: & 8 5 a e e ATU UU UU ATU UL 6 | AS \ Se ; woll Se Tie Bl at U dad O 7 e a1 sta a D @ ean 8 face pale, his |B i El] 8 " 8 st 88 @ e eyes aghag h sorrow and dis d l \ 3 i | p§ ] : ge to Be oided During the 'Once ote the feisees inaghed aye one fo ence, and | may 3 Seaso ozened their fears and qu ih § 1 vz at tha aid as the ave me 3) a Stina DOK ! ia hut the mavee that fay e a shelf a e pence Se : y 0 0 g y a | 'Far from the li ake ei 8 e sta ea see hoy 8 56 VO! m X i¥ lg) 'Beneath. their : an explained. = | going to get through. this Christ decorations, or for dressing up, child "Rotting and raving, : sha hg. 100 ed. ba 8 : 4 . A ans. td © Ag ne vy 1a of « a ; ha be hs me. honored 'Chained down 'mid rats and ime gh " nav ba even | Chiistmas bird nd 'there are even| Cast out of space and ti ; . In the time fled away. a Re aly a a of What was my thought, thought . h mas goose Hearken the whispering snow A he pane; ; 3 iy gh wind doth blo A wild refrain; Louder, O musié¢, play; » i k ghis A ho a'1a tender as Nimbler, O dancers, gil ges y 3 BORN y 8 last should be he feathers are left on| Nay! music, cease to play, &° , RS 8 : Now | the wings, as 5 are Dancers, 4 epace abide, - D X e said. keep- | wards the grea ors 8 e back Bre'S NOIR. lv A oe ahs dred" were burned | they should be sharp and pointed in 2 Hearken yon wailing-- hohe . e sta 8 8 oh. 8 . eath through lighting candles on a | YOUng bird, blunt in an old bird. The} Phe wind, is it, wailing? . ohe 00K om 0 ne 8S0Dbs pan Nay, 'tis the folk that lie ' he flesh, of course, should 'bd Out in the night there, fom o >| plump and ela o the touch he| The men that starve and die 8, was in flames. Mr. | feet should have short, sharp claws, as| = | Far from the light there; | wg g 0 claws of a b e long rom ithe oubliettes of pain, 3 +Frem wheel and rack and chain, Beneath your dancing feet, - : difference of | Tripving so fleet, so sweet, From folk that rave and rot, persons put a few pared ap Forsaken and forgot onions in a goose and remove |. Comes:the wild wind's refrain, e 8 ! Comes' all that wailing - To-day as long ago, baa om be) x os Te ving oy DE a : Long as the wind shall blow, { : 8 e 2 at?' he' questioned: he BD Phe = R diatic practice, and hundreds of minor} coo © 4 orion juice to make a savory | «Long as shall fall the snow. ds sn she handsome One B p up, and ommun 0 Her glance fe BT Ves a hata ! : Another old recipe calls for bread (But merry is the street, = / BR den evealed w 4 oddaing 2 . f sophomore and Si vay 8Nne 8p 2 R he. bolt @ + ds . mb hopped pples, sage, onion And merry isthe hall, % . . acide. aang ! ed : a [sale nd e, 88 epper and a B And a merry Christmas, gentles alll) i 2 : SHEPHERD'S VISION DEPICTED. | ml i - Bs Announcement of the Birth of the « - Saviour. » Hasesh > IN a a EE x 'on watch, while the others slept, things revolved In his min promises to Abraham and to hig forever--the Fords of Jeacs, tha oth 45 V7 i