WINNERS Al GUELPH FA Grand Sweepstakes for Cattle Carried of 5 Red| . Paul, Exhibited by Adam Armstrong, Fergus ' A despatch from Guelph says: [alt first prizes. In Tamworths, both i The grand sweepstakes for cattle at the Winter Fair was won by Bed Paul, a twoiyearold grade heler exhibited by Adam Armstrong, Fer- gus. This heifer, although "much smaller and lighter, beat out Roan Champion, the animal which car- | ried off the championship ab the Toronto Fat Stock Show. The #wine department never was bigger or better than this 'year. All the classes were well filled with the best that could be bred in the pro- vince: The shatbbie tionship for the best pair of bacon hogs at the show {hampictships went fo D. Douglas & Sons, Mitchell. In" Ohester Whites the: champion to. barrow was shown by Daniel De { Courcy, Bornholm, and the 'cham- pion sow by W. B. Wright of Glan. worth. The poultry "been equalled quality. best female in the show--Buff Co: thow has never in "Ontario * for chin, .owned by Holmhurst: Pouléry |irack Farm, Whitby, Russell silver cup for best male in show--Barred Plymouth Rock cock- erel owned by John Pringle, Lon-|N went to J; E. Brethour and nephew |don, of Burford, thé: noted breeders of Yorkshires,: Brethour and nephew annexed also the silver cup for the best pen of three bacon hogs, and won many first prizes in the gen- eral classes, They took firsts for Yorkshire barrow, six months and under; nine, and for Yorkshire sow under' six months, Joseph: Feather stone '& Bon, Streatsville, stepped to thd top in the classes for York- shire barrow under six months, and for sow nine months and under 15: Brethbur "and "nephew had the champion" Yorkshire barrow, and Featherstone' &' Son had the cham- pion ¥dtkshire sow. The best Berk- shire barrow waa shown by P, J. MoE wens -Wioming, and 'the "best sow by -Adam. Thompson, Shakes-|w peare,. and these brosders divided SIR 'LIONEL PHILIPS SHOT, Yhe Leading Gold-Mining Magnate ..of South Africa. A despatoh from Johannesburg, Bouth: Africa; says: An attempt was made on. Thursday to assassi- nate Sir Lionel Philips, the leading gold-mining magnate of South Af- rica. Three shots were fired #t him. The attempt, was made while he was walking "on Commissioner Street, The assailant of Sir Lionel Philips was identified as a Dutch store- keeper of the name of Nissun, and the crime was supposed to have een actuated by revenge for the gs of a recent suit . against the mining group with which Sir Lionel ©on One bullet pierced the lung and liver, but the aitend- fng physicians are hopeful of Bir Lionel's recovery. He has suffered such. from shock and pain; and ne "attempt has been made to remove 'the bullets. The wound in the neck is slight. mrt WOMAN SUFFRAGE BILL. Premier WoBride of British Colum bia Opposed to It. A despatch from' Vietoris, B. 0. 'says: Premier McBride refused on "Wednesday the request of the nited Suffrage Societies of Bri- ish Salumbia f for the i Zenolentn trophy for best bird in show--Buff Cochin owned by Holm- hurst Poultry Farm, Whitby. Best cock in show--Bronze. tur- key owned by W. H. Beattie, Wil- ton Grove. Best pullet in the show--White | Orpington ' owned by Petrie & Christie, Mount Hamilton. ~ Great interest waa taken in the seed exhibit at the show, and it was with great eagerness that the farm- erg purchas when they were offered for sale by auction: prices, oate of the Lincoln varisty selling for as high as $4.10 for. a bushel and a half. These were shown by George E. Foster, Honey: rn went up to $3.75 for a Hi and a half. ADVERTISE FOR RECRUITS. British War Office Wl Utilize. the | 6 ite. Newspapers. 87 580 A despatch from L8hdon says: A oher newspaper advertising campaign for recruits to the British army is| to be undertaken in all parts of the country. The War Oficé has be: come gonvinced of the value of the Sd newspapers as. & medium, and has placed: a contract with the head of {eo a regular advertising agency to conduct the campaign during the next year on a large scale. No less than 40,000 men are needed to fill vacancies in British regiments. The |g; advertisement will point out that | to he young men who enlist will be week pocket money, 'and have free medical attendance, as well as ve- cefving a pension ab the. age of thirty six years if the recruit over! eighteen 'at' the time' of his enlistment, ener AN ie POURED COAL OIL IN STOVE. Young Woman Meols a serie Death Near Cornwall. A despatch from Cornwall, Ont, | says: While in the act « ing a fire wih hich i" Galli Baldwin silver cup fori, the "various seeds |to Beed grain brought good of prepars : E So 13 toi; tubd, 1d) alls, Ey and Straw. 4.50 to ny 0. 2 Fat $13 to ie "and ar lots, 0.50 te. '$8.75, on ; Wineiveg ipa Grain: Winn h :--Wheat--No. Be en Thon HES) 180: TRY 1 od 3 SF i; feed, od, 31 1.94; feed, $1.20 1:2; Xo. 2G W.. BL 1 ho Canadas A eo-operative market: bh ® been added to the Deparment Agriculture. The attendance at 'the Winter Fair at Guelph for the. four da; totalled 41,000. The Minister of Militia is davalop: ing a echeme to obtain militia of cers from the universities. . Toronto police officials. will 1| legislation to prevent newspape fom publishing racing information. The total cash. value of the eal. mon caught in British Colum | waters this year was Berlin waterworks e 5 | completed; 'including the: nok | congrete standpipe. the ? amili 2 hop ting ery bonionend to 38 for three weekst ii Miss Nettie" Mecoy, . "Teron i was drowned at, Callander on Fn day while enjoying the fire sk on Lake Nipissing. 2|. More stringent laws against im- Pp ey Sop ie beat sects OB oe t the. bulk of the tr. | Taf don at fon Sittle TARO 'from 86 to 3 dock. cl ri 8a, 0 ov =F Hy ost Tt owh. Sos, a, at, 8520 3° per cwh. weig % hog fr: Toronto Shere, 8° 5 ona hen a To 85 cutters, : clothed, housed, get $2:50 a18375. to $10; ATE An '$610 not' morality a on track gambling the abolition of race- tawa by a strong depiitation' Col. Carleton, the new command ant of the Royal Military College ngnion, has 'arrived from' Lng-{ © The official index at Ottawa shows | the standard of living for November fixed « Ey 138.4; 'in October it was hs Poat Office De actment again ssues a warning at' Christmas als must vf fe be attached to the doers, were urged ab, Ot- 4 ii < raid' him git on a: charge® of a kd the 0g da;