Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 24 Feb 1915, p. 2

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ud rts' in Althoigh 'many of the finest works art 4 A honanoRied Pats CM Wednosray 'when workmen began |lections. ing" heavy wire métting over | have taken the precautions; many of the palace occupied aslof the priceless objects jo the ¥ : b part; of i st already been removed leries here -before the air| T a he attack was a signal for a| attention was attracted on|more thorough paring down of col- Not only art museums Shak ps bial quarters by the : oval toria and Albert and' : family, This netting F00D SUPPLIES EXHAUSTED aced on |seums have been stored away Shops Closed and woot Responsibility of Feeding the People is Thrown on Military Governor A des atch from Copenhagen; BAYS: he German people are more terrified by the possibility of being starved out by England than by the thought of "fin disaster overtaking their forces in' the field. Von Bethmann- -Hollweg's recent utterance that England is: using barbaric methods in attempting to starve seventy million men, women and children has had an effecton the WAR TIME ' SACRIFICES, How the President of the C.P.R. Looks at It. The readiness of all to-go deep in the pocket, so that Canada would act worthily her part in helping the British Empire and her Allies in the présent war, was expressed by Sir Thomas Shaughnessy ' to 'a news: aper representative, who spoke to im about the taxes imposed on railways, steamships, telegrams. "The individual, the communit the nation, fully understand that in war time sacrifices have to be made,' said Bir Thomas. "These they are willing to undertake; as they are necessary for the integrity of the Empire. At the same time, they will accept the extra burdens with the better grace if "they abe well convinced that proper caution cables and 7 see. He has frightened the people, has focussed the nation's thought on the food peril, and by repeatedly accentuating it he has drawn the people's attention from the military aspect. The terrible crisis of star- vation, laughed at a few months ago, is now not far from being a real thing in some of the country districts in a om the | diets Br A a in the administration of public af- fairs, and specially of those spe- cial public affairs relating to our share in aidin ing the Mother Country. With such adequate caution and prudence, there would be nothing to regret, afterwards, "It 1s the duty of all of us, indivi- duals and corporations, to bear our share of the extra burdens, which must necessarily be imposed af this time of stress. If these are wisely and prudently disbursed, so as to obtain the best and most efficacions results, as respects the public ser- vice, there will be no occasion $o complain ; and all these special bur- dens will be borne, I haye no doubt, with cheerfulness' by our people, who are ready to do their utmost to aid io the defence of the empire." I KEEP BRASS FROM ENEMY. and economy are 'exorcised in the | disbursement of the extr. taxes and the administration of affairs which accompany such disbursement. 'One cannot gauge the amount of trouble involved in the process of realizing these special 'taxes' by stamps or 'otherwise, but all are willing in such 'a time as the pre- sent, to do their full duty; to put up with any trouble; and to endure sacrifices. They will' the more readily consent. to" all this if they have the satisfied feeling that all roper. caution and economy have een employed by those in authority A GERMAN AIRSHIP LOST: Four-Members of Zeppelin's Crew Were Drowned | French to Take Bu Buttons OR Coats Sent to Prisoners in Germany. A despatch from Paris says: An official notice, just issued, warns the public that in sending clothing to] ¥f French prisoners in Germany' aly 2 buttons, especially brass ones, must be cut off. Orders have been issued that hereafter all soldiers of France shall receive half a litre of wine each day. This order follows the announcement that there is double the 'quantity of wine on hand that was believed in storage. -and Eleven Rescued 'A