Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 11 Mar 1914, p. 3

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every rumor of battle he hastened : to report himself as sick, and unfit oth How notorious the discretion of : Oaptain Blanco became is best 2- Soap lustrated by a conversation betwsen ye | wo newsboys which the doughty | captain, stretched on a comfortable | cot in the hospital tent, himself 3 4 gverhedrd, i oy db : Fe Ho Sta : uan," said one , ""we'd bet- pr ry IY Jerre: baking, BY | ier order an extra supplv for to- Flavor red with: deli uit streng th, ant ir s going to be some "How do you know that, Pepe?' asked the other boy. "Why, ~ Captain Blanco is sick BIRTEEN MISTAKES OF LIFE. | "S™™ _ & Hi To attempt to set up your own i i nits Shs anon Knee Joint Stiff Three Years 3{ To try to measure the enjoyment ~ Gh RR a el CURED BY NERVILINE. last rheumatism was added| To expect uniformity of opinions| Anyone would marvel at my recov- bles, and I also suffered [in this world sty, writes Mr, Leonard Lotham, : trouble : ' il k bout Ch from lumbago, dropsy and gravel. | To fail to make allowance for in-| Jorr® fag tmhertted a rheumatic ten. 1 felt that my kidneys were the|experience. __ |dency through my mother's family, cause of all my troubles, and decid- : endeayor to mold all disposi-|and in my early days suffered fright- ed to try Dodd's Kidney Pills. tions alike. fully. About three years ago the pain Brom alos the first they did me| Not to yield in unimportant tri- and tees Settled in my lent Knee good an r takin tw bo: fles. join was lame and walked Ww a Iam again a i Sebati Gi] To look for perfection in our own [pees distinet | 1tmp.. Nervilive was ET al 1d ih pe 0 our Own | brought to my notice and I rubbed it n who suffer shou earn | actions, into the stiff joint four or five times a ] - that the cause of their troubles is] To worry ourselves and others day. It dispelled every vestige of. gene Wil vitality was vi 3 hat D. Rockefell 6ys. Having learned that, | about what cannot be remedied. pain, reduced the swelling, took out Syite. Fo ohn D. Rockefeller. - |the rest is casy. Thousands of Can-| Not to help everybody, wherever, | the stiffness and gave me the full use ont jn dis He has moved his residence from |adiang will tell you out of their own | however, and whenever we can. of my limb again. I don't belleve there For. m: {position, notwithstanding al Cleveland to. New Jersey. becs: yrs : SEW :.. |is a pain-relioving remedy, not a sin- ; : Sr * ' oY, use | experience that Dodd's Kidney Pills| To consider anything impossible | gig jing : or him, and it was at this orisis|pig taxes under the income law |always cure bad kidneys. that we cannot ourselves perform. gl I pent Ju pare With % Obem, Corp, Dept. D, Bose, U, 8, 4, 4 So ili ay 5: ye for eo Da is" Pink Pills would be $9,000,000. By the change le To believe only what our finite | pains, with sore back, with lameness, FARMS FOR SALE. boxes there was a noticeable un. ol Seehof Time for a Change. minds can grasp. with Iumbago, with neuralgla--I do|g™0 "0 weon, Ninety Colborne reer : ma hope they will try out Nerviline which Jmprovement, and this was followed | |aaving church last. Sunday. Old Roxleigh--Marry my daugh- ns te ake slicvaaces fir. the 1 am convinced will quickly and per Jorsute. y his being able to do light work, ter?! Why, you are supported by| s * . manently cure them." F YOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL A '1g ; } - " '| To estimate by eome outside qual- , Fruit, BStock,.Grain, or Dairy Farm. and later he had all the strength{. a your father. z y ei . Af Nerviline wasn't a wonderful | write H. W. Daweon, Brampton or 9 Lf a growing boy. His curs was joy, & big fat goose in either hand. Suitor--Yes, sir; but my guv'nor ity, when it is that within which |painless remedy, if Nerviline didn't| Colborne St. Toronto. Mooked 1 as remarkable by all We are delighted, and drive oft! tired of supporting me, he says makes the man. quickly relieve, if Nerviline wasn't | Ww DAWSON Golberns St. Toront Qokgy. pon e by southward in the best of irits. ) rot] 2 ie ae known to be a grand cure for all rheu- | ----_ s Gotbarns St. Terants who knew him, and I am giving the =p and I thought I'd get into another ' Fosult in the hope that it may bo | LYorecn sven stops every, now enc fumily. Agnes--Why didn't you have the | been so Jargely ted as a family Tom: |S "Holy camped with of crud ser: . ' jor un ) Tit b lof benefit to someone else." then to feel the splendid fat bodies smn tn burglar arrested who was found |edy for ee forty years. No bet. | Writs owner. 