Austrian : Government A despatch trom New York says: Dr. Charles MacDonald, U.8.A., "head of the American Red Cross Hospital at Budapest since early in Beptember, on his arrival on the steamship America, said he had found it necessary to ask the Coun- tess © Szechenyi, who =~ was Miss Gladys Vanderbilt, the Countess Zigray and Countess Zichy to leave the hospital. Countess Zigray is a daughter of the late Marcus Daly, and the Countess Zichy. was Miss Mabel = Wright, of Boston. Dr. PRICES OF FARM PRODUCTS REPORTS FROM THE LEADING TRADE CENTRES OF AMERICA. Broadstuffs. Toronto, March -- 29.--Flour--Manitobe firet patents quoted at $7.70, in jute bags; second patents, $7.20; strong bakers', $7. Ontario wheat flour, 90 per cent. pateats, to $6.10, seaboard, and ab ht. . Kortnern quot~ ed at $1.62; No. 2 at $1.60 1-2, and No. 3 at $1.58. Ontario wheat, No. 2 nominal, at $1.42 to $1.45, at outside points. Oate--Ontario quoted at 60 to blo, out side, and at 63 to 64 on track, Toronto. Western Canada, No. 2, quoted at T0c, and No, 3 at 6c. . Barley--The merket {s dull, with offer- inge moderate.' Good malting grades, #0 # IRONS A to _85¢, outside. Rye--The marke: is dull at $1.16 to $1.18, outside Peas--The market is quiet, with No. 1 quoted at $1.90 to $2.05, outside. Oorni--No. 3 new American quoted abt ic, all rail, Toronto freight. Buckwheat--No, 2 quoted at 82 to B83, outside, Bran and shorte--Bran is quoted at $2 a ton and shorts at $28. salad oats--Oar lots, per bag of 90 lbs, Country Produce. Butter--Ohoice dairy, 27 'to 23¢; inferior, 21 to 23¢; Sfegmely prints, 35 to 351-20; do.. solide, 32 to ; farmers' separator, to 28¢c, x 3 Egds~2c per dozen, in case lots. Brann: Sis to 83. for prime, $5.25.10$3730 for hand-picked. Poultry--Chickens, dreesed, 14 to '16¢; ducks, dressed, 13 to 15c; fowl, 11 to 130; turkeys, dressed, 19°to2le, « Cheese--18 1-40 for large, and at 18 1-20 for fi Raia . Pol oea--Ontario, 60 to 650 per bag, ont ofweinve, ahd 450 506 in car lots. New Brunewicks, car lots, 66 to 60c per bag. rani e and SRR Se Provisions. } Badon--Long clear, 13 1:2 to ide in came lates Hams--Medium, 17 to do, heavy, 14 1-2 to 15¢; rolls, 14 to 1 breakfast bacon, 18 to 19¢; backe, 2ic; boneless backs, 230. Lard>~11-12 to*12; compound, 9 3-4 100 in tube, and 10 to 10 1-40 in pails. .».-. Bajed Hay and Straw, Straw ls quoted at $8 to $8.50 a ton In car lots on track here. Hay--No. 1 new hay is guoted at $17 to $18; No. 2 at $15.50 to $16, and No. 3 at $12.50 to $13.50. Montreal Markets. Montreal, March 29.--~Corn, American, No. 2 yelldw, 82 1-8°to 830. Oats, Canadian Western No. 2, 72; No, 3, 68 1-2c; extra No. 1 feed, 68712; No. 2 local 'white, 660; No. 3 local white. 65¢; No. 4 local white, 64. Barley, Man. feed, 80c; malting, 900. Buckwheat, No. § 9. Flour, = Man. Spring wheat patents, firsts, $7.80; aec- onds, $7.30; strong bakers', $7.10; Winter ~ patents, choice, $7.90; straight rollers, $7.40 to $7.50; do. bage, & to $3.60. Rolled oats, barrels, 87 to $7.25; do., bags, 90 1be., $3.40 to $3.50. Bran , Shorts $23. Middlinge, $33 to $34. to $38. Hay, No. 2, per ton oar to 819. Cheese, finest | 17 1%; finest easterns, 16:34 to ilo. I ter, choicest ereamery, 3¢ to 33 1.90; do, seconds, 31 to 311%. Bees, fresh, fi 14 40 23c. Polatoes, per bag, car lots, 47 12 to 500. Dressed hoge, abattoir ki $12.50 to $12.75; dressed hogs, country, $9 to $11.25. Pork, heavy Canada short mees, bble., 35 to 48 pieces, $28; do. Canada short ¢ut back, bbls, 45 to eces, $27.50. Lard, Sompound. Hiarces, 378 1be., 9 1.2; wood pails, Lj 3 A tierces, 375 lbs, 1%c; pure, wobd Satie, 80 /i1bs., net, 1212. Live Stock Markets. Toronto, March 29.