with all the precautions ordinarily taken in such cases and placed in the mail van at the Gare du Nord in Brussels. Next to the portion con- taining the mails and backing on to the ends of the special pigeon- leet boles is a compartment for dogs, which is very seldom used. An ex- amination of 'the latter compart: ment showed four holes bored through the dividing partition. A fece of wood was removed, leay- ing a hole large enough to admit a man's arm. DE I nt The German Imperial Chancellor Dr. won Bethmann-Hollweg, and the Minister of War, Gen. von Fal- keénhayn, told: the Reichstag that the Government upholds the action of the' German troops in Alsade in defending themselves from the Francophile populice, BEAUTIFULLY printed in two colors, large readable ype expressly {liteed--Mani che bra Bn " n- Pet Mvaiions 8 Go in bi Jiron oo a bags. ten ten: cents more ber lo pases heat fous, seat: Lei & bos $a alentey ne i 4 oh 85 to hc NR Country Produce. 0 oe- sore New. er Ie to ei. » GEAKS: ae Fo pd Pg pf Cheese Row 1s Targe, 18 340; twind, 15 130) 10.15 340. Butter--Ore rints, fresh: ade; 800 10 Slo; do. solids, fresh in I 110 to 11 120 =» tins; 1% in 10-pound. ar und tins; 'comb, honey, No. loen 'extra, 83.86" per dozen; No. 8, Fri per. dozen oicked" wig + $2 to 92.20; 'hand. Po i sed ibe to to hy pound; 'alive, "10 101 wring hickerg, od ia 0 7 We ios To 18 9, TR lo i Al ve, BN ho No, 1 dressed, 180 to 210; alive, potatos 0 50 % to hp per bag, out of store; A 8 3 ar lot Fraviaions; Smoked and Dr A Fork---fhort, out, S50 + o $29 per Barrel, y alted Meaty--Rolls-- ys, mre Bi SE he oh straw, $8. +! Winnipe 4 { northern. LP: | a: po Be ou aime, 8! [J] , "276 to do. BH Prins: ors HK in ite dhe 5) od; 28 1-90, yh CE RARE A Montreal sa) Markets, yl ART se Lovie 4, No. 2, 406," Barle malting, ioe to 57. Flour she. fre, 5 0} a A a0 Holled oats," barrels, 3 e fart £7 inches wide 10 inches deep, the FIVE ROSES cook book contains 144 pages of ed and true recipes. expensive recipes calling for nothing that cannot be obtained at the town or. recipe tested by the FIVE ROSES expert so that there is no pmsl, waste of material or dis- appointment. No cook book. was ever r printed with such a Hg binding, auch. an attractive cover, - No cook book will wear as well as the of Bane Bruin a ovr ee ; Doughnuts, Dumplings, Fritters, Gems; Ginger-bread, 'Griddle ( Ce ak ete, ete, n Padding. Turret Chiefy for error. lof udgraent and negli tribating 'the Sk of ef iu the big sto 5p Quebec dentist ix eminded} i damages against. the 0 N.R. bi cause he was' put off a train' wh {oan : ire, a avo in the 1? A ook ni Tt >in was be. pm the making a ad Opals om, sou hive cnt of many recipes--all selected, ternate recipes with/and without eggs. 'There a one kind of Bread described that can be sade in 2 hours--think of ft! : 2 tiny YOU can have it 1 % em re 0 % 35 the supply lasts. pv