Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 10 Feb 1915, p. 8

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Manufacfurer of and Dealer in all kinds of PUMPS Drilled Wells Wells Dug, Cleaned and Repaired Windmills, Hydraulic Pumps, Rams, and all kinds of water supply apparatus installed. All orders promptly attended to , Phone at my expense Bell Phone No. 47 (Gasoline Engines for Sale Can be seen on the premises at any time. Chas. M. Dean New Fruit at FORMAN"S NEW RAISINS, very fine = 10c 1b. NEW SEEDLESS RAISINS full 1b, 2 1bs. for 2bc SEEDED RAISINS, Griffin Brand, 2 for 25c BEAUTIFUL NEW CURRANTS per'lb. I0c NEW DATES per 1b. 10c NEW FIGS per 1b. 7c LEMOM and ORANGE PEEL, per 1b. 20c NEW SHELLED ALMONDS; per 1b. 50c | NEW SHELLED WALNUTS SOFT ICING SUGAR per Ib. 10c Best Granulated Sugar 13 1bs. $1.00 Yellow Sugar 15 ibs. $1.00 3 for 25¢ 6 1bs for 25c " Extra Fine Grape Fruit Spanish Onions Pure Spices of all kinds Molasses, Cooking Syrups, Syrup, T. C. Forman & Son Table rl EE EEE ERE Announces his removal 10 his new an¢ handsomely appointed Optical Parlors in the new Dominion Bank Building, 70 Yonge St. cor. King, Toronto tT IER in ONE SCHOOL THAT MERITS { the CONFIDENCE of the Jublich because of its high grade worl men ai Et WOE | to become SKILFUL AND EXPERT Stenographers, Typists, Bookkeepers, Commercial teachers Clerks, Cashiers, or general office Asssist- ants in from four to six months, and assist them to get positions. feu all year, Enter Now. Ealogue FRE We train JORRES W.J.ELLIOTT PRINOIPAL Cotner Yonge and Charles Streets TORONTO GEMENT WORK Let me provide estimates for building your walls with hol- "low cement blocks; or shaped blocks for silos; cement curbs for wells. Wells dug, cleaned and re- paired: Address WM. PARRY, Port Perry P. O. Ont. Phone 108 r 3 CHURCHES AND FRATERNAL SOCIETIES NOTE--Notices, not exceeding six lines, of Church or Society events will be inserted free of charge, if the copy is handed in on Monday of 'the week in which it is expected to appear All lines over SIX must be paid for at the rate of four cents per line each. insertion. . METHODIST ' Rev, R. Bamforth, B.A., Pastor Sunday Services 11.00: 'a.m and 7.00 p.m. Afternoon, Sunday Schooland Bible: Class, All Welcome. PRESBYTERIAN Rey Mr. West, M.A,, Pastor ~ Sunday Services 11.00 a.m, and 7.00 p.m ANGLICAN ~ Rev. C. P. Muirhead, Rector. SERVICES 1st and Bed Sunday at 11.00 am.' 2nd and 4th Sunday at 7.00 p.m. If there are five Shndays in the month | service will be held at 11.00 on the Sth} - Sunday. © BAPTISY Rev. I. Ford, Pastor. + S.OEBS. 35 If Mr. Bruin wads' 'an vert | winter quarters, he would mistake, and beat a retreat ; her aunt Miss E. Gardner antl E5. Bethel Arthur Sleep had the 'pleasure of a visit from' quite a number of young people a week ago Saturday night, They came in to enjoy the evening with Mansell who' has 'been ill for some weeks past' and 1s now able to be back at school, [While the visitors were present they| oo took advantage of the occasion to present Mr. John Mark 'with a fine teacher's Bible in recognition of his service as teacher of the Young Men's Bible Class of Bethel Sunday: School, A committee has been 'appointed to getup a concert to raise funds for a new organ for the Sunday School. Of the date, and further particulars' i will receive word Jar, i Ee Unbridge E. Lloyd Jones, who has been in}: the real estate business for the past few years and recently carrying on op- erations in the neighborhood of Elm: | vale, was charged before Magistrate) Hamilton of Uxbridge, by Wilber: St. John of Victoria Corners, on Saturday last, with having obtain: m ney un: der false pretences. He wag remand? ed for one week and will come up, for preliminary hearing in Uxbridge on Friday, February 5th.--Times. 3 Nestleton "A rally of the Sabbath School of : . Li] States. Mesdames Briggs, Warren. 1 and in response & . great good serviceable clothing was sent iim. After having packed the goods. 'the ladies spent a pleasant social hour iin Mrs: Warren had provided, Manchester We are pleased to report that Mrs.C | Thompson has recoverd from 'her ill- from Toronto Hospital, We are glad to say heisdoing nicely after an opei- ation for appendicitis. is Arthur Grey is laid up with the Mr. H. O, Dobson, bas gone to the city for a few day's. 'The Rev. J. W, 'Fotten has decided to hold service in this church: next Sunday evening at 7. 04. The subject is One Hundred years of peace be- tween this country," and the United Conference Lining will be taken up the same evening. i ination day passed off very quietly last Thursday, not a very large 'crowd. Six canuidates were nominated to fill the vacancy caused vy the resigs nation of Mr. Phoenix, all withdrew in favour of Mr. McDonald, Sainifield who was declared elected. : The Manchester Hockey team had a busy time last week, On' Thursday the Greenbank boys came down, and a fast clean game of hockey was played. Score 4 to | in favour of the home team, On Friday the Myrtle 'team came along, and our boy's: got "Ithe best of the play, and got away Jwith the game by a 4 to l score. Then the Bethesda puck chasers came on | Saturday, and when time was called "the score was 6to 1 in favour of our boy's. They will be glad to arrange a Cartwright will be hel i in the Presby-{# Jrame with-any countey; team; terian - Church here 'on Thursday, | sos February 11, at 7.30 p.m. = The' o jectis 10 put into force the prin of the Ontatio 8. ¢ 8. Association, E. The Fifth Anniversary services of ! Nestleton Station Presbyterian chiirc | will be held on Sunday, and Morglay, ; February 21 and 22 Services: be conducted at 11 am, mind: 7 The Blackstock choir will sing. Monday evening a ChoiceTea me: and entertainment "will be piven 'local and thet ; lent. ciples] : v rr Mt 1 Sete. i I. Citas, 'spent Sunday in the. city th his sister 4 are. § making candy and other treats which BF Mr. Walter Wesson, has returned i Mr, and Mrs. More onguinl Stock 'Notes The pure-bred Stock. Associations : met in Toronto last week. Mr. R.M| § Holtby, Mr. R. W. Walker, Mr. Wi Somerville, and Mr. Stanley Croxall |! and wife, all of Reach Township at-| tended the annual banquet. and an-| nual meetiug of the Holstein: Friesian | Association. Several excéllent speakers 'were present including Prof. 'Deda, | J N. W. Rowell, M. P. P,, E Michener| ; M, P of Alberta. : 20000007 Some time ago Mr: R. W. Walker ef of Manchester, purchased the: young | Holstein * bull "Pontiac Hengerveld |. Pietertje," from A. D. Foster, Bloom-| field, Ont., to head his herd. Later | the opportunity offered and he bought a half interest in the aged bull "King| Segis Pontiac Duplicate." These are he both high blooded animals, and. both |] bulls were not needed for the one] herd, so a half interest in 'the young and Croxall Bros. Mr. Walker and his sons are doing well with their Holstein herd, Only a a few. years ago Holsl ins w Lull was sold to Mr Stanley: Cromall S

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