ad ¥ his body. ; of Hp at the time. of writing rs. Thos, Hope has been very ill Hy some time but has improved some} Mrs. O. Byer spent a copie of |. "days last. week with relatives near Pickering. , Patriotic Carnival Friday Feb. 26. Don't miss it. Mr, Fred Vipond has moved into "one of Mr. W, Mills houses on Lilla, geet. Mr. 'W. A. Boyce has bought a butcher business in Caledon East, Ontario, and is moving there at once, We wish Mr. Boyce prosperity in his}. new venture, Mr. Gordon Ingram has sufficiently recovered from his illness to be able to be about again, although he has not as yet returned to his duties at the bank, Patnotic Carnival Friday, Febs 26. Don't miss it. , Mrs. Wesley Hadley, Whitby, has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Brimble. That areoplane raid may have been « joke, but it was quite near enough the real thing to suit us. Mr. Will, Ingram is travelling: on crutches, but hopes to be 'as smart on his feet as ever in a few weeks. He has done remarkably well in recover- ing as rapidly as he has done from so * serious an injury. A Patriotic Carnival The Woman's Patriotic Association wil 'wive a Carnival at the Cental Skaiug Rink on Friday night of next week, Feb. 26. Every indication points to. a splendid affair which every eitizen will wish to see. Particulars as to prizes, etc., will appear in the STAR next week. Remember the date and 'don't miss the greatest ice event]. "of: 'the season, Patriotic Notes Pickering Township has raised over $2000 for Belgian Relief and other Howard Butt--Clown. . Miss Una Spence--England ~ Miss Bowerman Ghost. = © Miss Joan Bowerman,and Layton, McGregor-- Italian, and Monkey, © Miss Verna Davidson--The Pink Lady. - George Primrose. Viinstrel Nurse! 0 Orville Collacutt--Santa Claus, Misses Norma, and = Dorothy Orchard,--Susters of Charity. » Miss Bartlett--St. Valentine Miss Grace Collacutt--Sunbeam. Clarence. McKinnon--Miss Sylvia Pankhurst Suffragette. Several . re- marked this was a very good get up Wellesley McCabe ~ Tramp. Harold Wakeford--Tramp. James Boe--Tramp: Stanley Plowman--Tramp Cy. Switzer-- Tramp. Jack Collacutt--Tramp R. Peel--Tramp Two Ladies of 1860 The Best Fancy Skater (Lady) was Miss Margaret Corrin. The Best Fancy Skater (Gentleman) was D. McTaggert. The Best Fancy Skaters(Couple)| were Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Palmer. The Mile race was Won by D. McTaggent. Shedd mile race was won by Guy Raines. Ty The Rabbitt chase was won by Randolph Switzer. The rabbit chasé™provided some fun, but the real "cottontail" was killed by a cat just before thé carnival The management are to be congratu- lated upon the success of their efforts, which the skaters of Port Perry are 'thoroughly appreciating. RS : of Peterborough will | Mission. There will be Miss Ruth: Marlow -Red Cross] ] Farther iaformation Mission, will Le given, : sonage, on Saturday, February 6th, 1915, by Rey. B. J. Greatrix, Miss idson, both of Raglan, Couto 3 High School Examinations The examination results for the last term are-as follows: Class 1. contains the names of those who have obtained honors. Class 2. Those 'who have obtained the marks necessary for promotion. Class 3. Those who have the marks required for promotion but have failed in one or mo.¢ subjects Class 4. Those whose. average'is be- tween 40 and 60. Class" 5. Those |, {below 40. (The names are arranged in order of merit.) Detailed reports have been sent out to the parents that they may Le examined, signed and returned. Foret FCs Bionk Hedman Worden Sonley, . Evelyn Stewart McTagget, 0, Slee Class 3. Laura Mark, William Howard, 'Clarence Stainton, Ruth! « Marlow, Eva McDermott; 'Rhoda Stevenson, Leslie ' Berry, Ivan Bowerman. Class 4. Stuart Rodman |: Lorna Dure, Blanch Frise, Douglas Lucas, Edward Jackson, Orma Hyland Elda Christie, Mae Bruce, Hazel Mark, Arthur Jeffrey, Lester | At the Simeoe st, Methodist 'par- ; Matilda Prescott, to Mr. James Day. : All Lines Reduced | We are going 10 specialize on} $12.00 to $15.00] And shallibe pleased to have| - for Compare' valtes. on: any- Me? thing offered in' these lines Remember we leave outlets Bho and pieces for repairing W. H. DOUBT Merchant : Tailor Disc: Rr "They i a Patriotic Carnival Friday, Feb. 26. Ronald Peel, Arthur Stantg Don't miss it. Alexander Johns, 'Murray Clark . Stam Class 5. Gilbert Gibson, Statiley Whitfield-McGlynn Piano Turino Plowmau, -Howard = Butt, Herman' A quiet church wedding took place : > Midgley, Winifred Ford, "t ; on Tuesday, February 15th, in the| Joseph Goldring is prepared to tune Sleep, R. C. Church, when Miss Mary Ellen | pianos and organs. He will be in| Form. Class 2. Grace Burnett McGlynn was united in marriage to [town every two weeks. Orders- may | George Howsam, Wilmott Cragg. Mr. John Francis Whitfield, both of|be left at Star Office or with: Dr. Class 3. Elsie Rose. Class 4. A : Part Perry. The ceremony was per-| Berry. 724] Michie, Morley Honey, 'Leor formed by Rev. Father Cantillon, Henry, Mildred "Somerville, Roya parish priest. RUPTURE EXPERT HERE Brawo, Alma McLaughlin, Jessie : Mr. Jos: McGlynn was 'best man, 'Johns, Margaret. Johns, G while Miss Mollie Roch was brides- | Se" Who Fitted Caar of Russia | Munroe, Donald McTaggert, Clid aid. Among those present were: Called to Toronto. * s Short, Mildred Jackson, fen' Mis. W. H. Keller, Mrs, Stewart, F. H. Seeley' of Chicago and Phila- Cryderman, Muzray Watso tags |) Miss Magurite Keller, all of Toronfo | delphia, the noted truss expert,' will | 5. Smith Ferguson, Maprienne Short 2 be at the King Edward Hotel and Jessie Tocher.. will remain in "Toront A very pleasent At-Home took place in the Odd Fellows Hall, on Monday evening, when the membess | ¢ of Warriner Lodge, 1.0.0. F No: 75, entertained a large number of {1 friends. The program consisted of 'numbers | co 0; Mrs. D. Archer, Miss Dhel inj 'Hurris, Or Begin [Sinings of the. Divisian Sas --=UP--- on the Market to-day, x \ counTy oF ONTARIO ; The name. Columbia stands to-day for the best _|market. And that in every detail. In a Colu you have the best record it is possible. to get at You have the finest recording, years ahead of | have many of the biggest und best artists | them exclusive. And in Columbia you he ve Seria ill anf: ingly WEAR TWICE AS LON matter what yqu pay. of superiority that have made Columbia s best records made and the biggest vaiue (only: r records dare make such specific claims, beg cords can prove them, $ Records 9. fori, © lass 4. Solon Bom, Me Switzer, Hest Ya