Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 3 Feb 1915, p. 4

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Messrs. Fred Campbell and -Sar- ~ geant Beadle spent the Nek end at "their homes. Friends of Mrs. Albert Orchard will be pleased to know that she is doing as well as can be expected after un- dergoing a critical operation for ap: pendicitis and the removal of gall stones. Her brother, Dr. Harris, of " Copper Cliff, will remain with her for a few days. Mr. and Mrs, W, L. Parrish were in Caledonia last week, visiting Mr. Parrish's brother. W. H. Doubt, merchant tailor, is putting on a February Sale, and is offering special values in suits at from $12t0 $15. See his advertisement on this page. : Mr. Percy Graham is confined to his home, suffering from an attack of 1a grippe. Mr. LG. Hall, who has been ill of late; tas recovered 'sufficiently to be able to be about again. 4 All trains Were "Eanceltid- or Tur, day, some genuine February weather having monopolized the right of way. Mr. Bear had better stay in his den for a while yet. The Crossroads Concert in. the * Town Hall this (Wednesday) evening is attracting much attention, and the tickets have sold well. Plan at Davis' Drugstore. Reserved seats 35c Mrs. W. F, Nott, and Miss T. Moase, of Rose & Co., spent the week end in Toronto. The annual meeting of Port Perry Public Library is called to meet in the Reading Room next Tuesday evening, February 9th, «= Every -sub- scriber 15 urged to be present at this meeting, Storms don't last forever. Get ready for the big carnival on Friday evening. Get your skates sharpened and your costume ready. The band will be there, While in Toronto last week, Mr. Frank Williams made an exchange of a pool table for a billiard table, add- ing materially to the interest of the room, BORN--To Sergeant Major and Mrs. John Hayden, at Port Perry, on Sunday, January 31st, 1915, a daughter. A You ought to Goldiing & Roberts shovel snow! They've had practice. Re-Elected by Acclamation Mr. S.'M. Newton, a former editor of this paper, was re-elected by acclam- ation as Mayor of Prince Rupert for 1915. This is the first time that such has taken place in that city, and Mr ewton naturally received many con" gratulations. His many friends will : be glad to hear.of his mocess in that}, week from Wednesday it 'is tony x * that Cannington will pldy game at Port Perry, and some lively play will likely be seen. Patriotic Notes © 'A large case of clothing was' ship- ped to Toronto by the Woman's Pat- riotic Association for distribution a- mong the needy of Toronto. The case contained many warm articles of clothing and this coutribution to the comfort of "those suffering through poverty is quite timely and valuable. A good contribution of: clothing, handkerchiefs and knitted goods was received from Utica Ladies' Aid. HE Town Council The February meeting of the Town Council took place on Monday night. All members present except Council | lor: McIntyre. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. The tollowing communication ad- dressed to J. W. Burnham, Clerk of the Division Court, was read: In reply to your inquiry regarding the fee of $2.00, for attending the sit- ting of the Court, I beg to say that the same will be found in-the Statutes of 1913---sub-section 14; of section 47 of the Division Cours Act. Your Obedient Setvant, J. W. Macdonald, Inspector The reference which we "quote herewith shows the interest which the town has in the matter: / "Where the fees or emoluments earned by a Clerk or Baiiiff are less than $500.00 a year, the local muni- cipality 1 which the Division Court is held shall' pay the Clerk and Bailiff respectively the sum of $2.00 for at- tending each sitting of the Court." Previously this sum hat been paid by the Government as part of the cost of the administration of justice. By this change in the law, Port Perry is now required to pay these fees, amounting to some $40.00 in all. Mr. Quinn" appeared before the Conncil and asked that his' license for the moving-picture show be made payable half-yearly. The request was granted. He also asked that his license be reduced, claiming that the charge made in other towns was less {than in Port Perry, and that he was already paying a license to the Gov- ernment, Mr. Quinn was told that the matter would be taken into con- sideration: Mr. S. E. VanCamp asked that} permission be granted to the Inter national Bible Students Association |; to show the pictures again which'were | exhibited last summer at the moving picture show; but owing to the trou- ble which arose over the matter: as to he ee of power last yeas; the seoet thing that goes to make up a gomfort: able home, Campbell. France Arrangements have hed whereby the ordinary rate of two cerits per ounce 'applicable to ail let ters sent from Canada to the United Kingdom, will apply to letters - ad- dressed to British and Camedian troops on the Continent. "The, rate on ordinary letters from', 'Canada for the Continent is five' cents "for the first ounce, and three cents for-each subsequent ounce, so, that this (exten- sion of the two.cent announce rate to letters addressed to our soldiers on the Continent, is a decided reduction in favour of correspondence going to the front, = Going to "Coborrg Mr. J. H. Goldring has accepted: a Band. He will commence his duties next week. Mrs. Goldring will hot leave town for a week or so. & name for himself as a musician. Port Perry people will be pleased to know that he is not going far away, and we may look forward' to the 'day when' he will bring the Cobourg Band to play at some of our celebration days, We are sorry todose Mr. and Mrs. Goldring, but pleased to know of presented itself: for their advancement and prosperity. Postroned to have been "held at Prospection 'Tuesday evening, February 2nd., * his been postponed until Fbursday eve ing, February 11th. Homer McKee's one~hotr, sixteen ounces one pot and one hundred cents one dollar. Help me to live so 'that 1 cag: down at , night with a clear conscience, * For further patticuurs see. Morey = A Two Cont Rate to | "made | / position jas 'leader of the Cohourgt Mr. Goldring has made a dod] the excellent opportunity which bas |; The Patriotic Concert which ws, ] Hae, you tried this wonderful Pendoett, re SPECIAL SALE ON. ; Shampoo - soc. 2 Cakes Soap 30c, 'This Bargain for 50¢. ro 'Palmolive is made in Canada" eh y Eh Cream, 5 oc. "Soap 30.¢ 8oc. worth for 50C. First Come* Firsy' Served. 'Our stock is limited and you don't want te miss this Bargain. gh y A, J. DAVE Druguist # ¥ Port Perr. Prayer cu eke Teach me that sixty minutes make 5 on. ihe. 1 ober for ou "house, buildings, barns or : silo 'before buying else- "where. Lowest prices ; quoted on Fruit Baskets and| 'Plant Baskets direct from the factory. Full line of Chestnut, Stove and Pea Coal always on hand at lowest prices, : Wholesale Litter ALER Fruit ; 'Baskets a' Specialty. : Phone 38 po Dr. R. L. Graham ° DENTIST sis "suitg And shall be Pleas: Merchant : 1 A ' 5 - 3 7

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