Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 10 Feb 1915, p. 1

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good: of his country ds and of his fof. interest of his life; 50 what d on' the field of honor, hand, his heart and his brain s sourd the wierd nites of "The ig spirit shall light in a 'hundred » Meniiches shun at ro nN : rm Patriotic Notes Every man volunteering from Brighton, and they now number over 50, bas been presented with a wrist watch in token of appreciation, by "| citizens of that villiage. Women's Institutes of North and South Ontarie, each $55.00 "34th Regiment, $200 | Obama Hospital, $600.00 Salvation Army, $10.00 The Committee on Finance and sment brought in the following i mendtion: our ' Committee have carefully dered the question of the assess- nt made in 1914 'under By-Law _ ting prescribed fof offices aid non: |. _ "devise a means of remedying the same land that proceedings be taken by the : "Council to remedy the irregularity " : ' | Attention was called to the fact that appointed as a Board of audit for Cr the bridge on the boundary line be- | Justic Accounts, : tween the County of Ontario and the A By-Law was. passed 10 create a County of Victoria in the Village of Patriotic Fund of $15,000 to beraised Seagrave is in a dangerous condition, in five equal annual installments. The | 5nd the Clerk was instructed to write Senior: Judge of the County, the: War- to the Council of the County of Vic: the Clerk, the Chairman: of the! oria to arrange for a joint meeting of Finance Committee, and the Officer | the commissioners from the two said commanding the 34th Regiment, to| Counties to settle the question be- take control and to be called the tween the two Counties. ~The money. is. to bel Two thousand five - hundred dollars will be contributed 'by the Countylas they enter the grounds at night lab 'toward the erection of a bridge aver | the' Black River at the Junction of t. John's Creek. 4 The following rope: were ; : ! made to Agricultural Fairs of Ontario aE Blin pte Hydro By-Law Again Up. North Ontario Times Lode 'may now be certain that the rate payers of the township of- Uxbridge will be given. the opportunity within a-comparatively short time to vote' on ; s scheme of Hydro- iehdls Shaitman, of the 000 Sonya people 'have contributed $91.50 for patriotic purposes. '000 Victoria. County Orangemen have donated $146.30 to be disbursed as may be required ameng the soldiers of 45th Regiment at Lindsay 000 The Militia department has an- "PORT, PERRY BRANCH MR Mrs: David Archer, Port Perry, Ont. Madam: Mr. Rochereau de la Sabliere;. Belgian Consul in Toronto, has to- day handed us a certaiu sum of money: collected by himself in Toronto and [ surroundings, and he has called ous attention particularly 'to the special ! manner which you have devoted your- self to our Releif Work in your Town, We are exceedingly gratetul to you for your splendid help, and we beg to: i thank you very heartily for your devo- | tion, and kind interest you take in de: vastated Belgium. Kindly thank in our name, any of nounced that a qualified instructer [the generous contributors who were from the Provincial School of Infantry | kind enough to assist you in. your will be sent to Oshawa to instruct the! noble work enough for which we, are men who care to take the course. He will also go to Whitby for two evenings a week if a sufficent numbei of men are anxious to take the train commissioned officers. The course will last for six weeks and the men are under no expense, and no ooligation to serve in the militia overseas. 000 filled with admiration. Yours faithfully, H. Prird-Homme The Honorary Treasurer. Reach Council Met on Monday the 8th inst. members present. Mr. Wm. McDonald, the All new "| councillor, "elected by acclamation, The Orillia Town Council passedfa resolution authorizing the payment of! $10 each to the members 'of the 3rd Contingent. £ 000 A story is going the rounds which shows one impression. which the Canadian Soldiers have left in Eng- land. A sentry pacing his beat before the barracks is challenging all comers Hearing footsteps he says: "Halt! Who goes there?" 'Coldstream Guards" is the reply. "Pass Coldstream Gaurd, subscribed to the declaration of qual- ification, and took his seat. Communications--From the Good Roads Association, giving date of an- nual convention. From Hydro-Elec~ tric Radial Union, re meeting to be held in Toronto this month. From National Sanitarium, and the Salva- tion Army soliciiing donations. From A. J. Doticette, re excess of statute or. From E. J. Hillson re wire, fence. Also circulars re bridges and road machinery. all's well." Again come footsteps and| The Auditors' Report was read, and again the challenge "Halt! Who goes | after careful checking over by Coun- there?" "Gordon Highlanders" "Pass, |Cil 1n committe of the whole, the Gordon Highlanders, all's well" Once | Report was accepted without amend- more steps are heard, and once more the challenge is given "Halt! Who goes there?" " None of your business' is the reply. 'Pass Canadians, All's well" 000: According to our most recent in- formation there are, in the lst con: tingent from Toronto University, be- sides the memders of the staff, 134 grad ates and 86 undergraduates, and of these 187 are officers. and 83 pri~| May Specialty Co.. $3.95 for mapsto i uates. The chief electrician and several of the laboratory assistants are also on service, and their places are being kept for them. In the 2nd. contingent Professor de Champ, and Messrs. "| Balbaud andl Bibet of the Départment | x of French in University College have serving with the French Army eons biic 3 we have the names of b ates and 63 ndergradiates] ment. Upon motion of Mr. Goode, the Clerk was instructed to have 200 copies of said report printed for dis- tribution, On motion of Mr. Weir, the sum of $14.50 was allowed the collector, as sums not to be collected on the 1914 roll, ACCOUNTS PASSED A. J. Doucette, $3.00, excess of stat- ute labor, 1914. Township. Theo. Fitchett, 84,00, temporary aid. W. H. McCaw, $3.55, suppliesi: Mrs. Reese, $5.0, temporary aid Win, Midgley, $2.00, putting in cul~ vert. Hospital for Consumptives, $10.00, donation. C. Asling and J. w. Crozier, $26.00, auditing. 'Thos. Spencer, $17. rods wire fence. |S. McCully, $4.00, gravel AC. Tennyson, $100.00, Salary as ; bonus ¢ on 70 &

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