625 Wilton, Toronto. "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold of the birds, and we do nothing but| row Colonist Rates to Pacific Coast| under your bed?' Gladys-- 'He |ter, stronger, or more soothing lini- WANTED y ail medicine dealers or sent by | talk of what a feast. we are to have | vie onosgo & North Western Ry. |8aid that if I wouldn't have him ar [Ions made. Get the large 0c. fam- : EI] at 50 conts a box oF six boxes when they are cooked. The dogs| March 15th to April. 16th from points_in | rested he'd never tell how dusty he ily size bottle; small trial size 25c¢.; GENTS WE WANT YOU. WRITH X DOXE8| re doing their best; Iverson|{inada to Salt Lake Oity, , " sold by any dealer, anywhere. Dominion Bhade Adjuster Oo. Wind: for $2.50 by The Dr. Williams' Angeles, San Francisco, Portland, Tacoma, | 80%. oT, Ontario. Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. marches at the rear of the sledge, | Seattle, Victoria, Vancouver, Ki ay a TT - : 4 B , Ont. singing at the top of his voice, and | Difirich and Canadian Northwest poiuts:| ou. y Deaths From Razor First Suggestion. We will pay you $120.00 WELCOME. 6 SE even I feel a little better, from yi lo y "I goe where some writer says |to distribute religiove literature in your EESE. ---- Ny a a aA Lh ieian in Ohicago wetates thirty there is a shortage of small community. Bixty days' work. Experience is Ta- Re Buptain Mikkelsen Tells of His De- 2 °8 have resulted from paring corns > not regnired. Men or women. Oppor~ A GRAND MEDICINE ture, write or on A Be Honone with a razor. Avoid blood polgoning by change. tunity for promotion. Spare time may ba i ] | General Agent, 46 Yonge Street, Toronto. | 8pplying Putnam's Corn and Wart Ex- "« : used. International Bible Press Company, . rv th He must have been going | "5° light on Seeing Them. FOR"LITTLE ONES weir ; a A Le en PARDONED AFTER 52 YEARS. Noah in his ark could not have| Mrs. D. L. McIntyre, McIntyre's ---- ) Nae OD WEEKLY IN LIVE TOWN IN 3 . » Tond of Hers YO Y IN LIVE TOW y more Sdliguted over the re-| Mountain, N.8., says: "Baby's Own | Insists He Is Innocent of Marder of . di hay Wo Oure a Cold in Ono Day Vino orl County, Stationery and Book n of the dove than were the |Tablets are a grand medicine for 'Which H The two women were discussing{Take LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE] dumness in counectlons rice. only \ a é 3 \ 0 y : 2 $4,000. Terms liberal. Wilson, Publish bo Chale Mikkelsen's par-| little ones and I am well satisfied Wag, Convicted, the fashions. Tablets. Druggists refund money if lt Terms libera son, Publix sE i is its Purely vegetable. Painless and v . i 182 Bpadina, Toronto. etre i Putnam's Hxtraotor, Zc. at all | through his pockets after his wife dealers. *. saw them first." NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE. ph ! A ) . v > falls to cure. F. W., GROVE'S signa- Ing Company, 73 West Adelaide Street. . ty, in rt of Greenland ice, | with the results obtained from n old warrior who fought under| 'Did you say your husband was | ture is on each box. 250. Toronto, with tof a flock of wild] them." Mrs, MoIntyre's testimony Garibaldi has been granted a royal| fond of those clinging gowns 7' : NURSERY STOCK geese. In "Lost in" the Arctic' |is the same as that of thousands of pardon in Italy for a murder he is| 'Yes, indeed, he likes one 'to : Woodoht Head, TTRAW BERRIES, RASPRERRTRS FIFT Captain Mikkelsen tells of their{other mothers. Once a mother has alleged to have committed, and is| cling to me for about five years. Bill-It seems dangerous for a'® Varieties. Fréo Catalog. MeCoun a Tol of ihe Batiguo. of & amd tho Tablets uhe will use noth. now free after fifty-two years of - eH man to go about with a chip on his | & Son. Grovesend, Ontirlo. long sledge journey, and of his own |ing else, for the results are sure prison life. He is Corp. Vincenzo| Try Murine Eye Remedy shoulder. 