Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 21 Jan 1914, p. 3

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o {on the rer a samp 1 in the ingress of the to a small area at the 'being al \ | side of the ship. In addition to this important provision there are six- ; [teen bulkheads extending athwart- Pills. Or if, be- nob recognized your o89, la grippe fastens upon' you, its after e can be driven out by + the same medicine, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills increase and enrich the blood supply, feed the starving nerves, 'and thus impart new health . and new strength to enfeebled men and women, Mr. G. St. Clair, oon- nected with the Sun Life Assurance Oo., Halifax, N.8., says: 'I was taken down with a heavy cold and 1a grippe and was confined to the ~ house some weeks. I had the 7 its fang _| combined | ship fromthe port to starboard side. It might be thought that this stem of transverse and Jongitudinal watertight subdivision was in iteelf sufficient safeguard againet flooding, but further pro- ne vision has been made by the devel« opment of the system of fitting wa- tertight decks which was introduced into the construction -of the Lusi- tania and the Mauretania. From the point of view of strength, therefore, the Aquitania embodies the main features of the Lusitania and the Mauretania; with additions consequent upon increas- ed beam and length. The Aquita- nia is also fitted with Frahm's anti- that fracture due to collision] sea | fii if iH . | of stiffness, every sign of weakness in i i FOR PIMPLES AND BLACKHEADS 'The fallowing is & most effective and eco nomieal treatment: Gently smear the af Cuticura fected parts with Ointment, on the end of the finger, but do nos rub. Wash off the Cuticura Olstment in five minutes with Outlcura Soap and hot water and bathing for some minutos. This treatment is best on rising and retiring. At other times use Cuticura Soap freely for the tolled and bath, to assist in proventing inflamma. ton, irritation and clogging of the pores, iodo, 0 Backache Nervilins Will Fix You! : $00 i i Sh ecessary 0 more sf n to cure your lame back. A Every trace of lameness, every bit the back's: muscles can be rubbed away for all time to come by good old: "Nerviline." + io No other liniment can do the werk San ring sess. aad rot Sami can ease comfort to the back-weary sufferer as Nervillne in: variably does. : Backache {&n't the only malady Nerviline is quick to oure. For lum. bago or sciatica you would ® far to find relief so speedy am erviline glves. For chronic rheumatism there are pain-destroying properties in Ner- | viline that give it first rank, The way | it limbers up a stiff Joint and takes: soreness out of strained or rheumatic muscles is simply a wonder, 'penetrate so: deeply, is Interesting information concern- ing the queens of different ocou- tries is given by the Neue Freie Pregue, wing that if the o sion arose many of them 'could eas: ily earn their livelihood.. = n Elizabeth of Belgium pos- sessea. & dootor's diploma of the University of Leipzig. Besides, she Is an excellent 'musician and play ihe piano and violin with Plate LL} Queen Mary of England paints, sings and is extremely clever with her needle. Queen Victoria Augus- ta of Germany is a specialist with the camera and produces a special kind of art photo. Queen Wilhel- mina of Holland paints miniatures {and porcelain, while Queen Maud of Norway is a distinguished play- If you have an ache or pain any where, if you have a sore back, a! stiff neck, a stiff joint, a strained ' muscle--if you. have lumbago, con- gested chest or sore throat, just try! Nerviliie. Rub it on plentifully--it | won't blister, it can't do anything but | cure you quickly, The large 80. family size bottle is the most econ. omical, of course, but you can, from any. dealer, also get the 25c. small size of Nerviline, the king of all pain- relieving remedies. A CENTURY OF PEACE. wright, using the psuedonym of Gra, Irving. Bhe is aleo a com- petent bookbinder, dressmaker and painter, Carmen Bylva (Queen Elizabeth of Rumania) is a world famous poet- | oss and novelist, Helena, Queen of | Italy, has jokingly remarked that in case of need she could easily earn a high sal in the music halls of London or New York as an expert swimmer and riflewoman, Seeking Distraction. 