despatch from Copenhagen anys Confirmation has been re- there that a sedond German rohin has been. wrecked' off the ooast of Jutland, The Zeppelin 'L-3 exploded on Fanoe, Island Wednes- day. and another Zeppelin. com- manded by Captain Gount Platen, sank to the shallow éoastal water ten miles north of Esbjerg, Jutland, on Tharsday.. Four of the crew Nore Jrowned, but he « others Dan 4 t ashore me of them were ore sutlor ering from. broken legs and SEVERAL CASES OF MENINGITIS fr / other injuries. In all, three oficere | tor, and eight men escaped. Count Pla- | onds ten had both of his legs broken. The | $ airship drifted to sea. e survivors say that they were | on patrol duty over the North Sea when the weight of snow on the en- velope cased the airship to sink to the ER arince of the water. It is understood that at the time of the accident the whole Zeppelin} 3 is fleet was patrolling the No gC outeide. in No . 2 being in command. sease Not Taken to Eagland by Canadians, But 'do., 26 Danish waters, Zeppe- $168 1.4 1s : HH ie a aré' clos Germany. forever. » meronTy (Som THE LEADING wad NTRES OF AMERICA, _ Breadstuffs. '23. ~Flour--Man 0 . cent, patents, $6.60 to 96.70, Wheat--Manitoba Jo. 1 Northe: SL No. 2 at $1.64, wt $1.61, heat, No. 2, $1.56 ~ Sein at points. arte Ontario, to _65c, oltside, and at 61 to 666. on triok, Toronto W ants ada, No 0. 2, noted ay T2136, ang . 3 at Barler--Gdth malting eaten 85 to 870, Bre 81 18 fo. 8 22, outa 3 Pong t $1.90 to i outaids. Do. Sa ioaxi, 84, all rail, Toronto preieht. Buckwheat--No. 2 at 85 to 88¢, outside. an and shorts--Bran, $26 to $28 a ton, ort at $30. «Boiled od obser lots, per bag of 9% Ibe, Country Produce. Butter--Choice dairy, 25 to 260; inferior, 20 to 2lc Prints, 32 to 35 1:86} , 30 to 3lo; farmers' 'separator, to 27e. Fege--New1aid, in. cantons," » to 3c; peleats, 28 to Hoc storage, 2 to Beans pe 31% to oo ee Heip to sl 10 for hand-picked, Honey--60-1b. tina sell at 12 1-2, and 10- 1b. Jie al 130. No. 1 combs, $3 per dozen, Poult; * ioken ens, 13 ducks, dressed, 14 Seen towl, 10 to _ tio; 6, 14 to tie' is. dressed, 19 (Jhsses-- oese--17 34 to 180 for large, and EA oe coma cl ntarios, ul of siote, 00 To enn iow. Br a car lots, 65 per bag. to 180; Baled Hay and Straw, Dealers «re paying ma follows for car lot deliveries oh Seaol gnu Straw is! here. Hay--No. 1 new hay is quoted at $17.50 ae (Nol At 2 at $16.50 to $16; and No. -------- Provisions. Bacon--Long clear; 13 1-2 to 1 ver 1h, + in case lots. ' Hams--Medium, 1 to ie ., heavy, 141-2 10 15c; rolls, 14 to 14 1:9 18 to 120} backs, 20° to 20 tub, 1134 to 1%; pound, n tubs, ae 10°to be Tho. in Winnipeg Grain. . Winnipeg, eh, 4. --Canli-Wheat--No. 1 Northern, © $1.55 14; No, Northern, 1% 54; No. 3 Ry hen. ate »! 3 0.9, LA% 0. --No. 2 C.W., 66 140; No. & 1 : sed. 68 1 62. 1-40. Bagl No. 4, 760; x , Too; deed, " fran No I NWO fo of hy Montreal Markets, Montreal, Feb. 23.~Corn, Ametioan N | dua ote, New Brunswioks. | A 9040 W508 ton; nf" Zeppelin ther, pas 6, th In jute, bags; second. gst nation the Chancellor did not fore- four A despatch from "London : 'England's naval experts fear mines far more than ei 8, and it is believed that German -layers, flying neutral flags and | fishing vessels are strewing mines, although there is mo absolute con- day, firmation for this, Germany's "reply to America heightens the belief that trouble between thestwo countries is Jikely, although it is admitted that the ac tual destruction of ' an American ship may be needed to: bring Amer- ica to the point of a declaration of War, Tarpedoed, But Neither of Them Sank. steamer are the victims of Po man. "'blockade" since its formal inauguration at midnight. Thirre- An official statement sioied by| the Admiralty Friday 'night. 'says| the Norwegian tank steamer Bel- ridge was struck by 8 torpedo fired by a Gorgas: submarine near Folk- stone. Pieces of the "orpedo, it is assested, have been found on the It is not considered that Ger: | b many's response is a a Sstactery 4 answer to Amerionn ; demands BSSUrances regai American Ey i lives. Teh gestion of a convoy is ood for| the reason that neither Germany nor the convoying warships can | tain safety from floating mines for merican merchant steamers, In fact, the convoys themselves 'would be imperilled, for under no circum- stances could the 'Germans furnish guides through the mined areas. 