9 MISCELLANEOUS. _ dllness. . He had become so weak | and the Tablets are guaranteed by he, . ,,| It you have Red, Weak, Watery Eyes Bil_He star ois mood change of ANCER, TUMORS, LUMPH, RTO, that ho was obliged to ride on the | a government analyst to be perfect- © cause of my misfortune," | or Granulated Eyelids. Doesn't Smart Raving I Shan 8 & good can 0 internal and external, cured with. eledge. Consequently, their pro-|ly safe. They are sold by medicine he says, "was a Bourbon spy, who| --Bootlies E in. Drugglsts Sell |=2V'08 118 block knocked off, a at or maa" Medios © gress was very slow. dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box passed into the service of Italy af- Musing > emedy, Lignid" 25c, 500. fo. Limited. Collinewond, Ont. "We drive on between a lot of little | from The Dr. Williams' Medicine ter 1 left Garibaldi in 1861. He de- iy 80e. Bye. Books gr ad Canadian Hair Restore? Jslands or banks of glacial ice. -8ud- | Co., Brockville, Ont, nounced me as having evaded my| "4 Ee canis Oia Tou All Syou thot Md Gore ind denly Iverson nlakes a snatch at] =~ =~ ---- hu regular conscript servico. We had | Muvine Eye Remedy Ce., Chicase . i ithe sledge, causing the dogs to halt| ("The doctor said he would put me high words and he hit me with bis WE oy a ous. in. astonishment, and whispered |on my feet again in two weeks." gun, knocking out several teeth. How difficult to draw the line be- tomer of mine, was completely cured of eagerly, "Look! look! at's | 'Well, didn't he do #7' 'Yes, he In anger I unluckily exclaimed, | tween genius and insanity. Te tous. uso 0f MIN ARDS TINE that?' He points to something that | certainly did. I had to sell my bi- When my recruiting days are over op aa MENT bY Sh ' 0 The above fac if it. ¢ : oks like a dos uf fond stones, and cyele to pay his bill."' : I'll come back and shoot you.'| Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff. ae, Sheva fais can he Wii il re nd afte: Une . Somehow or other that man actually his; neighbors. COTE, Merch Restores Grey Hair to original color. Two might tis a big flock of geese, sitting there { Piles Cured in 8 to 14 Days was riddled with gunshot shortly OH arent Mrs. Brown--"Is your husband a A. sid UE 2 3 St. Isidore, Que. 12 May use f same bottle, hair of one becomes hlack 2 D sts. refund. money if . PAZO my ili man of quiet tastes?' Mrs. Jones , * the other blond or 'oth lor as they were in asleep. They have not heard orf ful to cure Ttching, Bitna, after return from military Ber --vYou wouldn't think so if you vouth: Stops' Falling Hair, Dandruff, Itching. x few 8 nds Iv 2a or Protruding Plles. First application vice in 1863. > : ' Cures all Scalp Diseases, Produces New Growth, ns. In a few seconds on i "x heard him smack his li $ th Sati y back his way powards them. I, of course, tyes relfef. b0c. } "Pwenty days later I was arrest P8 - 8 © Satisfaction guaranteed or money back. ; ; B: 5 om i table." for One Dollar ( romain where I am on the sledge. "Father," said Mabel, 'do ed, tried and condemned to death, 2 Price 75 SS OF 40 tur Oa B ae (postags paidd ; ; 3 . A Wuher, sal ro though the, truth is I was an inno- . ¢ wife is io} a iepaimy Arse and the whole | enjoy hearing me sing?" "Well," | cent, victim of a tantalizing inne |. copomimy," said Tommy's mother, if ir 3rTOUS wife 8 Going to ond | Sunadlay Hair Resor Ton Whose her onssan the ground? I snatch Yas the answer, x don's know, but dence.' lam afraid you will make yourself oo rtainment?' 'Oh yes! Bhe's| Women act as steamship captains iy Oe an teh it's rather soothing in'a way. It{ When the president of the Assize|ill: Do stop eating, How is it that 44 to that sort of thing. She's led |in Norway ; #3 Spt or the hid alter fol. makdse: Jno forges. my other) court asked him if he had any-|You an possibly eat so much ?'