2 Concert i in the Town Hall, under the auspices of the Literary Society. . Further particulars in a later issue. Mr. John Stonehouse has returned from Roland, Man. and intends spend- ing the winter in town. Mrs. James Waddell, has returned home after an extended visit to the West. Mrs. W. U. Carnegie, will receive on Thursday of this week, and after- wards on the second Friday of each month. A number of boys from Port Perry High School attended the 'athletic feet held by the Oshawa boys in the Armouries on Friday; November 13th. The chief évent of the evening was the relay race, in which three teams com- peted, Oshawa, Bowmanville and Port Perry., The Port Perry boys worked under disadvantage in not being used to the board track, they came: second however, and feel confident that, had the race been on 'a turf track, they would have won. A junior team also competed, ' but did hot win anything, not from lack of speed, but rather from lack of practice together, The Port Perry team consisted of H. Purdy, G. McMillan, M. Ingram, and C, Short. Port Perry Band meets for practise on Monday and Friday of each week in the basement of the Town Hall Christmas Fair Tuesday, December 22, has been selected as the date 'of Port Perry Christmas' Fair, and a meeting is called to be held in the town hall on Friday evening, to which all the busi» ness men and others interested in the Fair are invited, to make arrangements Meeting in basement at 8 p. m. b 'Business Change Mr. L. G. Hall has bought the butcher business formerly owned by Mr. W. A. Boyce. Mr. Hall has had a long experience in this line and has every qualification to secure the suc- cess we wish him in his new venture. Wm. Bickle Injured On Tuesday last Mr." Wm. Bickle was driving hisisteam into. the gravel pit, and just as he went to shut the gate his team. started forward. =~ He taught the lines, but the team jerked him off his feel, and he fell under the hind wheels of the waggon which passed over his chest. His face was badly cut about the eye and mouth, and these cuts had to be stitched by the doctor. 1t is not yet known whether he suffered any internal injuries. Choral Union . The election of officers of the Port * Perry Choral Union at their annual meeting resulted as follows: on. Prés--D. McBfide © Vige- -Pres.--Mrs. D. Archer $30. a week right" through the win No delivering 'or collecting. Oi free. Be "Thos. W. Bowman & Son. Co. Ridgeville, Ontario Important Lecture Our Readers will be pleased to learn that arrangements have been completed for a Free Illustrated Lec: ture in the Town Hall, on Thursday evening, the 19th inst, at 8 o'clock, by Mr. Ji. B. Watson, the Field Sec- retary of the National Sanitarium Association. The subject is import: ant, A Winning Fight 'Against the Great White Plague." "This lecture has been given in all the important centres of population throughout the province, and has been invariably spoken of by the Press and people in terms most complimentary, instructive, and entertaining and just the kind of lecture that everybody should hear. "A collection will be taken in aid of the Muskoka Free Hospital for Consumption, First. Mortgages on Farm Property = We have several sums of money in onr hands for investment in farm mortgages at reasonable terms. Adams & Huicheson For Sale In Port Perry, a 134 story, 8 room- ed frame dwelling, stone foundation, good cellar, well 'drained. Splendid drinking water. Stable 40 x 17 Greenhouse 40x16 with 4 village lots Apply to Atlams & Hutcheson Auction Sale Standing Timber December, 4 1914 Adams Estate In } acre lots. mostly Birch, Spruce | and Poplar. South end, Lot 13, con. 7, Reach; 'Woman's Patriotic Association Few people in Port Perry realize the amount of actual work that has been done by the ladies of the town for the comfort of the soldiers. In this respect we stand well to the front; many towns of larger population hay- ing contributed far less work, Up to date of writing there hav "On Monty, N oversiber 23, the Carnegie Milling Co. wil offer f ) timber at lot 11, con, 6, Road . timber: must be removed prior to March, 1918. Terms strictly. cash. Sale at one o'clock. Joseph Baird, Auctioneer, * W. A. Sangster Dental Surgecn = Graduate of Royal College: of Dental Surgeons, Toronto. = = Office hours--9 a. m to 61 nm. Also open Saturday' evenings. + Office over D. Corbman's Store, Quesn St. Port Perry or Sl Columbia Gramophone, with - 68 selections of records. This is a real bargain, and would make a excellent Xmas present. Apply at STAR Office Miss Amy Christian is taking up her piano teaching again 1 at'the hame of - Mrs. Linke, 'and is. prepared to give terms and particulars to those desiring instruction in pian : LDR £0 Rexall Goods are made: in Canada, and are Not Costing You a Cent More Ran before || the War. Lamina "posit ion' to fill al |orders promptly, which I may be favored with for Chestnut, Stove and Pea Phone 136 | TURNER COAL OFFICE| Phone 38 GOOD MORNING! We: are Introducing Eom. HOSIERY { i have stood the test. Give: Never become loose or baggy: The shape is knit in---not pi ; G ed for finene superiority of material manship. Absolutely ah Will" wear. '6° months without "holes or new ones free. - Our Special Offer 0 everyoi iors $1.00 in cu postal note, to cover ad Wri backed by $5,000,000 company: 3 pairs of our *. American Silk Hosiery. - or 4pairsofour 60c value American Cashmere Hosiery | r 4 pairs of our 0g value: American Cotton- Lisle