'Why do you suppose it is," she all the great otea-{ |. HELE 0 Rr Wt 0 Vo Re ; SATAN PHT isa laren "Ng ae Ragone Spat, oPCom Can prevent these troubles from horsesinthe barn very long, Yowantel 3 KENDALL'S iq 'asked, "that nearl men of this world Sa been mar- ried 9' "I suppose," replied the old bachelor, "it's because they had to do something to get their minds off the troubles they had at home.' rolling tanks, which have proved so successful on the Laconia. The passenger accommodation is provided on a scale commensurate with the great size of the ship. The first class public rooms include drawing room, hall and galleries, Cutleura Boap and Otntment sold every. 'where, For liberal free sample of each, with 32-p. book, send postcard to Potter Drug & Chem, Oorp., Dept. D, Boston, U.B.AL ~ best of Widical attention, and al- though the doctor said I was cured I was still far from well, and did mot have the vim necessary for a strenuous business life, and did not jattend to either office or field work. [Talking with a friend he said 'Why not try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills.' I decided to do so, and before I had 'used a box felt an improvement, * and before long the Pills made me feel like a new man. I can't there- fore say too much in favor of this valuable medicine, and hope that any who may read this and be in meed of medical attention will be persuaded to try this truly wonder- ful medicine." You can get these health-renew- 'Ang Pills through any medicine dealer or by mail post paid at 50 cents a box or six hoxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine a Brockville, Ont. -- SPAVIN CURE atanydruggistsat $1 a bottle, 8 for $5, and Ken eS ens PL Dottie, 0 for 85, and and horsemen will say so. Our book "Treatise on the horse' free, of Dr. B. J. KENDALL C0., Enosburg Falls, Vt, 3 FARMS FORM SA How pA SON, inet re Strest, * h y Colborne rest, I5xo0 Fruit, write H, Colhorne Rt. other side of the pond, or the American mail put off such a boat lounge, smoking room and veranda | 8 the Lusitania, never forgets the ' . sense of unlimited bulk that com- Sales, on deck 4} Joven, Testa rant, munication between this continent LS 8 0 and Great Britain assumes. He sees by There Me. alae. 3 Eymnasum thousands and thousands of fat mail The second class public rooms in- | Pag8 shooting down the sides into "ide drawing room, lounge smoking the waiting mail boat. He is aware room and dining room. There are thas from Snseen $o4 Tmexpecied : altogether eight decks on which pas- poo i 3 ip) 0 3 8 trax ied sengers are carried, » Ek The division of the ehip into wa. | forth that the ship of Bosumsy ago tertight compartments is much more ry Pace extensive than is required by any |%°° * regulations, and exceptional con- ---- ditions might therefore have been Flowers, Fruit and Sunshine In January obtainable in connection with the and always, are to be found in California, lifeboats, but the Cunard company | the ideal wintering place, reached com: | | early in 1912 submitted its designs | Dlypand sonvenienily by, tbe Chicago, to the Board of Trade for an instal. |via the fastest and most direct routes, lation of lifeboats, including mo- | 8midst the luxurious eurroundinge of the ry compartment, club and observation par- tor lifeboats, to accommodate all|lor, or more moderate-priced and home- the passengers on \ like Tourist car.. Three s faily ~The Overland Limi (HEALTH FOR BABY Franoisco; The Los hree days to the Magi To keep the baby healthy and Ra strong his little stomach must be |% kept sweet and his bowels working | Ontario regularly--that is the secret of health in little ones. The mother who keeps a supply of Baby's Own Tablets in house can feel rea- eonably sure that her little ones are going tc escape the results of childhood ailments, for the Tablets instantly relieve and cure euch troubles as constipation, indiges- tion, colds, colic and worms by reg- ulating the. stomach and bowels. Concerning them Mrs. Jas. De- roche, Cache Bay, Ont, writes: "I have used Baby's Own Tablets for three years and have alw: ys found them the best re for lit- tle ones." They are sold by medi- cine dealers or by mail at 25 cents & box from The Dr. Williams' Medi- cine Co., Brockville, Ont. Re Women with Sallow Skin llere Is a Good Treatment! You Get Results Quickly. Grain, or Dairy Fi aweon, WANT TO BUY OR SELL 2 Toronto. Brampton, or H. W. DAWSON, Colborne 8t., Toronto NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE. We HAVE SEVERAL GOOD NEWS paper properties for eale in One tario towne at right prices. Apply quick], a8 subecription renewa' time is just open. ing. Wilson