| oy dance all my life." on ; . : narnia: [rowite = ing 0 wy attr is tial ho wi | pre Ldn voy wid Tom. Johnny, aged six sear cl, Daa Tveasbn returns, beaming with | Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia, "Gentlemen of the jury, I've fired ny. by ough a oi) Po her | Minard's Liniment, for 9810 everywhere. | 'arrived at what has been called thes H a di thousands of shots on behalf of our » 8B Just go HCE. HOW TO TES . "story-telling age,'"' or the age 0 TEST WATER. when children's imaginations get § en the better of their desire for truth. Two Simple Ways of Knowing Whe-| Running into the house the other oie A Wonderful New Bullet. country. . Forgive me, then, this © A Spaniard claims to have invent- solitary shot which the prosecution Oo cui ed a marvellous new bullet, destin- | **7® 1 fired on my own account." ed to revolutionize the art of war- : : ; Sg ther It Is Pure. day, Johnny exclaimed, "Mamma, fare ; for, fired from an old smooth- 5 IE ARS' THROAT TROUBL ( { 1 HK Yr Every one knows and ada ie fun SaW a kitten ba Mi i Fons bored 'gun of 1830 pattern, with a necessity for pure water. I : : hcl ; A "Johnny, you are telling another charge of but nine grammes of pow- ¢ you are away from home,.and are 9 2 : y % {der, it can'destroy walls or houses AND INFLUENZA CURED not sure of the character of the bis nd a LE i at a distance of 1,200 yards, or dis-| a / water supply, it would not be a bad | oq ig aq a lion," said the mother, charged from a modern rifle, at a| EMINENT DOCTORS FAILED TO| idea to make a few simple tests.|(myatie what I always thought,' distance of over 3,000 yards. The " CURE--HAD GIVEN UP HOPE. Mr. J... Arsenault, a Justice of the | The results may prove that it was replied Johnny, "but I asked him, A ob is Sn : ; So Peace and station master at Welling | decided! ye i : 7 | le sche ong, AEE 1 cage coe Prove hse, Wien | Sn Ee Fo tre" Bore an en ten | be pid be vt thes & dinfinutive Catarrhozone Is Breathed Every | years ago I fell on a freight truck, sus- | oul bp 18 1 aining you can make very easily : i | shell than a bullet. One of its many [race of Gatarrh Disappears. jan ng an 15% ponte ax Fill a tumbler with water, drop HA- DRU-CO DYSPEP SIA qu 11 the : -- alities, The Telegraph says, is| Milford Haven, Da, Mar. 9.--Every- instead it developed into a bad ulcer, in a lump of white sugar, cover it T '1 that, though fired with | i pow-{one in this neighborhood knows of and later into a form of eczema which | with a saucer, and let it stand over- i ' 6. faintest breath of the long suffering from influenza and spread very rapidly and also started | night on the bricks at the side of Proved of Great Valu Ww" the gun at its dis] coarrh endured by Mra. D. Gurney. |on the other leg. Both legs became | the range, on the kitchen mantel- * x et es Ph 'To-day. she is well. Her recovery is | so swollen and sore that I could only | Yin fact h kere B-- TE flames. The|gye entirely to Catarrhosone. This |go 'work: hy having them |DioC0 OF, In 'act, anywhere Wher here 1s only one explenation for 1- {1s her own statement: "I was a great ban \&6 i : the temperature will not sink be-| ic "oe aD letters that we" in | sufferer | cat in the he "1 consulted two doctors, and tried low sixty degrees. II next morning ] : ) j all the salves, liniments and lotions I | the contents are clear; the water is yw | manifold to: of, but instead of getting better | pure. If, on the other hand, the : sii cd dit » ; : Gy = liquid is cloudy, some source of contamination ~~ is. indisputably proved. : ? 'I The second test is to drop 'a few ains of permanganate of potash into a tumbler of water, cover, and let it stand for an hour. If the wa- EE es vive oh . whi 0 © ur {s perfectly safe for drinking; if it Meh | is of a brownish color, it {5 impure, | although the impurity may be of the that boiling will rob of its 2 2

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