'Germany intends carrying on her threatened blockade by combined and submarine action. Great airship activity continues in the North Sea. Emperor William, with his bro- Admiral ' Prince Henry of ;| Prussia, and Admiral von Tirpitz, | thé Minister of the Navy, and their tive staffs, left Berlin for Wang ote: Heligoland, and other naval stations, to direct the atamgements for blockading Eng- Tt is reported that the. Germans | ve Built 1 120 big mine-laying sub- marines during the last six months, each with a carrying capacity of r one huhdred mines. i i IRL'S PAIR 0 OF MITTENS. Rite, Story That Many" Another Might Equallx Tell. Ottawa, Feb. 17. ~The. tale of a hills pair of mittens knitted by a pair of but eager hands is told in a o etter received here from the battle: "I front in itted France. The mittens were | Elaine Forcads, & a littl by RO Canadian irl in Snirent | 0 sent them to So Maj 'Major-Gensr. | Ho Hasta, ith the request that ergy . need- United States Markets, ab. 35.--Wheat--No. 1 { Norah hes 014 Aes Ho Hughes gave t to General Legranne of the Fre; they be sent to some one ed them in the trenches at - the front. The address of the, r however, not given. Ceners he mittens to Captain Dumont, who in turn sent i to | Many army. A letter received: o Hughes states that the tens to "lg toa French soldi ey have probably saved hi bands! 7 occasions fry : £ " ab « Ad mitally: flo' was landed safely, the captain and. a picked /detachment Temaining 'on board" to 'make re- A despatch to Lloyd's from Dover reports that the steamer Belridge is now anchored in the Downs; and that arrangements are being made for her to proceed to Thames Ha | ven convoyed by a tug. 'he French ship Dinorah, from Havre for Dunkirk, likewise sur- vived her experience. She was 16 miles off Dieppe early Friday n an explosion lifted ber stern out'of the water and stove in a plate on the port side below the water line. Word of the Dinorah's predica- ment was taken to Dieppe by fish- ing boats, and tugs came to her as- stance, towing her safely to port, here her cargo will be discharged. A German submarine was reported off Cape Ailly, France, several days ago. The attack on the Dinorah was the direct cause of an order sus- pendin si daily steam service be- ween ieppe' and England. It is believed that a number of hostile submarines are now in Channel wa- ters and that unusual should be taken. The 'to' have' 16° is re- tried to sink the Dinorah. A death from: Povcosiad ays: The Ministry of Commerce and In- dustry is under the belief that quan- i foodstuffs are reaching Ger- rom Russia through Finland : and Sweden. The attention, of the flicials has been called to unusual | shipments which Brhae been made for Pp! | some po en! have T6- been the one that |; Ean The 'reply Sates, However the British Government has no in- tention of advising Werchant ship- ping to use foreign flags as a gen- eral practice 'or to resort to i except for the purpose ef' 'escapil capture or destruction. Tt declar also that if the obli < and search is not en neutral ships are sunk with gard to the dictates of interns al law and humanity, the onus. such action will rest upon the ernment ordering that such obj} gation should be disregarded. 7 If this obligation upon 'a belli gerent warship is says; the hoisting of 'a eae] aboard a British ship cannot, bly 'endanger neutral shippi He hh Kingston Soldier 1s Wit. liam Peppiatt, A despatch from Kin ston & As Bugler William Poopiatt, Sy of Bergt.-Major Povpiath, R.CHA., Sr oeautions will 'be th bist to tie' aeition. quiry has. revealed that Bw commission merch ts from the Finns in most cases sent_houses in Hamburg. traordinary demand r th rouble, in coin or i den and Denmark in an inquiry being Ministry, a ody met, the note © ™

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