Publishing Company, 73 West Adelaide ftreet. Toronto, Smt \NURSERY STOCK, o TRAWBERRIES, RASPBERRIES, FIFT Ny arieties. Free Catalog. McConnell & Bon, Grovesend, Ontario Womanly beauty is largely the out- ward expression of health. Every woman with pale cheeks and poor complexion needs medicine-- needs a potent tonic to regulate her system, . To tone up the stomach--to insure good digestion--to give new life and vitality to the whole system--where is there a remedy like Dr. Hamilton's Pills? Dr. Hamilton's Pills enable you to eat what you llke--they correct con- stipation--make nourishing blood-- instil force and vim into & run-down system, If nervous and can't sleep your re- medy is Dr. Hamilton's Pllls--they search out the cause of your condition | and you rise in the morning refreshed, strong, vigorous, ready for the day's work, Dr. Hamilton asks every weak and debilitated person to use his Mandrake and Butternut PJ's. They make old folks feel young, and weak folks feel strong. Their effects upon insomnia and langour is marvellous. Hundreds declare they soothe and quiet the nerves so that a good night's rest al- ways follow thelr use. To look well, to feel well, to keep well, use Dr. Hamilton's Pills. They are mild, cleansing, strengthening--good for the young or old. Bold by all dealers in 26c. boxes. John A. Stewart, exeoutive chairman and chief or. ganizer of the American movement for celebrating a hundred years of ;| Peace between Great" Britain and the United States. His home is in New York. MISCELLANEOUS. Cen TUMORS, LUMPS, ETO. internal and external, cured with out pain by our home treatment. Write ve before too late. Dr. Bellman Medisal Co. Limited. Collingwood, Ont. A GIANT STEAMSHIP, hoc GE gl Re Cunard' Liner Aquitania Has 'Inner and Outer Shells. "The new giant Cunard line steam. "ship the A. ,» which is now be- ing rapidly ared for sea, having been launched on April 21, 1013, "from the yard of the builders, Meesrs, Joho niown & Co., Olyde- k, Glasgow, Scotland, combines in her design and construction the experience and invaluable informa- tion deduced from the construction and performances of the Lusitania and the Mauretania and the many a other Jamous ships that have pre- ~ ceded her under the Cunard flag, Each succeeding vessel. built for the company during. the seventy- 'three years of its existence has in one way or another marked an ad- vance on its immediate predecessor. The principal figures of the Aquit- ania, according to .information sup- plied by the Cunard Steamship Company, are: --Length, 901 feet; 'breadth, 97 feet; ; deck, 92 feet 8 inches to nage, 47,000 tons; speed, } accommodation for 38,250 passengers and a crew of nearly 1,000. il The unprecedented ~~ weight, ngth and other striking features the great steamship involved the sideration of unusual conditions i fything else connec piction, demanded ar- The Soul of a Piano ls the Action, Insist on the | "OTTO HIGEL" Plano Action The close intimacies of old = seem to consist in ocomparin gouts and rhe: mat'z j qu siipHuR (1715 WOT A PAYENT MEDICINE , Al} is 97 per cent. pure Suiphar) WE liquefied by a few other {ngre. diente just as pure and health ful. You can use it galaly and rofitably as an ANTISEPTIC. ry it on that cold sore, or any other core you may have. Leading nurres recommend ft. P; , 60 cents a bottle, For sale by all druggists. your druggist does not carry it remit d'rect to SUL- PHUR PRODUCTS, LIMITED, 168 Bay etreet, Toronto, and send ue his name, on. B. B « Yonge Btreet, Torouto, S------ ni Changed Hi# Mind. "Alphonse," said the heiress, "I have been thinking.' "Thinking of me, precious?' asked Alphonse, "Indirectly, yes. I. have been thinking that, were you to marry me, everybody would gay you only did so in order to get my money.' "What care I for the unthinking world?' "But, oh, Alphonse, I will marry you." "My own dar--"' "And I will not have people say unkind things about you, so I have arranged to give all. my fortune to the missionaries. , Alphonse, where are you going?' Alphonse paused long enough on "his way to the door to look back and mutter, 'I'm going to be a missionary." Helpless From Rheumatism Qin Pills Give Prompt Rellef By Curing The Kidneys. Mr. Samuel Longmore, of Montreal, says: "Just & word of praise for GIN PILLS, About fifteen months ago I could not walk across my room, suffering severely with Rheumatism. I took GIN PILLS and be came quite well. Two months ago, I had Rheumatic Pains with Neuralgia. I re sorted to GIN PILLS again for one week and became Iulie . 