--Baster trade cattle, choice, $8 to $8.50; butchers' cattle, choice, o $1.75; do,, good, $6.60 to $7.25; do. .50 to $6.45; do. common, $4.75 1B; butchers' bulls, choice, $6 to $6.75; bulls, 86 to $6.25; do. rough 50 to $4.75; butchers' cows, choice, $5.25 to aso medium, $5.50 to 85 ul $5.75 to do,, common, $4. to $6.80; do. rough bul 25 stockers, 700 to 1,000 1be., 86 to $6.75; ean: ners and sutiere, | $3.76. to $4.40; milkers $90; do., Sommon an $50 to. thet, va sows | jured 1 5 Lectures to Tell Them 900,000 cripples, soldiers who have TIT %|in Berlin, and ordering 1 "to abate More Trained Nurses Needed. . ab cal Bervice izes Anstituted a Cotnsé How to Make a Living distinguished service. "The condi- tions in Austria are beyond .de- scription,"' he eaid, 'cholera and wp oid will sweep down through nation like a prairie fire as spring ceiv and summer come. We re- our wounded directly from | the front, and many were four days on the way. In Budapes there are lost arms or legs. Instead of feed- ing them, the Government has in- stituted a course of lectures to tell how they may learn to make & living." ; ¥ RUSSIANS HOLD PASS OF LUPNOW Encmy Withdraws . Strongest Part ' of His Forces Into Hungary. A despatch from Petrograd says: Air reconnaissances have establish- ed the fact that the Austrians have withdrawn altogether from Lup-| kow Pass in the Carpathians, and the Russians are now in u occupation. There are signs also that the Austro-German armies are availing themselves of the drench- ed mountain roads to draw back into Hungary the strongest column containing the main German force. This is slowly. changing ite position south of Beskidas and Koziome. It is expected that in accordance with' the Budapest-Berlin compact the Magyars and Germans will now prepare a stubborn defensive cam- paign for the plains of Hungary. Large calibre guns have been brought to the Austro-German po- sition at Yuz, where the cannonade is intensifying, with occasional fierce infantry fighting. p The strong Russian. threat inside the border of East Prussia in the direction of Tilsit has had the de- sired effect of hastening Gen. von Eichhorn's retreat from. Suwalki. The shooting of the new German infantry is utterly inadequate. The young prisoners admit that they had 'had no musketry, training un- til they entered their first battle. . The expedition to Memel destroy- ed a depot of contrabrand through which necessaries had been taken into Germany, Documents were seized disclosing the organization. mre 3 RED CROSS ORGANIZER DEAD, Lady Paget Headed British Red ~ Cross in Serbia. = A despatch, from Berlin says: The Serbjan Daily Tribuna an- nounces" the' death of Lady Paget, head "of "the British Red Cross in Serbia, from spotted fever. The Lady Paget referred to is Lady h Paget, daughter of Lady Arthur Paget. Bir Ralph Paget has been the British Minister in ] e for several years. Dur- ing the Balkan war of 1912-13 Lady ph Paget acted &s a nurse in the military hospital at Belgrade, and won the affection of the wounded soldiers to an unusugl de- gree, To "Abate the Evil" Of Signs in English A despatch from Berlin says: The chief of police has issued a notice to all the Berlin precincts calling attention to 'the fact that trade-marks, signs and inscrip- tions in English Russian and French still remain on shop doors at all precincts report not later than April 20 thet saps have been taken : e evil." "Wide circles of the inhabi tants," says the order, "fos] tha thelr patriotic sentiments are in- SH es a K A despatch from London says: In seh Ifo don says; In peror of Austria a decoration for =. the regrettable lack of| Captain E. B. V. Towse, who was inability, the blind captain wil Blind Victoria Cross Hero of Boer War Goes to Front. his heroic work in the Boer War, where he lost his to the front, Unable to take up arms for his country on account of his go to one of the bases of the army in France and there type letters home for awarded the Victoria Cross for his brother soldiers, RUSSIANS HOLD KEY 10 | HUNGARY Rout Austrians From Their Posi- tions in the Passes of the Carpathians. . A despatch from London says: The Russians have inflicted a seri- ous defeat on the Austrians guard- ing the Hungarian outlet of the passes through the Beskid range of the Carpathians, and the Czar's troops once mere are pressing for- ward at the heels of a demoralized enemy in the direction of Bartfeld, a city within 150 miles of Budapest. Nearly 10,000 prisoners were ee- cured by the Russians in the last, two days of a furious battle near the crest of the mountaing, 'and the Austrians are in retreat from the positions where : ed their recent offensive for" the relief of Pe i na + i ra A ad . Tt ig thought heré that some ai Tots oF the Eason HAF Tormad. the besieging. army, of the latter -fort: ress already, have arrived (in:.the Qarpathians and helped to turn the. scele against the Austrians. This fresh Russian force, it is said, could be despatched very quickly to the Uszok Pass as soon as 1t was re- cruiser Emden, who when the cruiser 'was sunk by an Aus- report says that the Aysha ente Padang, Sumatra, on and that the crew raided the Dutch{. telegraph station there and carried off nearly all the stores. 1 Ferdinand Bacher of Chicago, died of heart failure when his alarm olock called him alty of tl thrones ! 'tengely interested in this under: had fo i : pro &3 - TAD 5) ar } ; es oo Sheeh a Tuod | taking, sud we ask avd. new Stecy'Junds on Marsh 14. 'may bring the equipment: to a suo- cesstul issue. i ab «It has been suggested that groups organized for work throughout the province should turn: their organ- izations over Yo University Hospi- tal work for at least some weeks. As sheets, shirts, pillow slips, pyjamas, bed jackets, etc., are needed by thousands, it is hop that some societies may make rs tralian -wasship . in ' the Indian] the Ocean on November 10. The Intent he me UNIVERSITY BASE HOSPITAL. Its Needs Set Forth hy Mrs. MoPhedran. The following letter from Mrs. McPhedran, the convenor of | Sick Fund of the Ontario Red Cross Society, will interest many read- ers of this paper who are en in charitable work or who may be able to-devote a little time to aid- ing in the equipment hospital, which, is being front very ssn by the medical University of Toronto: 7a t 151 Bloor St.- West, Toronto, March 'but heavy woollen socks are ever 'worn by soldiers in the. field. When 1800Y- in wounded are suffici March 1, | ing eyesight, has gone ~ of the base t to the cal fac- ' 25th. Dear Sir,--Will you. grant me the hospitality of your ¢ a féw words regarding supplies for the University of Toronto Base Hospital! We know that there are raduates," men and women; roughout Canada, who are in: umns for | [PIRATI She Was the British No. 4, Let us lation volved tialed, drawn A despatch from London 3 The British Admiralty states that | the German submarine U-29, - recently sank four British steam- ers and one French steamer in the English channel and damaged three | other vessels, has been sunk with all hands. German submarine reported by sunk. Besides these the French warships sank one. was by patrol 'she proved too. elusive for and when steamers tried fo ram or ped, a worthy industry, our patriotism, and our love of humanity. Chile Enters Protest "1 With Beltin and German , A despatch from Santiago, Chile, says: The Chilean Government has protested to Germany against the alleged vio- man cruiser Dresden, The protests are based on the assertion that the Dresden was in ) 'when she was destroyed by Brit warships off Juan Fernandez Is- A French Woman Spy Executed. 