Order Business in Canada, by giving entire satisfaction, We have. 200. samples of Suitings to show you, We guarantee. a perfect fitting Suit, a Prices $18.00 up. . GOOD VALUES IN FURNISHINGS | Latest Styles in Men's , Soft Hats showing the new telescope and diamond crowns in navy, brown, grey and black. Prices $1.50 to $2.50. = Penman's Seamless Cashmere Hose, with red heel and toe, Sizes 934, 10, 1034, 11, 113. Per Pair 25¢ Silk Four=in-hand. Neckties, showing the new polka dot and moire patterns in navy, brown, green and mahogany. 5 Price 50c Men's Negligee W.G.R. Collars Shirts IN SEALED BOX T5¢., $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 8 Cellars for 50c 7 The Ww. Vv. G&R. Shirt gives the This line is the 4 ply linen thor- best satisfaction. Materials are oughly shrunken. Fits perfectly fast colors. Sleeves are f wears better than the ordin- "vy length. Made to fit the large ary Be Conan, any different men. 'Come and see them. shapes, 3 for 50c A Tal N TY RE | Pal Quarterly Pashions el| [su BSCRIPTION| he Port Parry STAR] is is year 10 Canadian or British points, if paid in} advance; otherwise $1.25. To subs scribers in the United States the price 15 $1.50 peryear in advance. -$a.35 'Globe A Illustrated)... 3 oof : ; R. M R.) iit oof August Sate PHILIP POLITO nl uring the month of Aug- ust we are anxious to clear out _ our Summer Goods and will sell at close prices. Ask to i see our $15.00 SUIT er ---- Ladies' 'Tailoring SPECIAL THIS WEEK Srbol $1.85 -. Br 5 sey Ply $3. - ning Stare er dass vening News We are prepared to do all kinds 'of Ladies' «Tailoring. Pat your orders i in early. : J 4 Now is a good time to have] ANd a great variety of other Fruit |your Fur-Lined Coat re-shel- : We ie specialty off Guaranteed Pure Olive Oil a Specialty. * Everything at the Lowest Possible Price. DIESFELD BLOCK, PORT PERRY LOOK HERE! 'Great Slaughter Sale of Dishes, 'Chineware, and Ctoclsery