5 fi a 60c. a Box, 6 for . Bample free SF mai Nplionsl Prue & chemical! Co. tienes . Pat's Charaoter. Courtesy Je the ¢ Sentle eex is 2 | feature in Pat iaracter, and he | 38 Ah Sens 30,000 3150000 is- an adept: Coit "It's a|might contain germs. One day the to PT great pleasure entirely to be alons, | little fl came in and said :--"Mo- 'especially when your ) ig| ther, I am never going to with my kitty any more, because she has ~her."" "'Oh, no,' replied "'there are no germs itten." "Yes, there are;" 'the - child. "I saw a e Breaking it Gently. "I hev come to tell yuz, Mrs. Ma- lone, that yer husband met with an accident." ""An' what was it, now?' wailed Mrs. Malone, '"He' was overcome mum." "Overcome by the heat, was he. An' how did it happen 1' '"He fell into the furnace over at the foundry, mum," --_-- CORNS ARE LIKE KNOTS. Year by year they grow harder and in- cidentally more painful. Why suffer when you can be cured for 25c. epent on Put- nam's Corn Extractor? Fifty years in use and guaranteed to cure. Use Putnam's Extractor, 20. at all dealers, Te immo ieie... . Conceit (Limited). Post--Thinks he's the whole thing, does he? Parker--Well, I'd hardly go as far as that; but he certainly con- siders himself a quorum. by the heat, A Question of Height. Michael --Come quick! Patrick is stuck in a bog up to his ankles. James--Don't worry, then, if he's only up to his ankles he can soon get. out again | Mike--Yes, but he went in head first | : THE NEW WAY During the Tiff. Bhe--Before we were married you used to catch me in your arms. He--Yes, and now I catch you in my pockets. i Minard's Liniment Co. Limited. Bire,--I have used your MINARD'S LINT. MENT for the past 25 yeare and whilst I have occasionally used other liniments I can gately say that I have never used any equal to yours. If rubbed between the hands and in- haled frequently. it will never fail to gure cold. in head in twenty-four louns, It ie also eto. Immense Postal Trafic Between Great Britain and Canada. Some idea of the tremendous postal trade between Great Britain and Canada is given in the figures secured from the General Post- office and published in a London paper. During the week before Christmas, 8,500,000 letters for Can- ada were sent out, The figures are : 5 _ Parcels. Letters. 'Australia . \...... 19,500 2,500,000 China & Far East 10,000 a of Fn i BCE Minard's Liniment Cures Carget In Cows: Minard's Liniment Cures "Distemper. Why Not. ; Teacher--Now, who can tell me what political economy is? Mike "(embryo statesman)--Git- tin' the most votes for the least money. X The Exception. "Patience is a virtue," the Wise Guy. 'Yes, especially in the people we owe money to,"' amended the Sim- ple Mug. Best for bruiees, sprains, Yours truly, J. a LESLIE, quoted Dartmouth. Call Try Murine Eye Remedy If you have Red, Weak, W 'B: or Granulated B ds. 'Docent Smt n. Julia's Hard Luck. "Have you heard about Julia's hard luck " 'No. What is it?" "She took Billie's engagement ring] --Soothes E ¥ back to the jeweller's to be valued. | Murine E: Remedy Liquid, 25c, Oh, poor.Julial" 'Well, 'that's| Murine Eve Ja Aseptic Tubes, nothing. I always do that." An Eye Tonic Goad for All Eyes that Need Core 'Yes; but the jeweller refused to| Murime Eye Remedy Ce. Chicage give it back to her. He said Billie : hadn't paid for it." "Minard's Liniment Cures Culds, Eto. Breakfast Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria, Mrs. R. was an extremely careful mother, and had repeatedly cau- tioned her six-year-old daughter against handling any object that Far East -- 5,000,000 Zealand ..... 19,000 620,000] A Fine Husband. "Gladys Jane has a perfectly lovely husband." "Sot" "Yes ; he's willing for her to have anything she can get on credit." Sought to Converse. Seated comfortably in the rail- way carriage a' commercial travel- ler found beside him a rather se- date looking gentleman with whom he sought to converse, and began - (8) : by explaining what goods he sold, eh . ; in } and in what large quantities he sold i /- a 9 | them. "And ir my friend,'"' he added, "what is your et' 'Brains,' answered his companion Srufty. ""Ah!l' brains, you say? (hat must be nice. You carry no| samples, ; ny It frequently rains on the just Be because the unjust has swiped his umbrella. dar] Why, I can sleep for dreaming of you 5 ea = a , bce. Har 5 Consupation * is oR FeakaREED

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