'A despatch France, says: Marguerite Schmitt, a French woman sentenced to death as a, spy after being court-mar- the troops of the garrison had been | P® red By her own admission at her trial, A despatch from crowdin Submarine That Torped the English Channel Ships in escape her they found that the sub- vip] was a much faster boat than which | her sister craft. The German com- mander gave the crews of most of ° the steamers time to leave their vessels, and in some cases towed the lifeboats of the ships, with the This makes the sixth|crew, to passing steamers, in the which they were taken to port. It has been stated that the commander - 'of the U-20 was the same officer who early in the war cos the German su the latter sank the Bri! Aboukir, Hogue and Cressy. READ HER NAME, THEN SANK HER Admiralty as having been The submarine boats, but them, is essentially our hospital. then send it out well equip- ression of ouk Weiss 1 JEAN McPHEDRAN, Convenor of Ontario Red Oross| German Pirates Deliberately Sub= * j Society Sock Pima, "marined a Dutch Vessel on iver. io: Beachy Head, ©. A despatch from London says: The. Dutch steamer Medea was sunk off Beachy Head Friday morning by German submarines U-28. She car- ried a cargo of oranges, ahd was bound from Saloni¢a for London. . ° - The Medea was stopped by the submarine and the crew were given fifteen minutes in which to leave the vessel. The did 'so and the submarine then fired seyeral shots at the steamer, which remained afloat for an hour. The crew rowed about in their boats until picked up by a destroyer, which brought Ee : to Dover. bt Be. The trawler Alprechf : ipcked by, 3 svhmgtine - ay. A torpedo pass i feet of the fishing boat while | was crossing the Channel) A' . patrol boat « thes =h ¢ chased og" which, however, we Great Britain and of Ohilean neutrality in- in the sinking of the Ger- Spe Ohilean wate amvte--: toptn from = Luneville, was shot Wednesday after There is, a grave crisis in Hol- up to witness the exeoution. D sXooution. land-German : relations over 'the eased by Peremyars fal. + | RL Sl PS wl ie vomin accepmd 30 franc | 4lrs of he Kafer's Covorumont ake hundred shirts for the m ermans enter 1zure 0 The Emden Refugees Cetiveratty op Hoanitan Sutin the French lines and obtain infor-| Dutch steamers recently. ~ * : Are Still Raiding the Bext month.' Jes, Lash Mil: | mation. me eat e----n ar, the convenor.o. Work Com- en fee De Wet and -His Kebels, A despatoh fi Lond :| mittee, will be glad to from , « The 8; i dvs Ee eaapoutaut of vi | any who are willing to help in this All He Wanted to Know. --; Sr 150s poh ter's Telegram Company says that | Way. i > ; Aunt--Do you know, Bobby, what | mously passed an Ea to news has been. received there con-| May 1 pay a fev. words in regard | candy does to your teeth? the War Tndemnity Bill removi corning fusthes activities of thelle socke es. The impression seems 1| = Bobby--No, auntie; bub I know |¢he death penalty from all partion er sha, which was com- ave ou men Wi : . . . mandeered aad manned by mem-| not require heavy socks during the what; my "teeth do to candy. | pants in the recent rebellion. bers of the crew of the German er. This is a mistake. None| are Registering at Labor Exchanges Throug : England at the Rate of 150,000 a Da